In her foreword, Emily Maguire says, ‘You need a desperate, hungry energy to tell a story, to write a poem, to scratch at the surface of a life and see what slithers beneath.’ For some, the university campus is the place for this desperation and hunger to find a voice and have a public hearing. For the University of Sydney, the public hearing is in the form of Perspectives, through which we ex ... (read more)
Nigel Featherstone

Nigel Featherstone is a writer of contemporary adult fiction, creative journalism, and reviews. He is the author of the novellas I’m Ready Now (Blemish Books 2012), which was short-listed for the 2013 ACT Writing and Publishing Award for Fiction, and Fall on Me (Blemish Books 2011), which won that award in 2012. His novel Remnants (Pandanus Books 2005) was published to considerable acclaim, as was his story collection Joy (2000). Nigel has published many stories in Australian journals
‘Each note of the nightingale’s song is sung in only one tenth of a second. For humans to be able to appreciate the nuances of those elaborate performances, the songs have to be recorded and slowed down for replay.’ So writes Teja B. Pribac, guest editor of the latest Southerly, subtitled Lyre/Liar. Pribac goes on to explain that her volume examines ‘emerging ethical implications of writin ... (read more)