ABR Index 2024
NB: this index includes material published in the print magazine and online in 2023
2024 Australian Book Review Index
ADAMSON, Robert (edited by Devin Johnston), Birds and Fish: Life on the Hawkesbury, Upswell, 464/51, Simon West
AKHURST, Graham, Borderland, UWAP, 461/43, Julie Janson
ALIZZI, Arlie, and Penny Craswell, Sam Elkin, Liz Gooch, Dan Jervis-Bardy, Claire Keenan, Wing Kuang, Esther Linder, and Hessom Razavi, Stories That Want To Be Told: The Long Lede anthology, Vintage, 466/34, Theodore Ell
ALLSOP, Sharlene, The Great Undoing, Ultimo Press, 462/39, James Bradley
ANDERSON, Fay, The Holocaust and Australian Journalism: Reporting and reckoning, Palgrave Macmillan, 470/44, Ruth Balint
ANDERSON, Warwick, Spectacles of Waste, Polity, 471/59, Nick Haslam
ARNOTT, Robbie, Dusk, Picador, 469/29, Shannon Burns
ARRINGTON, Lauren, and Matthew Campbell, The Oxford Handbook of W.B. Yeats, Oxford University Press, 466/50, Jeremy George
BAGGOT, Jim and John L. Heilbron, Quantum Drama: From the Bohr-Einstein debate to the riddle of entanglement, OUP, 464/18, Robyn Arianrhod
BAKER, Mark Raphael, A Season of Death: A memoir, Melbourne University Press, 471/10, Kate McFadyen
BEARD, Mary, Emperor of Rome: Ruling the ancient Roman world, Profile Books, 462/52, Miles Pattenden
BEECHER, Eric, The Men Who Killed the New: The inside story of how media moguls abused their power, manipulated the truth and distorted democracy, Scribner, 469/13, Bridget Griffen-Foley
BENTON, Lauren, They Called It Peace: Worlds of imperial violence, Princeton University Press, 468/53, Jeremy Martens
BERESFORD, Quentin, Rogue Corporations: Inside Australia’s biggest business, NewSouth, 463/39, Stuart Kells
BETIGERI, Aarti, Growing up Indian in Australia, Black Inc., 468/56, Claudia Hyles
BEVERIDGE, Judith, Tintinnabulum: New poems, Giramondo, 467/60, David McCooey
BIRCH, Tony, On Kim Scott: Writers on writers, Black Inc., 464/15, Tony Hughes-d’Aeth
BISHOP, Judith, Circadia, University of Queensland Press, 466/47, Anders Villani
BLAIN, Georgia, We All Lived in Bondi Then, Scribe, 463/32, Anthony Lynch
BLAINE, Lech, Australian Gospel: A family saga, Black Inc., 471/13, Michael Winkler
BLAINE, Lech, Bad Cop: Peter Dutton’s strongman politics (Quarterly Essay 93), Black Inc., 464/11, Patrick Mullins
BLOCH, Sidney and Nick Haslam, Troubled Minds: Understanding and treating mental illness, Scribe, 464/53, Jennifer Harrison
BORNSTEIN, Josh, Working for the Brand: How corporations are destroying free speech, Scribe, 470/26, Kieran Pender
BOUCHER, Leigh, and Michelle Arrow, Barbara Baird, Robert Reynolds, Personal Politics: Sexuality, gender and the remaking of citizenship in Australia, Monash University Publishing, 467/12, Zora Simic
BOYLE, Rebecca, Our Moon: A human history, Sceptre, 463/48, Robyn Arianrhod
BRADLEY, James, Deep Water: The world in the ocean, Hamish Hamilton, 464/16, Felicity Plunkett
BRENNAN, Frank, Lessons from Our Failure to Build a Constitutional Bridge in the 2023 Referendum, Connor Court Publishing, 468/14, Dominic Kelly
BROOKS, David, The Other Side of Daylight: New and selected poems, UQP, 464/46, John Hawke
BROWN, Amy, My Brilliant Sister, Scribner, 462/40, Suzanne Falkiner
BROWN, Craig, A Voyage Around the Queen, Fourth Estate, 470/55, Frances Wilson
BROWNING, Gary, Iris Murdoch and the Political, Oxford University Press, 470/58, Gillian Dooley
BRUMBY, John, HAMILTON, Scott and KELLS, Stuart, A Better Australia: Politics, public policy and how to achieve lasting reform, Melbourne University Press, 470/18, Frank Bongiorno
BRYANT, Nick, The Forever War: America’s unending conflict with itself, Viking, 466/13, Timothy J. Lynch
BYRNE, Paula, Hardy Women: Mothers, sisters, wives, muses, William Collins, 469/47, Tim Dolin
CAREY, Gabrielle, James Joyce, Arden, 461/21, Ronan McDonald
CARR, Gilly and Rachel Pistol, British Internment and the Internment of Britons: Second World War camps, history and heritage, Bloomsbury Academic, 462/54, Seamus Spark
CASTRO, Brian, Chinese Postman, Giramondo, 469/30, Michael Winkler
CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand, War, 467/32, New Directions, David Jack
CHANDRAN, Shankari, Safe Haven, Ultimo Press, 465/29, Patrick Allington
CHAPPELL, Sophie Grace, Trans Figured: On being a transgender person in a cisgender world, Polity, 466/58, Jack Nicholls
CHATER, Lauren, The Beauties, Simon & Schuster, 466/33, A. Frances Johnson
CHILDERS, Christopher, The Penguin Book of Greek and Latin Lyric Verse, Penguin Classics, 470/45, Alastair J.L. Blanshard
CHINNA, Nandi and Anne Poelina, Tossed up by the Beak of a Cormorant, Fremantle Press, 466/45, Robert Wood
CLEARY, Simon, Everything Is Water, University of Queensland Press, 467/14, Danielle Clode
CLIFT, Charmian, The End of the Morning, NewSouth, 464/27, Susan Sheridan
CLINTON, Hillary Rodham, Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections of life, love, and liberty, Simon & Schuster, 471/50, Allan Behm
COATES, Donna, Shooting Blanks at the Anzac Legend: Australia women’s war fiction, Sydney University Press, 462/30, Sue Kossew
COLE, Catherine, Slipstream: On memory and migration, Valley Press, 462/56, Susan Sheridan
COLE, Teju, Tremor, Faber, 463/31, Andrew van der Vlies
COLLINS, Courtney, Bird, 467/28, Hachette, Laura Elizaeth Woollett
CREELY, Amanda, Nameless, UWA Publishing, 466/27, Patrick Allington
CUSK, Rachel, Parade, Faber, 467/27, Faber, Kirsten Tranter
DALRYMPLE, William, The Golden Road: How ancient India transformed the world, Bloomsbury, 469/21, Marike Vicziany
DARLING, Miranda, Thunderhead, Scribe, 463/34, Cassandra Atherton
DARNTON, Robert, The Revolutionary Temper: Paris, 1748-1789, Allen Lane, 464/37, Peter McPhee
DAVENPORT-HINES, Richard, History in the House: Some remarkable dons and the teaching of politics, character and statecraft, William Collins, 468/50, Glyn Davis
DAY, David, Young Hawke: The making of a larrakin, HarperCollins, 468/12, Patrick Mullins
DE BASTION, Roxanne, The Piano Player of Budapest, Robinson, 468/57, Paul Kildea
DE KRETSER, Michelle, Theory & Practice, Text, 470/33, Nicole Abadee
DE TORES, Francesca, Saltblood, Bloomsbury, 466/28, Rose Lucas
DENCH, Judi with Brendan O’Hea, Shakespeare: The man who pays the rent, Michael Joseph, 461/23, Carol Middleton
DEVENPORT, Rhana, AGSA 500, Art Gallery of South Australia, 465/37, Patrick Flanery
DOVEY, Ceridwen, Only the Astronauts, Hamish Hamilton, 465/24, Diane Stubbings
DOW, Aisha and Melissa Cuningham, Life As We Knew It: The extraordinary story of Australia’s pandemic, Scribe, 461/18, Ben Brooker
DOWNES, Stephen, Mural, Transit Lounge, 471/42, Jane Sullivan
DUMONT, Adele, The Pulling: Essays, Scribe, 463/47, Anwen Crawford
DYCK, Erika and Chris Elcock, Expanding Mindscapes: A global history of psychedelics, MIT Press, 463/52, Ben Brooker
EASSON, Michael, In Search of John Christian Watson: Labor’s first prime minister, Connor Court Publishing, 469/55, Lyndon Megarrity
EASTON, Max, Paradise Estate, Giramondo, 461/39, Morgan Nunan
EDGAR, Stephen, Ghosts of Paradise, Pitt Street Poetry, 462/46, David McCooey
EDWARDS, Astrid, The Asking: New and selected poems, Bloodaxe Books, 465/53, Felicity Plunkett
EILENBERGER, Wolfram (translated by Shaun Whiteside), The Visionaries: Arendt, Beauvoir, Rand, Weil and the salvation of philosophy, Allen Lane, 462/24, Frances Wilson
ELL, Theodore, Lebanon Days: Memories of an ancient land through economic meltdown, a revolution of hope and surviving the 2020 Beirut explosion, Atlantic Books, 468/47, Richard Freadman
ENGLUND, Peter (translated by Peter Graves), November 1942: An intimate history of the turning point of the Second World War, Bodley Head, 468/16, Joan Beaumont
EVERETT, Percival, James, Pan Macmillan, 466/24, Heather Neilson
FAGAN, Kate, Song in the Grass, Giramondo, 468/41, J. Taylor Bell
FELL, Samuel J., Full Coverage: A history of rock journalism in Australia, Monash University Press, 461/52, Des Cowley
FERGUSON, Hannah, Taboo, Affirm Press, 470/54, Pheobe Cannard-Higgins
FORD, Andrew, The Shortest History of Music, Black Inc., 467/56, Malcolm Gillies
FOWLER, Andrew, Nuked: The submarine fiasco that sank Australia’s sovereignty, Melbourne University Press, 467/11, Marilyn Lake
FOX, Brad, The Bathysphere Book: Effects of the luminous ocean depths, Pushkin Press, 461/50, Killian Quigley
FOX, Robin Lane, Homer and His Iliad, Allen Lane, 462/23, Alastair Blanshard
FRANKEL, Boris, No Country for Idealists: The making of a family of subversives, Greenmeadows, 464/39, Ebony Nilsson
FREEMAN, Damien, The End of Settlement: Why the 2023 referendum failed, Connor Court Publishing, 468/14, Dominic Kelly
FUGE, Lauren, Voyagers: Our journey into the Anthropocene, Text, 470/62, Dave Witty
FULLAGAR, Kate, Bennelong & Phillip: A history unravelled, Scribner, 461/14, Emma Dortins
GAITA, Raimond, Justice and Hope: Essays, lectures and other writings, MUP, 461/12, Frank Bongiorno
GARNER, Helen, The Season, Text, 471/16, Jonathan Ricketson
GENTILL, Sulari, The Mystery Writer: A novel, Ultimo Press, 466/31, Alex Cothren
GILES, Paul, Dark Land: Memoir of a secret childhood, Paul Dry Books, 465/49, Paul Giles
GÍSLASON, Kári, Running with Pirates: On freedom, adventure, and fathers and sons, UQP, 468/45, Shannon Burns
GOLDSWORTHY, Peter, The Cancer Finishing School, Viking, 463/20, Michael Shmith
GOLVAN, Colin, Protecting Indigenous Art: From T-shirts to the flag, Melbourne University Press, 471/35, Gabriella Coslovich
GORDON, Dominic, Excitable Boy: Essays on risk, Upswell, 468/60, Michael Winkler
GRAY, Mandi, Suing for Silence: Sexual violence and defamation law, University of British Columbia Press, 466/16, Jessica Lake
HALL, Rodney, Vortex, Picador, 468/29, James Ley
HAM, Melinda, The Lucky Ones, Affirm Press, 467/63, Seumas Spark
HAMILTON, Clive and HAMILTON, Myra, The Privileged Few, Polity, 471/52, Adrian Walsh
HAMILTON, Steven and HOLDEN, Richard, Australia’s Pandemic Exceptionalism: How we crushed the curve but lost the race, UNSW Press, 469/20, Johanna Leggatt
HARARI, Yuval Noah, Nexus: A brief history of information networks from the Stone Age to AI, Fern Press, 470/23, Robyn Arianrhod
HARBISON, Peter with Derek Sadubin, Alan Joyce and Qantas: The trials and transformation of an Australian icon, Penguin, 461/19, Stuart Kells
HARDCASTLE, Dylin, A Language of Limbs: A novel, Picador, 466/30, Yves Rees
HARDING, Christopher, The Light of Asia: A history of Western fascination with the East, Allen Lane, 467/16, Alison Broinowski
HART, Kevin, Lands of Likeness: For a poetics of contemplation, University of Chicago Press, 462/42, Scott Stephens
HAZLEHURST, Noni, Dropping the Mask, HarperCollins, 470/56, Diane Stubbings
HENDERSON, Anne, Menzies versus Evatt: The great rivalry of Australian politics, Connor Court Publishing, 462/15, Patrick Mullins
HERZOG, Werner (translated by Michael Hofmann), Every Man for Himself and God Against All, Bodley Head, 465/51, Corey Cribb
HILLS, Lia, The Desert Knows Her Name, Affirm Press, 466/29, Paul Genoni
HOLLAND, Patrick, Oblivion, Transit Longue, 469/26, Adam Rivett
HOLLINGHUSRT, Alan, Our Evenings, Picador, 470/32, Tim Byrne
HOMER, (translated by Emily Wilson), The Iliad, W.W. Norton & Company, 462/23, Alastair Blanshard
HOUELLEBECQ, Michel (translated by Shaun Whiteside), Annihilation, Picador, 471/38, David Jack
HUGHES-D’AETH, Tony, Netflicks: Conceptual television in the streaming era, UWA Publishing, 465/47, Clare Monagle
HӦNES, Hans C., Tangled Paths: A life of Aby Warburg, Reaktion Books, 469/54, Paul Giles
JACKSON, Andy, OTTAWAY, Esther and SHYING, Kerry, Raging Grace: Australian writers speak out on disability, Puncher & Wattmann, 471/55, Anders Villani
JAMISON, Leslie, Splinters: A memoir, Granta, 468/23, Beth Kearney
JEIRETH, Subhash, George Orwell’s Elephant and Other Essays, Gazebo Books, 467/62, Theodore Ell
JONES, Allen C., Big Weird Lonely Hearts, MidnightSun, Riff Raff Press, 463/35, Debra Adelaide
JONES, Gail, One Another, Text Publishing, 462/38, Maggie Nolan
JOOSTEN, Melanie, Like Fire-Hearted Suns, Ultimo Press, 464/26, Amy Walters
KAFKA, Franz (translated by Mark Harman), Selected Stories, Harvard University Press, 465/31, Joachim Redner
KALINAK, Kathryn, Film Music: A very short introduction, Oxford University Press, 462/58, Richard Leathem
KAMENEV, Marina, Kin: Family in the 21st century, NewSouth, 462/55, Bridget Vincent
KASSAB, Yumna, Politica, Ultimo Press, 462/41, Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
KELL, Katrina, Chloé, Echo, 466/33, A. Frances Johnson
KELLS, Stuart, Alice™: The biggest untold story in the history of money, MUP, 464/41, Gideon Haigh
KENNY, Michael, Fractured Union: Politics, sovereignty and the fight to save the United Kingdom, Hurst, 466/14, Ben Wellings
KINDT, Julia, The Trojan Horse and Other Stories: Ten ancient creatures that make us human, CUP, 463/38, Christopher Allen
KING, Ross, The Shortest History of Italy, Black Inc., 464/40, Claudio Bozzi
KINSELLA, John, Beams of Light: Stories, Transit Longue, 469/28, Maria Takolander
KNOX, Malcolm, The First Friend, Allen & Unwin, 469/33, Alex Cothren
KOLKER, Robert P. and Nathan Abrams, Kubrick: An odyssey, Faber, 467/46, Peter Goldsworthy
KUNDNANI, Hans, Eurowhiteness: Culture, empire and race in the European project, Hurst, 462/26, Clinton Fernandes
KURMELOVS, Royce, Slick: Australia’s toxic relationship with big oil, UQP, 470/24, Stuart Kells
KUSHNER, Rachel, Creation Lake, Jonathan Cape, 470/31, David Jack
LAING, Olivia, The Garden Against Time: In search of a common paradise, Picador, 468/46, Kate McFadyen
LAMB, Matthew, Frank Moorhouse: Strange paths, Knopf, 463/9, Sascha Morrell
LE, Nam, 36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem, Scribner, 463/45, Michael Hofmann
LEFEBVRE, Alexandre, Liberalism as a Way of Life, Princeton University Press, 469/16, Scott Stephens
LENNON, J. Robert, Critical Hits: Writers on gaming and the alternate worlds we inhabit, Serpent’s Tail, 462/50, Chris Flynn
LESTER, Alan, The Truth About Empire: Real histories of British colonialism, Hurst, 467/22, Zoë Laidlaw
LILLIE, Jade and Kate Larsen, with Cara Kirkwood and Jax Brown, The Relationship Is the Project: A guide to working with communities, NewSouth, 465/52, Astrid Edwards
LINDENMAYER, David, Forest Wars: The ugly truth about what’s happening in our tall forests, Allen & Unwin, 465/56, Dave Witty
LIVINGSTONE, David N., The Empire of Climate: A history of an idea, Princeton University Press, 469/56
LLOYD, Nick, The Eastern Front: A history of the first world war, Viking, 468/17, Michael McKernan
LOMER, Kathryn, AfterLife, Puncher & Wattmann, 462/47, Anthony Lynch
LONESBOROUGH, Gary, We Didn’t Think It Through, Allen & Unwin, 461/43, Julie Janson
LOUIS, Édouard, Change: A novel, Harvill Secker, 465/32, David Jack
LU, Donna, The Best Australian Science Writing 2023, NewSouth, 461/22, Robyn Arianrhod
LU, Siang, Ghost Cities, UQP, 464/31, Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
LUCAS, Caroline, Another England: How to reclaim our national story, Hutchinson, 470/19, Ben Wellings
MCBRIDE, David, The Nature of Honour, Viking, 461/9, Kevin Foster
McCALMAN, Iain, John Büsst, NewSouth, 465/57, Anna Krien
MCFARLANE, Fiona, Highway 13, Allen & Unwin, 468/27, Geordie Williamson
McKINNON, Catherine, To Sing of War, 467/31, Fourth Estate, Cassandra Atherton
MCLAREN, Greg, camping underground, Puncher & Wattmann, 461/44, Anders Villani
MCNAMARA, Catherine, The Carnal Fugues, Puncher & Wattman, Riff Raff Press, 463/35, Debra Adelaide
MCNAMARA, Tim, Paul and Paula: A history of separation, survival and belonging, Monash University Publishing, 461/36, Seumas Spark
MACCARTER, Kent, Fat Chance: Journalism poems, Upswell, 463/44, Des Cowley
MacCULLOCH, Diarmaid, Lower than the Angels: A history of Christianity, Allen Lane, 470/48, Miles Pattenden
MacLACHLAN, Mat, Krithia: The forgotten ANZAC battle of Gallipoli, Hachette, 469/62, Robin Prior
MAGUIRE, Emily, Rapture, Allen & Unwin, 469/32, Heather Neilson
MANNE, Robert, A Political Memoir: Intellectual combat in the Cold War and the culture wars, La Trobe University Press, 471/12, Frank Bongiorno
MANTEL, Hilary (edited by Nicholas Pearson), A Memoir of My Former Self, John Murray, 463/18, Frances Wilson
MÁRQUEZ, Gabriel García (translated by Anne McLean), Until August, Viking, 464/31, Alice Whitmore
MASON, Brett, Saving Lieutenant Kennedy: The heroic story of the Australian who helped rescue JFK, NewSouth, 463/41, Nick Hordern
MATHEWS, Iola, Race Mathews: A life in politics, Monash University Press, 471/33, Paul Strangio
MAY, Theresa, The Abuse of Power: Confronting injustice in public life, Headline, 461/17, Gordon Pentland
MEDVED, Lisa, The Engraver’s Secret, HarperCollins, 466/32, A. Frances Johnson
MIDDLETON, Kate, Television: New poems, Giramondo, 469/53, Tim Loveday
MIDDLETON, Murray, No Church in the Wild, Picador, 463/30, Morgan Nunan
MILLER, Alex, The Deal, Allen & Unwin, 470/36, Anthony Lynch
MILLIGAN, Louise, Pheasants Nest, Allen & Unwin, 465/28, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
MOLLOY, Audrey, The Blue Cocktail, Pitt Street Poetry, 465/54, Sam Ryan
MORANTE, Elsa (translated by Jenny McPhee), Lies and Sorcery, NYRB Classics, 461/42, Lily Patchett
MORGAN, Ruth A., Climate Change and International History, Bloomsbury Academic, 464/55, Harrison Croft
MORRIS-SUZUKI, Tessa, A Secretive Century: Monte Punshon’s Australia, Melbourne University Press, 466/57, Susan Sheridan
MOTION, Andrew and Stephen Regan, The Penguin Book of Elegy: Poems of memory, mourning and consolation, Penguin Classics, 464/47, David McCooey
MULDOON, Paul, The Penitent State: Exposure, mourning, and the biopolitics of national healing, Oxford University Press, 462/14, Stephanie Collins
MURAKAMI, Haruki (translated by Philip Gabriel), The City and Its Uncertain Walls, Harville Secker, 471/40, Cassandra Atherton
MURPHY, Kerry and Jennifer Hill, Pursuit of the New: Louise Hanson-Dyer, publisher and collector, Lyrebird Press, 463/62, Malcolm Gillies
MURRAY, Oswyn, The Muse of History: The Ancient Greeks from the Enlightenment to the present, Allen Lane, 470/47, Christopher Allen
MUSGRAVE, David, Mishearing, Gorilla Books, 462/47, Anthony Lynch
NAMATJIRA, Vincent, Vincent Namatjira, Thames & Hudson, 463/61, Roger Benjamin
NASH, Bruce, All the Words We Know, Allen & Unwin, 466/31, Alex Cothren
NEEME, Imbi, Kind of, Sort of, Maybe, But Probably Not, Viking, 466/31, Alex Cothren
NEUMANN, Peter R. (translated by David Shaw), The New World Disorder, Scribe, 463/17, William Leben
NUNEZ, Sigrid, The Vulnerables, Virago, 461/38, Mireille Juchau
O’GORMAN, Emily, Wetlands in a Dry Land: More-than-human histories of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin, Melbourne University Press, 469/57, Harrison Croft
O’HAGAN, Andrew, Caledonian Road, Faber, 465/26, Shannon Burns
O’TOOLE, Fintan, Shakespeare Is Hard, But So Is Life, Apollo, 469/50, Stephen Regan
OHLMEYER, Jane, Making Empire: Ireland, imperialism, and the early modern world, Oxford University Press, 462/27, Ronan McDonald
OLSEN, Penny, Artful Lives: From Melbourne to the Islands: The artful lives of the Cohen sisters, Melbourne Books, 468/42, Jane Sullivan
OLSON, Lynne, Empress of the Nile: The daredevil archaeologist who saved Egypt’s ancient temples from destruction, Scribe, 461/48, Theodore Ell
OLUBAS, Brigitta and Susan Wyndham, Hazzard and Harrower, NewSouth, 465/20, Peter Rose
ORLANDO, Roslyn, Ekhō, Upswell, 465/54, Sam Ryan
OSBORNE, Margot, The Adelaide Art Scene, Wakefield Press, 465/37, Patrick Flanery
PAICE, Christine, The Oxenbridge King, Fourth Estate, 468/31, Rose Lucas
PAPASTERGIADIS, Nikos, John Berger and Me: A migrant’s eye, Giramondo, 469/63, Giacomo Bianchino
PARKER, Peter, Some Men in London: Queer life, 1945-1959, Penguin Classics, 469/45, Ian Dickson
PASCOE, Bruce, with Lyn Harwood, Black Duck: A year at Yumburra, Thames & Hudson, 465/14, Seumas Spark
PATTENDEN, Miles, Forbidden Desire in Early Modern Europe: Male-male sexual relations, 1400-1750, OUP, 464/36, Miles Pattenden
PELOSI, Nancy, The Art of Power: My story as America’s first woman Speaker of the House, Simon & Schuster, 470/17, Marilyn Lake
PERERA-NATHAN, Shiroma, God and the Angel: Vivien leigh and Laurence Olivier’s tour de force of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne Books, 464/58, Michael Shmith
PERRY, Roland, The Battle of the Generals: MacArthur, Blamey and the defence of Australia in World War II, Allen & Unwin, 470/51, Michael McKernan
PERSIAN, Jayne, Fascists in Exile: Post-war displaced persons in Australia, Routledge, 466/54, Robin Prior
PIEPER, Liam, Appreciation, Hamish Hamilton, 464/30, Eli McLean
PIETSCH, Tamson, The Floating University: Experience, empire, and the politics of knowledge, University of Chicago Press, 463/23, Glyn Davis
PIPER, Ailsa, For Life: A memoir of living and dying – and flying, Allen & Unwin, 467/58, Brenda Walker
POLIZZOTTI, Mark, Why Surrealism Matters, Yale University Press, 471/57, John Hawke
POWERS, Richard, Playground, Hutchinson Heinemann, 470/35, Shannon Burns
PROSSER, Jordan, Big Time, University of Queensland Press, 467/26, Ben Brooker
PROUST, Marcel (translated by Brian Nelson), The Swann Way, Oxford University Press, 469/27, Felicity Chaplin
QUARTLY, Marian, The Middling Sort: A South Australian family history, Marian Quartly, 471/60, Kerryn Goldsworthy
REBANKS, James, The Place of Tides, Allen Lane, 471/15, Sarah Day
REES, Yves, Travelling to Tomorrow: The modern women who sparked Australia’s romance with America, NewSouth, 468/51, Kirsten Tranter
REEVES, Aaron and FRIEDMAN, Sam, Born to Rule: The making and remaking of the British elite, Harvard, 468/48, Gordon Pentland
REID, Christopher, The Letters of Seamus Heaney, Faber, 466/49, Stephen Regan
RICHARDS, John, The Gorgon Flower, UQP, 465/25, Anthony Lynch
RICHARDSON, Raeden, The Degenerates, Text Publishing, 468/32, Anthony Lynch
RISEMAN, Noah, Transgender Australia: A history since 1910, MUP, 463/50, Jack Nicholls
ROBERTS, Jason, Every Living Thing: The great and deadly race to know all life, Riverrun, 470/59, Danielle Clode
ROBERTSON, Geoffrey, The Trial of Vladimir Putin, Biteback Publishing, 467/18, Nick Hordern
ROBEYNS, Ingrid, Limitarianism: The case against extreme wealth, Allen Lane, 466/52, Adrian Walsh
ROLLO, Stuart, Terminus: Westward expansion, China, and the end of the American empire, John Hopkins University Press, 469/60
ROONEY, Sally, Intermezzo, Faber, 471/39, James Ley
ROSE, Deborah Bird, Dreaming Ecology: Nomadic and Indigenous ecological knowledge, Victoria River, Northern Australia, ANU Press, 467/15, Stephen Bennetts
RUDD, Kevin, On Xi Jinping: How Xi’s Marxist Nationalism is shaping China and the world, Oxford University Press, 471/8, Neil Thomas
RUSHDIE, Salman, Knife: Meditations after an attempted murder, Jonathen Cape, 465/11, James Ley
SACHS, Harvey, Schoenberg: Why he matters, Liveright, 461/56, Malcolm Gillies
SAIKAL, Amin, How to Lose a War: The story of America’s intervention in Afghanistan, Yale University Press, 469/18, Ian Parmeter
SAKR, Omar, Non-Essential Work, UQP, 464/52, Mike Ladd
SALESA, Damon, An Indigenous Ocean: Pacific essays, Bridget Williams Books, 469/59, Bain Attwood
SAMUELS, Maurice, Alfred Dreyfus: The man at the center of the affair, Yale University Press, 466/53, Peter McPhee
SANT, Andrew, Near the Border: New and selected poems, Puncher & Wattmann, 461/47, Geoff Page
SAUNDERS, Mykaela, Always Will Be, UQP, 463/33, Claire G. Coleman
SAWARD, Melanie, Burn, Affirm Press, 461/43, Julie Janson
SCHOLFIELD-PETERS, Tess, Dear Mutzi, NLA, 470/61, Boris Frankel
SEE-THO, Michelle, Jade and Emerald, 467/30, Vintage, Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
SENNET, Richard, The Performer: Art, life, politics, Allen Lane, 467/57, Paul Giles
SERONG, Jock, Cherrywood, Fourth Estate, 468/26, A. Frances Johnson
SHAKESPEARE, Nicholas, Ian Fleming: The complete man, Harvill Secker, 461/24, Paul Kildea
SHAPIRO, James, The Playbook: A story of theatre, democracy and the making of a culture war, Faber, 471/56, Paul Giles
SHEPHERDSON, Nathan, parallel equators, Recent Work Press, 461/44, Anders Villani
SHIOSAKI, Elfie, Refugia, Magabala Books, 469/52, Andy Jackson
SILVESTER, John, Dark City: True stories of crimes, cock-ups, crooks and cops, Pan Macmillan, 470/60, Jonathan Ricketson
SIMMONDS, Alecia, Courting: An intimate history of love and the law, La Trobe University Press, 461/51, Zoe Smith
SINGER, Peter and Shih Chao-Hwei, The Buddhist and the Ethicist: Conversations on effective altruism, engaged Buddhism, and how to build a better world, Text, 463/51, Adam Bowles
SMEE, Sebastian, Paris in Ruins: Love, war, and the birth of Impressionism, Text, 469/23, Peter McPhee
SMITH, Shannon L., Occidental Preacher, Accidental Teacher: The enigmatic Clive Williams, Volume One, 1921-1968, Big Hill Publishing, 465/12, Nathan Hollier
SPENCE, Rachel, Battle for the Museum: Cultural institutions in crisis, Hurst, 468/18, Gabriella Coslovich
SPRAWSON, Warwick, We Will Live and Then We Will See, Riff Raff Press, 463/35, Debra Adelaide
STANLEY, Peter, Beyond the Broken Years: Australian military history in 1000 books, NewSouth, 470/50, Robin Gerster
STEGEMANN, Luke, Madrid: A new biography, Yale University Press, 471/62, Abi Stephenson
STEPHENS, Scott, Crimes of the Cross: The Anglican paedophile network of Newcastle its protectors and the man who fought for justice, Black Inc., 464/9, Anne Manne
STONEBRIDGE, Lyndsey, We Are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt’s lessons in love and disobedience, Jonathan Cape, 465/48, Julienne van Loon
TE WHIU, Anne-Marie, Woven: First Nations poetic conversations from the Fair Trade project, Magabala Books, 464/49, Mykaela Saunders
THOMAS, Martin, The End of Empires and a World Remade: A global history of decolonization, Princeton University Press, 471/51, Clinton Fernandes
THOMSON, David, The Fatal Alliance: A century of war on film, Harper, 468/58, Kevin Foster
TICK, Judith, Becoming Ella Fitzgerald: The jazz singer who transformed American song, W.W. Norton & Company, 464/59, Robyn Archer
TODD, Ruby, Bright Object, Allen & Unwin, 465/30, Naama Grey-Smith
TÓIBÍN, Colm, Long Island, Picador, 466/25, Peter Rose
TOSCANO, Alberto, Late Fascism: Race, capitalism, Verso, 462/11, Ben Gook
TRELOAR, Lucy, Days of Innocence and Wonder, Picador, 461/41, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
TRETHEWEY, Rachel, Mothers of the Mind: The remarkable women who shaped Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie and Sylvia Plath, The History Press, 463/22, Morag Fraser
TSANG, Steve and Olivia Cheung, The Political Thought of Xi Jinping, OUP, 464/12, Geoff Raby
TURNELL, Sean, An Unlikely Prisoner, Viking, 461/11, Nick Hordern
VAN DER VLIES, Andrew and Lucie Valerie Graham, The Bloomsbury Handbook to J.M. Coetzee, Bloomsbury, 462/31, Tim Mehigan
VAN REYBROUCK, David (translated by David Colmer and David McKay), Revolusi: Indonesia and the birth of the modern world, Bodley Head, 467/23, Max Walden
VISONTAY, Michael, Nobel Fragments: The maverick who broke up the world’s greatest book, Scribe, 471/20, Jason Steger
WALLACE, Chris, Telling Lives: The Seymour Biography Lecture 2005-2023, NLA, 469/48, Richard Freadman
WEETMAN, Nova, Love, Death & Other Scenes, University of Queensland Press, 467/59, Tracy Ellis
WEST, Simon, Prickly Moses: Poems, Princeton University Press, 461/46, David Mason
WILLIAMS, George and HUME, David, People Power: How Australian referendums are lost and won, UNSW Press, 469/14, Anne Twomey
WILLS, Clair, Missing Persons, Or My Grandmother’s Secrets, Allen Lane, 464/35, Diane Stubbings
WINTON, Tim, Juice, Hamish Hamilton, 470/29, Paul Giles
WITTY, Dave, What the Trees See: A wander through millennia of natural history in Australia, Monash University Publishing, 462/51, Ashley Hay
WYLD, Evie, The Echoes, 467/29, Vintage, Diane Stubbings
ZACHARY, Gorman, The Menzies Watershed: Liberalism, anti-communism, continuities 1943 –1954, Melbourne University Press, 462/15, Patrick Mullins
ZUSAK, Markus, Three Wild Dogs and the Truth, Picador, 471/18, Ben Brooker
2024 Features Index
ABR Arts
ABR Arts reviews can be read here.
Nemesis (ABC), 462/60, Joshua Black
Evil Does Not Exist (Hi Gloss Entertainment), 464/61, Tiia Kelly
Perfect Days (Madman Entertainment), 464/63, Richard Leathem
Housekeeping for Beginners (Maslow Entertainment), 464/40, Anwen Crawford
The Test (Amazon Prime), 466/39, Anwen Crawford
The Substance (Madman Entertainment), 469/40, Anwen Crawford
The Conversation, 470/41, Jordan Prosser
Víkingur Ólafsson & Consortium (Melbourne Recital Centre), 454/61, John O’Donnell
Mahler’s Song of the Earth (Australian Chamber Orchestra), 465/36, Malcolm Gillies
Paul Grabowsky: Solo Piano (Woodend Winter Arts Festival), 466/41, Des Cowley
Bruckner’s Eighth Symphony (Sydney Symphony Orchestra), 468/34, Malcolm Gillies
Gurrelieder (Sydney Symphony Orchestra), 463/56, Malcolm Gillies
Eucalyptus (Victorian Opera and Opera Australia), 470/38, Michael Halliwell
The Seagull (Syndey Theatre Company), 461/63, Clare Monagle
The Inheritance (fortyfivedownstairs), 462/62, Tim Byrne
Vanya (National Theatre Live), 463/57, Andrew Fuhrmann
Qui a tué mon père (Who killed my father) (Schaubühne Berlin and Théâtre de la Ville Paris), 463/59, Patrick Flanery
A Case for the Existence of God (Red Stitch Actors’ Theatre), 465/39, Andrew Fuhrmann
Multiple Bad Things (Back to Back Theatre), 466/36, Andrew Fuhrmann
King Lear (Bell Shakespeare), 467/50, Ian Dickson
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Red Stitch), 467/54, Peter Rose
Uncle Vanya (Ensemble Theatre), 468/35, Clare Monagle
Doll, 468/38, John Rickard
Topdog/Underdog (Melbourne Theatre Company), 469/38, Diane Stubbings
Bad Boy (fortyfivedownstairs), 470/40, Ben Brooker
My Brilliant Career (Melbourne Theatre Company), 471/44, Diane Stubbings
Rhinoceros (fortyfivedownstairs), 471/46, Ellie Nielson
August: Osage County (Belvoir St Theatre), 471/48, Ian Dickson
Visual Arts
Gauguin’s World: Tōna Iho, Tōna Ao (National Gallery of Australia), 467/52, Roger Benjamin
Brent Harris: Surrender & Catch (Art Gallery of South Australia), 468/36, Patrick Flannery
Cats & Dogs (National Gallery of Victoria), 471/47, Sebastian Moore
Oscar (The Australian Ballet), 469/37, Lee Christofis
Book Talk
Essays and Commentary
NILSSON, Ebony, ‘The lives of ‘ordinary’ people: From Siberia and Shanghai to Kings Cross’, 461/26
EDWARDS, Peter, ‘Warts and All: New forms of political interference in official histories’, 461/54
ALTMAN, Dennis, ‘The spectre of tribalism: Reflections on Israel, AIDS and identity politics’, 462/18
HOLLIER, Nathan, ‘“At least I’ve told these stories to you”: Pramoedya Ananta Toer and the Buru Quartet’, 462/33
BONGIORNO, Frank, ‘“Thin labourism”: How is the Albanese government travelling?’, 463/14
FITZPATRICK, Sheila, ‘Portrait of a friendship: In memoriam Katerina Clark (20 June 1941–1 February 2024)’, 463/26
GELTNER, Guy, ‘When we talk about the Middle Ages: Revisiting the power of periodisation’, 463/42
NOLAN, Maggie, ‘Information and transformation: The continuing expansion of AustLit’, 464/33
NEILSON, Heather, ‘Some sort of afterlife: Posthumous representations of Gore Vidal’, 464/43
CURRAN, James, ‘AUKUS in the dock: Questions and challenges for the Albanese government’, 465/7
JOHNSON, Miranda, ‘Whither Waitangi? Biculturalism on the rocks in New Zealand’, 465/17
LAMB, Matthew, ‘Copyright and its discontents: Frank Moorhouse’s battle to defend authors’, 465/33
BEAUMONT, Joan, ‘“I never knew my uncle”: The phenomenon of pilgrimages and postmemory’, 466/19
HORDERN, Nick, ‘Mitty Lee-Brown: artist in exile: From a boarding house in Woollahra to Sri Lanka’, 466/37
NOLAN, Melanie, and Michelle Staff, ‘Reimagining the ADB’, 466/42
KANE, Paul, ‘James Baldwin this time: The centenary of an indispensable prophet’, 467/8
ARIANRHOD, Robyn, ‘Beyond the mundane: Popular science writing in our literary landscape’, 467/19
DEANE, Joel, ‘The Manichaean Candidate: Peter Dutton’s black and white politics’, 468/9
BELL, Kevin, ‘On our moral watch: The disgrace of homelessness in Australia’, 468/20
HALL, Ian, ‘The twilight of Narendra Modi: India’s leader’s invincibility is fraying’, 468/43
FERNANDES, Clinton, ‘History without vexed issues: Liquidating our memories of East Timor’, 469/9
SPARK, Seumas, ‘Drinking from coconuts: When Australians weren’t scared of Papua New Guinea’, 469/42
CORBOULD, Clare, ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/8
CURRAN, James, ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/10
FERNANDES, Clinton, ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/10
FITZPATRICK, Sheila, ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/11
LYNCH, Timothy J., ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/12
LAKE, Marilyn, ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/13
SHORTIS, Emma, ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/14
ALTMAN, Dennis, ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/15
ONDAATJE, Michael L., ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?: Australia’s obsession with American politics’, 470/15
BORNSTEIN, Josh, ‘Feeding the beast: On corporate cancel culture’, 470/21
ATTWOOD, Bain, ‘The Great Australian Denial: W.E.H. Stanner on mourning and disremembering’, 471/31
Calibre Essay Prize
HASHAM, Nicole, ‘Bloodstone: The day they blew up Mount Tom Price’, 466/8
SHOLL, Natasha, ‘Hold your nerve’, 465/42
SLAUGHTER, Tracey, ‘why your hair is long & your stories short’, 464/19
Peter Porter Poetry Prize
CRISPIN, Judith Nangala, ‘Poem of the Dead Woman’, 461/30
DAMJANOVICH-NAPOLEON, Natalie, ‘Immigration Triction’, 461/34
HOGAN, Dan, ‘Workarounds’, 461/33
ORTEGA, Meredi, ‘Cuttle’, 461/29
VUCIC, Dženana, ‘Blagaj, Mostar’, 461/32
ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
GREER, Kerry, ‘First Snow’, 467/33
STENHOUSE, Shelley, ‘M.’, 467/42
VAN EPPS, Jill, ‘Pornwald’, 467/38
Open Page
DE TORES, Francesca, 466/59
HAWTHORNE, Susan, 471/63
LEIGH, Andrew, 462/44
McCALMAN, Iain, 465/59
MANNE, Anne, 464/56
SMEE, Sebastian, 469/41
WILLIAMS, George, 468/64
Poet of the Month
BROOKS, David, 463/46
FAGAN, Kate, 470/63
O’BRIEN, Damen, 466/46
Publisher of the Month
KONG, Foong Ling, 471/49
Critic of the Month
ARIANRHOD, Robyn, 468/24
BONGIORNO, Frank, 462/49
DICKSON, Ian, 463/54
MENZIES-PIKE, Catriona, 461/49
ARMFIELD, Neil, 465/41
FORD, Andrew, 467/51
GOLDSWORTHY, Anna, 462/63
HALLBERG, David, 471/45
HAZLEHURST, Noni, 470/42
HEWITT, Angela, 469/36
LUKEY, Cameron, 461/62
BEVERIDGE, Judith, ‘On Being Shy’, 467/48
BROOKS, David, ‘Things Saying Their Names’, 470/57
BROWN, Lachlan, ‘Defeat Device’, 464/29COUANI, Anna, ‘Summer Winter’, 465/16
CRUTCHFIELD, Amy, ‘Norway Spruce’, 470/30
DAVIDSON, Toby, ‘An Octopus Test My Left Big Toe’, 469/12
DAY, Sarah, ‘Arrow’, 462/45
DAY, Sarah, ‘Watershed’, 468/15
GAO, Gavin Yuan, ‘Itinerant’, 467/21
GASKIN, Claire, ‘a candle keeps me company’, 469/24
GASKIN, Claire, ‘home’, 469/24
HART, Kevin, ‘Big Meadow’, 468/30
HOFMANN, Michael, ‘Scorecard’, 471/17
KINSELLA, John, ‘Other Eminent Hands’, 466/48
KLOC, Joe, ‘82 Sentences, Each Taken from the ‘Last Statement’ of a Person Executed by the State of Texas Since 1984’, 471/11
MANNING, Julie, ‘Evening on the River’, 466/17
MEAD, Philip, ‘Rinbo Abdo’, 463/21
POTTER, Claire, ‘Black Market’, 465/22
ROSE, Peter, ‘Portfolio’, 462/43
ROSE, Peter, ‘Syllabus’, 462/43
ROYAL, Autumn, ‘A house – I will not pain’, 462/29
SANT, Andrew, ‘Redheads’, 466/40
SOLIE, Karen, ‘Smoke’, 471/36
STEWART, Susan, ‘Porter’s Pass’, 470/43
VILLANI, Anders, ‘Calm Voice’, 463/12
Books of the Year
ARIANRHOD, Robyn, 471/24
ATHERTON, Cassandra, 471/29
BONGIORNO, Frank, 471/24
BRADLEY, James, 471/21
BURNS, Shannon, 471/26
CORBOULD, Clare, 471/21
DAVIS, Glyn, 471/22
DEANE, Joel, 471/29
FERNANDES, Clinton, 471/26
FLANERY, Patrick, 471/29
FOSTER, Kevin, 471/30
GILES, Paul, 471/27
GOLDSWORTHY, Peter, 471/30
HAWKE, John, 471/30
HOLLIER, Nathan, 471/29
HUGHES-D’AETH, Tony, 471/29
JANSON, Julie, 471/24
KINSELLA, John, 471/26
LAKE, Marilyn, 471/27
LEY, James, 471/30
McCOOEY, David, 471/24
McPHEE, Peter, 471/24
MULLINS, Patrick, 471/27
PLUNKETT, Felicity, 471/24
REES, Yves, 471/21
REGAN, Stephen, 471/29
ROSE, Peter, 471/27
RUSSELL, Lynette, 471/21
SIMIC, Zora, 471/29
STEEGER, Jason, 471/22
STEOHENS, Scott, 471/22
STUBBINGS, Diane, 471/26
TRANTER, Kirsten, 471/22
WILLIAMSON, Geordie, 471/21
WILSON, Frances, 471/27
WINKLER, Michael, 471/26
Arts Highlights
ALLISON, John, 461/60
ARCHER, Robyn, 461/58
BROOKER, Ben, 461/61
CHAPLIN, Felicity, 461/59
COWLEY, Des, 461/60
DICKSON, Ian, 461/58
EWINGTON, Julie, 461/59
FORD, Andrew, 461/59
GILLIES, Malcolm, 461/59
HALLIWELL, Michael, 461/61
KNEZIC, Sophie, 461/60
MONAGLE, Clare, 461/59
PROSSER, Jordan, 461/60
ROSE, Peter, 461/58
SHMITH, Michael, 461/60
STRAHLE, Graham, 461/61
STUBBINGS, Diane, 461/58
TREGEAR, Peter, 461/61
TIMLIN, John, ‘Jack Hibberd (1940-2024)’, 470/5
Online exclusives
COCKBURN, Milton, The Assassination of Neville Wran, Connor Court Publishing, 470, Lyndon Megarrity
DORLING, Danny, Seven Children: Inequality and Britain’s next generation, Hurst, 471, Francesca Newton
FISH, Stanley, Law at the Movies: Turning legal doctrine into art, Oxford University Press, 469, Richard Leathem
FOWLER, Xavier, The Football War: The VFA and VFL’s battle for supremacy, Melbourne University Press, 471, Michael Roberts
HAIDT, Jonathan, The Anxious Generation: How the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness, Allen Lane, 467, Tim McMinn
MYINT, Khin, Fragile Creatures: A memoir, Black Inc., 471, Tim Loveday
RICHARDSON, Michael, Nonhuman Witnessing: War, data, and ecology after the end of the world, Duke University Press, 469, Declan Fry
TOSH, Will, Straight Acting: The many queer lives of William Shakespeare, Sceptre, 469, Tim Byrne
WILES, Katherine, No Autographs, Please!: A backstage pass to life in the chorus – the stars who take their bow from the second row, Echo, 471, Michael Halliwell
ABR Arts
A Wilde Ballet (Sydney Opera House), online only, Helena Gjone
Beethoven Festival (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), online only, John O’Donnell
Beethoven Festival (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), online only, John O’Donnell
Melbourne International Jazz Festival, online only, Des Cowley
Australian Festival of Chamber Music, online only, Gillian Wills
Festival of Outback Opera 2024, online only, Gillian Wills
Baroque Festival: St John Passion (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), online only, Morag Fraser
Blitz (Palace Films), online only, Diane Stubbings
Memory (Potential Films), online only, Richard Leathem
Conclave (British Film Festival), online only, Jordan Prosser
Lee (StudioCanal), online only, Tiia Kelly
A Different Man (Kismet), online only, Jordan Prosser
The Apprentice (Madman Entertainment), online only, Georgina Arnott
Montessori and There’s Still Tomorrow (St. ALi Italian Film Festival), online only, Angela Viora
The Critic (Transmission Films), online only, Barnaby Smith
Confidenza, Parthenope and Comandante (St. ALi Italian Film Festival), online only, Angela Viora
Last Summer (Potential Films), online only, Philippa Hawker
Midas Man (Transmission Films), online only, Barnaby Smith
Tótem (Hi Gloss Entertainment), online only, Stefan Solomon
Radical (Madman) and The Teacher Who Promised the Sea (HSBC Spanish Film Festival), online only, Angela Viora
Civil War (Roadshow), online only, J. Taylor Bell
Fremont (Mushroom Studios), online only, Stefan Solomon
Challengers (Universal Pictures), online only, Valerie Ng
The Rooster (Bonsai Films), online only, Stefan Solomon
Force of Nature: The Dry 2 (Roadshow Entertainment), online only, Debbie Zhou
May December (Transmission Films), online only, Jordan Prosser
Anatomy of a Fall (Madman Entertainment), online only, Tiia Kelly
Priscilla (A24/Madman Entertainment), online only, Jordan Prosser
Àma Gloria, Bonnard, Pierre and Marthe, A Difficult Year, and Out of Season (Alliance Française French Film Festival), online only, Felicity Chaplin
Kaddish: A Holocaust Memorial Concert (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), Peter Tregear
Angela Hewitt in Recital (Chris Howlett Production), online only, Michael Morley
Fauré Requiem (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), online only, Peter Tregear
The Choir of King’s College (Musica Viva), online only, John O’Donnell
Schubert and the Viennese Masters (Woodend Winter Arts Festival), online only, Peter
Jaime conducts Mahler 3 (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), online only, Peter Tregear
Schubert Piano Sonatas (Melbourne Recital Centre), online only, Michael Shmith
Julius Caesar (Pinchgut Opera), online only, Michael Halliwell
Die Walküre (Sydney Symphony Orchestra), online only, Peter Rose
Gilgamesh (Opera Australia and Sydney Chamber Opera), online only, Michael Halliwell
Così Fan Tutte (State Opera South Australia and Opera Queensland), online only, Peter Rose
Freddie De Tommaso (Arts Centre Melbourne) and The Puccini Gala Concert (Melbourne Recital Centre), online only, Peter Rose
Il Trittico (Opera Australia), online only, Michael Halliwell
Dido and Aeneas (Pinchgut Opera), online only, Michael Halliwell
Lucia di Lammermoor (Melbourne Opera), online only, Peter Rose
Candide (Victorian Opera), online only, Peter Tregear
The Magic Flute (Opera Australia), online only, Michael Halliwell
Hamlet (Melbourne Shakespeare Company), online only, Diane Stubbings
Milk and Blood (Fortyfivedownstairs), online only, Ben Brooker
Romeo and Julie (Red Stitch), online only, Andrew Fuhrmann
Cost of Living (Sydney Theatre Company and Queensland Theatre), online only, Clare Monagle
Stereophonic (John Golden Theatre), online only, Diane Stubbings
A Streetcar Named Desire (Melbourne Theatre Company), online only, Ellie Nielsen
Macbeth (Malthouse Theatre), online only, Ben Brooker
Prima Facie (Black Swan Theatre Company), online only, Josh Stenberg
Dracula (Sydney Theatre Company), online only, Ian Dickson
Stolen (Sydney Theatre Company), online only, Ian Maxwell
Blackout Songs (Red Stitch Actors Theatre), online only, Diane Stubbings
The Cherry Orchard (Donmar Warehouse), online only, Duncan Wheeler
Long Day’s Journey into Night (Second Half Productions), online only, Ellie Nielsen
Things I Know to Be True (Theatre Works), online only, Tim Byrne
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Sydney Theatre Company), online only, Ellie Nielsen
The President (Sydney Theatre Company), online only, Ian Dickson
Gaslight (Rodney Rigby for Newtheatricals in association with Queensland Theatre), online only, Tim Byrne
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Bell Shakespeare), online only, John Severn
The Threepenny Opera (Berliner Ensemble/Adelaide Festival), online only, Wolfgang von Flügelhorn
Seventeen (Melbourne Theatre Company), online only, Diane Stubbings
Visual Art
Ethel Carrick and Anne Dangar: Elements of discovery in two exhibitions (National Gallery of Australia), online only, Roger Benjamin
Brent Harris: Surrender & Catch (Art Gallery of South Australia), online only, Patrick Flanery
Grace Cowley & Raph Balson (National Gallery of Victoria), online only, Kelly Gellatly
Horizon (Bangarra Dance Company), online only, Vicki Van Hout