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Welcome to the December issue of ABR. This month we celebrate the books of the year, as chosen by thirty-six ABR writers and critics including Frances Wilson, Tony Birch, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Yves Rees, and Sheila Fitzpatrick. The issue opens with a strong editorial by Peter Rose voicing concerns about the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards and a thoughtful examination of Labor’s new anti-corruption bill by Stephen Charles SC. The issue also covers new works of biography and memoir with Zora Simic on Grace Tame’s memoir, Patrick Mullins on a biography of Lachlan Murdoch, and Jacqueline Kent on Bryce Courtenay. December also includes reviews of new fiction by Inga Simpson, Fiona McFarlane, Fiona Kelly McGregor (our Open Page interview subject), and much more.