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Douglas Mawson died in 1958. Unlike Ernest Shackleton, Mawson was not charismatic, and his descriptions of the Antarctic lack Shackleton’s poetry; unlike Roald Amundsen, he did not reach the South Pole; unlike Robert Scott, he did not perish tragically; but it is no exaggeration to say that the scale and achievements of his Antarctic expeditions dwarf those of his three famous contemporaries.

Mawson was two years old when he arrived in Sydney with his family from England in 1884. As a young man, he studied mining engineering and geology at the University of Sydney. His interest in the glacial geology of South Australia led to his investigation of the highly mineralised Precambrian rocks of the Barrier Range, extending from the northern Flinders Ranges through Broken Hill, work for which Mawson obtained his doctorate from the University of Adelaide in 1909.

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For those of us at the centre of the storm, Sharleen – the demonised HIV-positive Sydney prostitute, the tragic Eve Van Grafhorst – and ACT UP and its often surreal activities are all familiar memories from the first decade of the AIDS epidemic in Australia. All feature in this first book-length account of Australia’s response to the AIDS epidemic. National histories of the epidemic have already appeared in Britain, the Netherlands and the US, and Paul Sendziuk’s work bears comparison with them. Indeed, in the breadth of its sympathies, the sophistication of its conceptual approach and its focus on the working out of policies on the ground, it is the best national study I have read. For a book that originated in a PhD thesis, it is well written, with challenging illustrations, mostly drawn from AIDS campaign material. I should, of course, confess an interest, since this book provides an eloquent defence of the policies I pursued on AIDS during my period as the Commonwealth minister for health.

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The official account of James Cook’s first voyage in the Endeavour (1768-71) was published in 1773. The account, being an edited version of Cook’s journal, occupies the second and third volumes of John Hawkesworth’s An Account of the Voyages Undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere. The first volume includes voyages by Byron, Wallis and Carteret – all seminal voyages in the history of the British Empire. We need to remember that Cook represents the culmination of the scientific discovery in the southern hemisphere, beginning with William Dampier in the late seventeenth century.

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When Martin Boyd returned to Australia in 1948 after twenty-seven years in England, he set about restoring the Grange, the derelict former home of his mother’s family, the à Becketts. He had been disappointed to find how little known his novels were in Australia and he had difficulty in re-establishing himself with the Boyd family. Nevertheless he persevered with his impulsive scheme until he could draw ‘the curtains at night in the little sitting room ... [and] indulge the illusion of being in an English manor house.’ Among the à Beckett portraits and eighteenth-century furniture were his nephew Arthur’s biblical frescoes. In trying to be an English squire in the Australian countryside, surrounded by the artefacts of two continents and centuries, Boyd presents the image of a man who never quite found himself wholly at home anywhere.

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Jessie Street’s autobiography should be compulsory reading for anyone who seeks political change. In the dedication to her mother’s book, Belinda Mackay writes that she hopes ‘the women of today will be inspired by the spirit of Jessie Street and her visions’. To describe this autobiography as inspiring is an understatement. It is an extraordinary record of a remarkable life. Indeed, it is difficult to know how to explain Street’s immense contribution to women’s right welfare economics, social justice and peace studies.

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It has long been claimed that women were the backbone of the pre-World War II Australian Liberal Parties and a crucial strengthening agent for the new Liberal Party that Robert Menzies formed in 1945. Labor supporters said this was because women were conservative, easily led by their husbands, and didn’t understand much of the world outside the home. Liberals argued that it was just because they did understand the importance of domestic life that they supported the party best able to protect it. Margaret Fitzherbert has written the story of these Liberal women and, in so doing, has added to our knowledge both of the history of the Liberal party and of Australian women’s political activism.

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Leo Tolstoy and Georgia Blain share an understanding: ‘Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ In each of her four novels, Blain has written about families in various states of unhappiness. Her first novel, Closed for Winter (1998), was the story of Elise, an ‘unobtrusive and unnoticeable’ twenty-eight-year-old, struggling to come to terms with the unresolved disappearance of her sister twenty years earlier, hindered by her pompous partner and her deranged mother. Candelo (1999) was the tale of the more outgoing, but no less unhappy, Ursula, whose story is heavy with the connections between a recent suicide, memories of her dead sister and the ongoing depression of her brother. The Blind Eye (2001) was narrated by Daniel, a morose healer, who is haunted by the consequences of his own deceptions and the memory of a tortured patient from a wealthy, detached family. And Blain’s new novel, Names for Nothingness, is the story of Sharn, Liam and Caitlin, an unhappy family battling with issues that are both everyday and overwhelming.

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Proof & Truth: The humanist as expert edited by Iain McCalman and Ann McGrath

June-July 2004, no. 262

In his opening essay in this book, Hal Wootten, former judge and law dean, asserts that lawyers and historians are ‘natural allies’. It is certainly true that the common law system builds on reports of the resolution of cases decided long ago and far away. In that sense, legal history lies at the heart of the technique of Australia’s legal system.

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It’s good that Nicholas Hope has written this amusing, light-footed entertainment. Should he give up his day job as an unemployed actor, in Brushing the Tip of Fame (his first book) he has a highly readable example of his scribbling to convince editors that he could go far as a journalist, whether as a travel writer, celebrity profiler or feature writer ...

All This Talk About Careers by Kate Armstrong & Surviving Year 12 by Michael Carr-Gregg

June-July 2004, no. 262

Year 12 has become a year of vastly out-of-proportion significance and, according to Michael Carr-Gregg, the media, parents and, to a lesser extent, schools are to blame for the pressure on young students to achieve that all-important, life-determining ENTER score. Bunkum to those last two sentiments says Carr-Gregg, and so do I, having been through it twice with my children, and having taught first-year undergraduates for years, many of whom change courses or life trajectories when they are exposed to what tertiary education or the workforce can offer. In a book filled with research, anecdotes and practical information, Carr­Gregg provides students with sensible strategies for ignoring the hype and for getting on with managing a busy year in their lives. He addresses diet, relationships, drugs, exercise, managing stress, ‘smart’ studying tactics and approaches to exams in a manner that treats young people as capable and intelligent. A lively, conversational style, plus Tandberg’s witty cartoons, avert any preachy tone. Carr-Gregg advises parents to be supportive but to ‘bite their tongues’.

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