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Unpredictive chemistry

The bloodbeat of evocative language
August 2021, no. 434

Unpredictive chemistry

The bloodbeat of evocative language
August 2021, no. 434

Trigger Warning by Maria Takolander University of Queensland Press, $24.99 pb, 100 ppTrigger Warning by Maria Takolander

University of Queensland Press, $24.99 pb, 100 pp

Maria Takolander’s fourth book of poetry, Trigger Warning, is a sharp and arresting collection, fierce in its emotions and determination to make language do the hard work of speaking that which hovers at the edge of articulation. This is a poetics that traces everywhere the lurking presence of the disruptive – in domestic life, in global crises, even in our most intimate experiences. Takolander’s courageous poetry becomes both a landscape in which to inscribe what is unbearable and a sphere in which it might be, at least partially, managed.

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