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Recent reviews
Romancing Opiates: Pharmacological lies and the addiction bureaucracy by Theodore Dalrymple
Wild Ride: The rise and fall of Cobb & Co. by Sam Everingham
Kevin Rudd by Robert Macklin & Kevin Rudd by Nicholas Stuart
Blast: Poetry and other critical writing, issue 4 edited by Ann Nugent
His Master’s Voice: The corruption of public debate under Howard (Quarterly Essay 26) by David Marr
Cultural Amnesia: Notes in the margin of my time by Clive James
Listen, Lesbia!
Surely you can hear.
Shake off that silly hangover
while I part the curtains
just slightly.
Our landlord’s man has let us off this time,
We’re not expelled.
Victorians liked their mortar made with lime,
Our walls have held.