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Hidden Author

#14 The 2017 Peter Porter Poetry Prize Ceremony

The ABR Podcast 20 April 2017
On Thursday, March 23, 2017, Australian Book Review held a ceremony at the Collected Works Bookshop to announce the winner of the 2017 Peter Porter Poetry Prize. The joint winners were - Louis Klee (Vic) for his poem ‘Sentence to Lilacs’ and Damen O’Brien (Qld) for ‘pH’ The winners were chosen from a field of nearly 1000 entries from twenty-two countries. Other shortlisted poets were Ro ... (read more)

Current Fellowships

Competitions and programs 06 September 2012
The ABR Inglis Fellowship The ABR Inglis Fellowship – funded though donations – honours the remarkable Ken and Amirah Inglis, whose writings and participation in Australia’s cultural and social life enriched this country. The Inglises were generous in encouraging young writers and providing them with rare opportunities. This Fellowship seeks to acknowledge that legacy. What ... (read more)

Episode #13 Peter Rose in conversation with Lee Christofis

The ABR Podcast 28 February 2017
Peter Rose interviews ABR contributor Lee Christofis, who recently attended a number of exhibitions in Paris showcasing works by Léon Bakst, Cy Twombly, and Arnold Schoenberg among others. His visit coincided with the fortieth birthday of the Pompidou Centre. Lee's 'Letter from Paris' appears in ABR Arts. The ABR Podcast is available via SoundCloud and iTunes. ABR Podcast intro music by David ... (read more)