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Cosmic Chronicles: A user’s guide to the universe by Fred Watson

November 2019, no. 416

Cosmic Chronicles: A user’s guide to the universe by Fred Watson

NewSouth, $32.99 pb, 256 pp, 9781742236421

Cosmic Chronicles: A user’s guide to the universe by Fred Watson

November 2019, no. 416

Fred Watson’s inspiration as a lad was the legendary telly astronomer Patrick Moore, who presented the BBC’s show The Sky At Night for more than fifty years. At the end, when others such as Chris Lintott began taking over, Moore was simply wheeled in at the start of the show in his wheelchair, to mumble a couple of sentences, then wheeled off again, out of the way, looking on wistfully.

Watson and Moore have a lot in common: both British, both immensely informed, both musical performers. And they both showed not just deep knowledge of deep space but also the essential emotional commitment to the vast tapestry they were investigating. I well remember the night when the first pictures of the far side of the moon came to Moore, live on air. As he showed them to the television audience, he simply cried, talking in choked tones as tears streamed down his face.

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