Christopher Menz
The cookery sections of bookshops are crammed with bright new titles, but how necessary are they? Inevitably, they are repetitive – how many ways are there to boil an egg, make stock, prepare a vinaigrette? – and presentation is often privileged over content. In such a crowded market, awash with flashy covers, glossy photography, and populist titles acclaiming the latest celebrity chef, or niche cuisine, how can we sort out the cream from the whey? How can we be confident that books will edify or endure? Gratifyingly, some publishers are reprinting older works, providing a balance between the new and inventive, the tried and trusted.
... (read more)Empires & Splendour: The David Roche collection by Christopher Menz and Robert Reason
by Elisabeth Holdsworth •
Bertram Mackennal: The Fifth Balnaves Foundation Sculpture Project by Deborah Edwards
by Christopher Menz •
Pioneers of Modern Design: From William Morris to Walter Gropius by Nikolaus Pevsner
by Christopher Menz •
Treasures edited by Chris McAuliffe and Peter Yule & Treasures of the State Library of Victoria by Bev Roberts
by Christopher Menz •
India, China, Austraila: Trade and society 1788 - 1850 by James Broadbent, Suzanne Rickard and Margaret Steven
by Christopher Menz •