November 2014, no. 366

Welcome to our first issue devoted largely to the Environment. Highlights include Alison Pouliot’s superb photo essay on drought in Australia; and Danielle Clode’s long article ‘Seeing the Wood for the Trees’. Other environmentally inclined contributors include Ian Lowe, Tom Griffiths, and Ruth A. Morgan. Historian Mark McKenna extols the final volume of Alan Atkinson’s The Europeans in Australia. Fiction-wise, Morag Fraser reviews Margaret Atwood’s new stories, Shannon Burns reviews J.M. Coetzee’s Three Stories, and Ruth Starke is intrigued by John Marsden’s first novel for adults. Other contributors include Dennis Altman, Judith Beveridge, and Sheila Fitzpatrick. Peter Carey is our guest on Open Page – and Geordie Williamson is our Critic of the Month.