A young George Seddon smiles boyishly from the cover of his Selected Writings, a mid-twentieth-century nerd with short back and sides and horn-rimmed glasses. This collection of Seddon’s writings on landscape, place, and the environment is the third in the series on Australian thinkers published by La Trobe University Press in conjunction with Black Inc. The other two, Hugh Stretton and Donald H ... (read more)
Judith Brett

Judith Brett is a political historian and Emeritus Professor of Politics at La Trobe University. Her most recent book is Doing Politics: Writings on public life (Text Publishing, 2021). Her biography of Alfred Deakin, The Enigmatic Mr Deakin, won the 2018 National Biography Award (Text, 2017).
The commons, the common good, the commonwealth: all words for humans’ shared right to the fruits of the earth to sustain their lives, and all words with deep political histories. In The Politics of the Common Good, Jane R. Goodall excavates some of these deep histories, beginning with the Diggers and Levellers of mid-seventeenth-century England who, in protest against landlords’ enclosures, la ... (read more)