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Jolley Prize Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t live in Australia and I am not an Australian citizen. Can I still enter?
Yes, you can. Anyone can enter the Jolley Prize. But all stories must be written in English.

I’m interested in the Jolley Prize but don’t know much about it. How can I familiarise myself with the competition?
This is the fifteenth time that Australian Book Review has presented a short story prize. Past issues containing the shortlisted and winning stories are available for subscribers to read online in our
online archive or to purchase in hard-copy from our online store.

Click here for more information about past winners.

What is the entry period for the 2025 Jolley Prize?
Entries for the 2025 Jolley Prize are open from 10 February 2025 to 5 May 2025. The three shortlisted stories will be published in the August or September 2025 issue and the winner will be announced later in the month of publication.

Is there a set theme or topic for the Jolley Prize?
No, stories can be on any subject and in any style.

What is the word limit for the Jolley Prize?
Stories must be between 2,000 and 5,000 words in length.

Can I submit a non-fiction story?
No, the Jolley Prize is for fiction, although entries can be inspired by real life. ABR also presents the annual Calibre Essay Prize, which is intended for non-fiction essays.

Can I enter multiple stories in one entry?
No. Separate entries must be made, and transactions paid, for each story entered into the Jolley Prize. This is to ensure that a record is kept of each story entered, and also to ensure that payment is successfully made for each.

Is there a limit to the number of stories I can enter?
No, but as stated above, each story must be entered and paid for separately, as individual entries.

Can I enter my story using a pseudonym?
Works must be entered under a real name. Internally, ABR ensures that names are not associated with essays for the judging process. Essays are strictly blind judged. Should your work be shortlisted and named, pseudonyms will not be acceptable. For publicity reasons, all shortlisted authors must be publicly named.

I have written a story with someone else. Are we eligible to enter the Jolley Prize?

No, stories entered in the Jolley must be written by one individual author.

My friend/relative has written a story, can I enter it on their behalf?
No, stories must be entered by their authors.

Are translated stories eligible for entry in the Jolley Prize?

To be eligible for entry in the Jolley Prize stories must not have been previously published, what constitutes ‘publication’?
Publication includes, but is not limited to, publication in print and online (for example in a journal/magazine/anthology or on a website). Publication on a personal blog/website constitutes publication. If a story has been written and assessed as part of a writing course but has not been distributed further, that does not constitute publication.

My story was shortlisted/commended for another prize, can I enter it in the Jolley Prize?
If your story was shortlisted/commended for another prize but was not published, then it can be entered in the Jolley. Please contact us if you are unsure about eligibility.

Can I submit the work I have entered in the Jolley Prize elsewhere while I await notification?
Initially, stories may be entered in other prizes or submitted to other publications. However, if your story is longlisted in the Jolley Prize you must confirm eligibility and exclusivity – i.e. you must either withdraw it from the other outlets/prizes or withdraw it from the Jolley Prize.

When will longlisted authors be contacted?
Notification will take place in July or early August 2025. Longlisted authors who are not shortlisted will be notified in July/August and can then offer their stories elsewhere. See our
Terms and Conditions for more information.

When will non-longlisted authors be notified?
Notification will take place in July or early August 2025.

When and where will the shortlisted stories be published?
The three shortlisted stories will be published in the August or September 2025 issue of ABR and on the ABR website.

What is the prize money for the 2025 Jolley Prize?
The Jolley Prize is worth a total of $12,500 (AUD). This will be split between the three shortlisted authors in the following way:

First Prize: $6,000
Second Prize: $4,000
Third Prize: $2,500

Can I pay the discounted entry fee?
Current print subscribers and yearly digital subscribers may pay the discounted entry fee of AU$20 per entry. Non-subscribers pay AU$30 per entry. If you would like a print and/or digital subscription to ABR, click

Alternatively you can purchase a yearly digital subscription to ABR with your entry for the combined price of AU$100. Your sign-in details will be automatically sent to you by email, and you will be entitled to enter any additional stories at the discounted rate. We also offered combined print subscriptions and Jolley Prize entry packages. A full list of entry rates appears below:

Online entry (current ABR subscriber) - $20
Online entry (standard/non subscriber) - $30*
Online entry + 1-year digital subscription - $100
Online entry + 1-year print & digital subscription (Australia) - $130
Online entry + 1-year print & digital subscription (NZ and Asia) - $220
Online entry + 1-year print & digital subscription (Rest of World) - $240

Note: Print subscribers must provide their subscriber number to be eligible for the discounted rate (this can be found on the flysheet sent out with the magazine, or on renewal notices – alternatively, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will provide you with your subscriber number). Likewise, yearly digital subscribers must provide the email address with which they registered the online subscription.

Can I pay with PayPal?
At this time we are accepting credit card payments only – Visa and MasterCard. We do not accept Amex.

Will I receive confirmation of payment?
Yes, once you have submitted your online entry and payment form, you will receive a confirmation email at the email address you supplied in the form. Keep a copy for your records. If you cannot find the confirmation email, be sure to check that it has not gone to your spam or junk folders.

Can I enter by post?
No, entries must be submitted online.

Who are the judges this year?
The 2025 judges are Julie Janson, John Kinsella and Maria Takolander.

Will you give me feedback about my story?
Unfortunately, we don’t have the time or resources to comment on individual stories.

How should I format my story?
Entries should be presented in 12 pt font size. The pages of stories should be numbered. (Please note, if you realise that you have submitted your story without the preferred formatting this will not disqualify it from the Prize.) The author’s name must not appear in the body of the entry or in the name of the digital file. 

What file type is acceptable?
We accept Word documents only.

Where can I find the complete Terms and Conditions of entry?
These can be found

How can I stay in touch with news about the Jolley Prize?
If you have provided us with a current email address we will contact you with news about the Jolley Prize. Another way to stay up-to-date with news about the Jolley Prize and other ABR prizes and events is to
sign up to our online newsletters. Alternatively you can follow us on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram.

My question isn't answered here, what should I do?
If you have a question about the Jolley Prize that isn't answered here, or in the
entry guidelines, please contact us via the comments facility below and we will respond when we can.

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If you have forgotten your sign in details, or if you receive an error message when trying to submit your comment, please email your comment (and the name of the article to which it relates) to ABR Comments. We will review your comment and, subject to approval, we will post it under your name.

Please note that all comments must be approved by ABR and comply with our Terms & Conditions.