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May 2015, no. 371

May 2015, no. 371

Welcome to the May Issue! Highlights include Sophie Cunningham's 2015 Calibre Prize-winning essay 'Staying with the trouble', and the Peter Porter Poetry Prize shortlist. Also, we ask critics and editors what would most improve Australian critical culture, Scott McCulloch visits Tehran, Sheila Fitzpatrick delves into Ramona Koval's memoir, Stephen Edgar reviews Les Murray's new poetry collection, and Ruth A. Morgan reviews a new book on Gunns. Plus Chris Flynn on Steve Toltz' new novel Quicksand, Doug Wallen on a live performance by Paul Kelly, Bernadette Brennan on Helen Garner's 1984 novella The Children's Bach, Luke Slattery on David Malouf’s Being There, and David McCooey is our Poet of the Month.


Full Contents

Peter Porter Poetry Prize

2015 Porter Prize Shortlist

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