The ‘Bastard of Bingil Bay’ features on no banknote or coin, nor is he listed in any roll-call of ‘important Australians’, and yet, if it were not for John Büsst, it is likely that twenty-odd national parks and rainforest reserves on the far north-east coast of Queensland would not be so designated and might in fact have been obliterated. It is also probable that, without Büsst, today’ ... (read more)
Anna Krien

Anna Krien is the author of Act of Grace (Black Inc., 2019), Night Games: Sex, power and sport (Black Inc, 2013) and Into the Woods: The battle for Tasmania’s forests (Black Inc., 2010), and Quarterly Essays, Us and Them: On the importance of animals and The Long Goodbye: Coal, coral and Australia's climate deadlock (Quarterly Essay, 2012 & 2017). She is a regular contributor to The Monthly magazine and The Saturday Paper.