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Else Fitzgerald

Else Fitzgerald

Else Fitzgerald’s writing has appeared in various publications including Australian Book Review, Meanjin, The Guardian, The Suburban Review and Award Winning Australian Writing. Her collection of short speculative fiction, Everything Feels Like the End of the World, won the 2019 Richell Prize for Emerging Writers, and was published by Allen & Unwin in 2022. Everything Feels Like the End of the World is available at

'A Body of Water', a new story by Else Fitzgerald

ABR Fiction 09 August 2012
Behind the houses the river slides away all night. Buttery and resinous, the air hangs heavy with the river murk, the wet stink of the mudbank. Across the water, the railway sidings with their abandoned boxcars lie quiet, generations of graffiti hiding whatever colour they may have been. Beyond, the ibises stalk the salt flats, reeking brackish plains filled with seawater gone soupy, which the s ... (read more)