Man of Honour: John Macarthur – duellist, rebel, Founding Father by Michael Duffy
by Alan Atkinson •
The Pope’s Battalions: Santamaria, Catholicism and The Labor Split by Ross Fitzgerald
by Heather Nash •
The Meeting Of The Waters: The Hindmarsh Island Affair by Margaret Simons
by Kerryn Goldsworthy •
The Man Who Saw Too Much: David Brill, Combat Cameraman by John Little
The Complete Book of Great Australian Women: Thirty-six women who changed the course of Australia by Susanna de Vries
by Clare Wright •
It’ll be dawn before the sawing’s done; all night
cutting it up, yet by dark’s end, a pine,
or cypress moon, fragrant, awaiting finish. I watch
What can I ask of your lips
that they haven’t already given
my colourless signature; of your
hands other than to shade
your eyes as the sun burnishes
the windows, then carries on
to the grey porticos of the square.
I see pigeons on the gold-lit roof
of the Cathedral of St Christopher,
and as I stir my brush about
my palette – scarlet is what
I pray for; scarlet that flows under
a vanquished bridge; that lives
with finches in the tops of trees
because, desire, you said,
should always live on the wing.
... (read more)
that they haven’t already given
my colourless signature; of your
hands other than to shade
your eyes as the sun burnishes
the windows, then carries on
to the grey porticos of the square.
I see pigeons on the gold-lit roof
of the Cathedral of St Christopher,
and as I stir my brush about
my palette – scarlet is what
I pray for; scarlet that flows under
a vanquished bridge; that lives
with finches in the tops of trees
because, desire, you said,
should always live on the wing.
... (read more)
Born to a seamless ordinance of heat,
Small wonder I remember best Indoors,
The too-small carpets slipping round the floors
And ‘Under the house’, a region to retreat