Be warned: what follows is in the nature of a rave. It’s not often one is tempted to weep with gratitude for how the theatre has brought a play to such magisterial life that one can’t imagine ever wanting to see it again – let alone supposing it could be done better. If you’re tired of over-smart productions doing vulgar, opportunistic things with great plays, then Ariette Taylor’s recent production of Chekhov’s Ivanov at fortyfivedownstairs (that’s 45 Flinders Lane) was the place to be. It was an occasion of unalloyed joy and celebration.
... (read more)There, Where the Pepper Grows by Bem Le Hunte & Behind the Moon by Hsu-Ming Teo
by Lisa Gorton •
The Cambridge Companion to American Modernism by Walter Kalaidjian
by Heather Neilson •
Ten Pound Poms: Australia’s invisible migrants by A. James Hammerton and Alistair Thomson
by Mark Peel •
Beyond belief: The British bomb tests: Australia’s veterans speak out by Roger Cross and Avon Hudson
by Wayne Reynolds •
Recognizing Aboriginal Title: The Mabo case and Indigenous resistance to English settler colonialism by Peter H. Russell
by Tim Rowse •
Picturesque Pursuits: Colonial women artists and the amateur tradition by Caroline Jordan
by Sarah Russell Scott •