April 2015, no. 370

Welcome to the April issue – our first Film and Television issue. James McNamara (the latest ABR Ian Potter Foundation Fellow) looks at great US shows from The Sopranos to Game of Thrones and asks if this is really the golden age of television. Also in the issue a group of critics and arts professionals choose their favourite drama series – will yours be among them? Bernadette Brennan reviews Kate Grenville’s new book, Ben Saul looks into the treatment of David Hicks, and Tim Colebatch examines Paul Keating’s contested legacy. Then there are reviews by Catriona Menzies-Pike, Judith Armstrong, Brenda Walker, Simon Caterson and Jake Wilson. Our Open Page guest is Kate Grenville.
Full Contents
In the Company of Cowards: Bush, Howard and injustice at Guantanamo by Michael Mori
by Ben Saul