Jen Crawford
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Lucas Smith reviews 'She Woke & Rose' by Autumn Royal, 'Lake' by Claire Nashar, 'Common Sexual Fantasies, Ruined' by Rachel Briggs, 'Spelter to Pewter' by Javant Biarujia, 'Koel' by Jen Crawford, and 'Broken Teeth' by Tony Birch
A new poetry press in Australia should always be greeted with joy, and then interrogated with rigour. These six volumes from the recently created book arm of Cordite Poetry ...
... (read more)States of Poetry 2016 ACT Podcast | extracts from 'abandoned house music' by Jen Crawford
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jen Crawford reads extracts from 'abandoned house music' which features in the 2016 ACT anthology.
... (read more)In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jen Crawford reads 'lopping' which features in the 2016 ACT anthology.
... (read more)In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jen Crawford reads 'reshelve' which features in the 2016 ACT anthology.
... (read more)my mum, being this, terribly emotional, also some part, egalitarian,
'I give him six months, then he won't be, any longer. and she
who is afraid of the mobile
under clock water when the print reverses, St Pancras, the Hardy
Tree necked in hours, of roots, of entry, oublié, headstones
clicking crabclaw
telegraphy, un
addition, s'il vous plait ...
'privately' inside the body but much of this is the extra-somatic (GAWW - not symptomatic but coral. 'the 20th century's premier art mode', though at that point only as an infusion, ubiquitous but still failing to assume the forms which will 'replace' life as a whole.)
p ...
what we'll do is remove the dusty fly-spotted umbrella light-shade from over the bed, and we'll put there something that catches the will of the leaves outside the windows and holds it in the centre of the room. a leaf doesn't have an individual life, but it seems to, and the green at the middle of that life is what I'll feed you. that will come in as milk, translucent blue humming calculation ...
Extracts from 'abandoned house music' by Jen Crawford | States of Poetry ACT - Series One
I mother a scorching fence
I mother a child against a fence
and the cry
here come the shellshocked to arm the day
here come collectors for the shells
amber cry
in decades past a series of dykes was known as the venice
of the floods themselves, with a sweet sap
once the prey has entered the trap
the leaf closes, and within about 30 seconds
a senior minister has touched
two or three trigger hairs,
bristles on the distinction between
private beliefs and public morality,
his bottomline.
about two weeks ...
Jen Crawford's recent poetry is collected in the book Koel (Cordite Books, 2016) and the chapbook ...