Ellen van Neerven, Joel Deane, and Mike Ladd present poems about journeys, recovery, and healing, from comfort food to the experience of a stroke, within overlapping landscapes as palimpsests for their respective pathways.
Reciprocity through feeding runs through Ellen van Neerven’s first collection (Comfort Food, University of Queensland Press, $24.95 pb, 104 pp, 9780702254055) – reciprocity ... (read more)
Nathanael Pree

Nathanael Pree is of Australian/German heritage, and was brought up and educated in the U.K. (BA (Hons) University College London). He completed his Masters' dissertation at The University of Sydney on W.G. Sebald's The Rings of Saturn. He is currently a PhD candidate at The University of Sydney, researching concepts of polis, identity and space in The Maximus Poems of Charles Olson. Recent publications include a book chapter in A Companion to the Works of Kim Scott (ed Belinda Wheeler, 2016) as well as regular poetry reviews in Cordite.
Kent MacCarter’s third collection of poems comprises a patchwork of forms and phenomena, in parts influenced by and dedicated to poets of the New York School and the ‘Generation of 1968’. MacCarter’s own cosmopolitan greetings share the offbeat tones and imagery of precursors, including Frank O’Hara and John Forbes. Touches of the former’s dry humour permeate Sputnik’s Cousin, alongs ... (read more)