November 2023, no. 459

As spring slowly turns to summer, the November issue of ABR addresses questions of memoir, biography, and autofiction. Catriona Menzies-Pike engages with Richard Flanagan’s new hybrid work Question 7 while Zora Simic assesses Naomi Klein’s journey into the ‘mirror world’ in Doppelganger and Marilyn Lake reviews Graeme Davison’s ‘uncommonly good family history’. Also, Susan Sheridan reviews a new literary biography of Dorothea Mackellar and Kerryn Goldsworthy reviews Catharine Lumby’s biography of Frank Moorhouse. Memoirist Shannon Burns reviews Christos Tsiolkas’s tangy new novel The In-Between, Felicity Plunkett looks at Amanda Lohrey’s The Conversion, and Jelena Dinić pays tribute to Charles Simic.
Full Contents
Nature Writing
Big Meg: The story of the largest and most mysterious predator that ever lived by Tim Flannery and Emma Flannery
'A Bloody Difficult Subject': Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the making of history by Bain Attwood
by Jim McAloon
Her Sunburnt Country: The extraordinary literary life of Dorothea Mackellar by Deborah Fitzgerald
Secret Agent, Unsung Hero: The valour of Bruce Dowding by Peter Dowding and Ken Spillman
by Peter McPhee
Seven Crashes: The economic crises that shaped globalisation by Harold James
by Stuart Kells
Indigenous Studies
Indigenous Peoples and Mining: A global perspective by Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
by Deanna Kemp
The Dictionary People: The unsung heroes who created the Oxford English Dictionary by Sarah Ogilvie
by Ian Britain