after the Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination
at midpoint I take a call from work – don’t want to, thoughall jobs are made up anyway and I’m not in today
the first year without Hansie:look at the state we’re in
if two dots tie two lines togetheris meaning made?
things are not important – I will tell you againyou ask me for things, sell me things, I buy the things ... (read more)
Pascalle Burton

Pascalle Burton is a poet and performer with an interest in conceptual art and cultural theory. Her projects include UN/SPOOL (with Nathan Shepherdson), 24 Hour Gym (with Tessa Rose), and performing in the band The Stress of Leisure. Her début collection, About the author is dead, is forthcoming with Cordite Books.
Pascalle Burton
Source text: Sound Pages. John Cage’s publications (2014) edited by Giorgio Maffei and Fabio Carboni ... (read more)
(after The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire)
We had better empty the wine-cups.To-morrow, at bright dawn, the world’s business will entangle us.We brush away our tears,We go – East and West. &nb ... (read more)
(after The New World of Transitioned Media by Gali Einav)
Pascalle Burton ... (read more)
(after Samuel Beckett’s Molloy)
still. but not quite.I drew on the rightof time.
the other way (I have this solution):escape that hazardcirculating always.
before I began(before the hope of circulation)I began better.
during the remaining of my of myof my of my(plus one in my),
I arrive at my mindmy immediate predecessors remainmy turn and turn. turn and turn.
I ran the samebound to chance ... (read more)