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Set in the modern day, Satan Repentant is a book-length poem about revenge, resentment, and remorse, telling a new myth of what would happen if Satan tried to apologise and atone for all his crimes. Through that story, it explores ideas of power, of authority to judge right and wrong, and the dignity and shame that can be attached to admitting fault or insi ...

We are in the back of the Bentley;
the church and the Riviera crowds
are behind us. The sunroof is open ...

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When the temperature drops, and the wind begins
to moan, through the coils of the air conditioner,
and I wonder how the wind chooses ...

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In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Ali Alizadeh reads 'I ♥ (this) Life?'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Ali who then reads and discusses his poem. ... (read more)

In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Alicia Sometimes reads 'Universality'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Alicia who then reads and discusses her poem.

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In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Alexis Lateef reads 'Girl in Fremantle Bookshop'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Alexis who then reads and discusses her poem. ... (read more)

In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Graham Akhurst reads 'The Kadaitcha Sung'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Graham who then reads and discusses his poem.

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Read the five Porter Prize shortlisted poems: 'Tailings' by Amanda Joy, 'Lament for "Cape" Kennedy' by Campbell Thomson, 'Rage to order' by Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet, '... a passing shower?' by Dan Disney, and 'Prelude to a Voice' by Anne Elvey. ... (read more)