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Australian Book Review

Advances | April 2008

April 2008, no. 300 01 April 2008
Ross Clark Wins The 2008 ABR Poetry Prize The menace of lantana has not prevented Ross Clark from carrying off the fourth ABR Poetry Prize. Mr Clark wins $3000 for his poem entitled 'Danger: Lantana', which was published in the March issue with the four other shortlisted poems. Ross Clark is no stranger to the ABR Poetry Prize. His poem 'Full-Bucket Moon' was shortlisted in last year's competit ... (read more)

Advances | February 2008

February 2008, no. 298 01 February 2008
Two Essayists Share $10,000 Prize This year’s Calibre Prize for an Outstanding Essay has been won by Rachel Robertson and Mark Tredinnick. This is the first time that the Calibre Prize – a joint initiative of ABR and of the Copyright Agency Limited – has been shared (last year’s winner, in the inaugural year, was Elisabeth Holdsworth). One hundred and twenty-seven essayists entered the ... (read more)

Advances | December 2006 - January 2007

December 2006–January 2007, no. 287 01 December 2006
Those who come after Nine months ago, in association with the Copyright Agency Limited (CAL), ABR announced the creation of a major new annual essay prize. In doing so we were conscious of the importance of the genre and of ABR’s long commitment to its preservation and promulgation. We set out to attract entries from the widest range of Australian writers (not just celebrated essayists). In ord ... (read more)

Letters - November 2002

November 2002, no. 246 01 November 2002
ABR welcomes concise and pertinent letters. Correspondents should note that letters may be edited. They must reach us by the middle of the current month. Letters and emails must include a telephone number for verification ... (read more)

Letters - August 2002

August 2002, no. 243 01 August 2002
ABR welcomes concise and pertinent letters. Correspondents should note that letters may be edited. They must reach us by the middle of the current month. Emailed letters must include a telephone number for verification. ... (read more)

Letters - June-July 2002

June–July 2002, no. 242 01 July 2002
ABR welcomes concise and pertinent letters. Correspondents should note that letters may be edited. They must reach us by the middle of the current month. Emailed letters must include a telephone number for verification. ... (read more)

Patrons Corner | Interview with Elisabeth Holdsworth

September 2008, no. 304 01 September 2008
When did you start reading ABR? Several lifetimes ago. In the government offices where I worked, ABR lay around with the New Yorker and the London Review of Books. I assumed, because ABR offered a similar quality of reading experience, that the magazine enjoyed the same level of financial resources! Why does cultural philanthropy matter to you? A life without books, music and the opportunity to ... (read more)

June 2008 - Advances

June 2008, no. 302 01 June 2008
Creative Chairs There is lots of movement in Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide, with the appointment of Brian Castro as Professor of Creative Writing. Castro, whose novels include Birds of Passage (1983) and Shanghai Dancing (2003), becomes the third person to hold this rare chair in Creative Writing. Tom Shapcott held it for many years, and was followed by Nicholas Jose, who has jus ... (read more)

July 2008 - Advances

July–August 2008, no. 303 01 July 2008
Her Majesty’s barren honours If writers, and creative artists in general, needed confirmation of the nation’s tenuous regard for their contribution, they got it in various forms last month. Most egregious of these was the controversy surrounding Bill Henson’s recent exhibition in Sydney and his use of adolescent models. Mayhem of a kind we haven’t seen in decades ensued, none of it edifyi ... (read more)

July 2008 - Letters

July–August 2008, no. 303 01 July 2008
Patrick Allington replies to John Carmody Dear Editor, I sort of but don’t exactly agree with John Carmody, who sort of but didn’t exactly agree with my mixed review of Tony Jones’s edition of The Best Australian Political Writing (May 2008). Carmody suggests that the anthology should have been called ‘Best Political Journalism’ because it ‘completely lacks’ academic writing or ref ... (read more)