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Recent reviews
Ever, Manning: Selected letters of Manning Clark 1938–1991 edited by Roslyn Russell
Howard’s Fourth Government by Chris Aulich and Roger Wettenhall (eds) & Inside Kevin 07 by Christine Jackman
Phnom Penh: a cultural and literary history by Milton Osborne
Reading Boyishly: Roland Barthes, J.M. Barrie, Jacques Henri Lartigue, Marcel Proust and D.W. Winnicott by Carol Mavor
A Matter of Principle: New meetings with the good, the great and the formidable by Jana Wendt
by the radio:
I mishear the news and sports presenter
say ‘the latest in nuisance sports’,
outside the light is green,
the lightning frightening stay away
from windows but the storm
takes no notice of me and my black Bic biro
here at the kitchen table