States of Poetry ACT
ACT | Three poems by Kerry Reed-Gilbert
Thursday, 27 April 2017Kerry Reed-Gilbert reads her poems ‘Wiradjuri Country’, ‘Got ya’, and ‘Just leave your mark here’ for ABR's ACT States of Poetry anthology.
ACT | Three poems by John Foulcher
Thursday, 27 April 2017John Foulcher reads his poems ‘The Poetry Exam’, ‘Paris Evening’, and ‘Before the Storm’ for ABR's ACT States of Poetry anthology.
ACT | Two poems by Melinda Smith
Thursday, 27 April 2017Melinda Smith reads her poems ‘Some trees’ and ‘The undiscovered country’for ABR's ACT States of Poetry anthology.
State Editor Jen Webb introduces series two of the ACT anthology
Thursday, 27 April 2017In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, State Editor Jen Webb introduces the 2017 ACT anthology.
States of Poetry 2016 ACT Podcast | 'Lady Mungo Speaks' and 'Whitefellas' by Jeanine Leane
Monday, 27 June 2016In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jeanine Leane reads her poems 'Lady Mungo Speaks' and 'Whitefellas' which feature in the 2016 ACT anthology.
... (read more)'Spring Fall' by Adrian Caesar | States of Poetry ACT - Series One
I see you stand with your back to me
at the French window as you did last March
looking at early flowers
yellow and crimson, pansy and primrose
peeping from their crust of snow and
above them the steel-sculpted angel
rearing from a wooden plinth: guardian
of the courtyard. In those bleak days I knew
you were reading the cemetery metaphor
of your blig ...
'Crafting Consolation' by Adrian Caesar | States of Poetry ACT - Series One
Your kind friend sent a condolence card
and in the envelope a small white feather
which, she said, seemed to come from nowhere.
Angel's wings obviously, I wrote in my reply.
And for days after everywhere I went
I found small replicas, as if some tiny
feathered thing had scattered its moulting
on urban pavements, in shops and unlikely
bathrooms, a ...
'A Salutation' by Adrian Caesar | States of Poetry ACT - Series One
Some months after the funeral,
checking emails from the other hemisphere,
there's one from Pauline; subject: Hell.
It's not promising. My mind traverses
the last five years, their litany of loss –
a son, two friends and mentors,
then you, lovely sister, and like some grim
comedic postscript even Frankie
the cat succumbed. Suffice to say
I ...
'Charlotte's Grace' by Adrian Caesar | States of Poetry ACT - Series One
(For my grand-daughter)
Coming in with stones from the garden
your first impulse is to make them shine.
Washing rocks, you call it, and give them
full treatment, soap and flannel and rinse,
your three year old hands and eyes intent,
absorbed, and this not a one-off game;
it becomes a favourite as if
to establish your own ritual
y ...
'did, have' by Jen Crawford | States of Poetry ACT - Series One
my mum, being this, terribly emotional, also some part, egalitarian,
'I give him six months, then he won't be, any longer. and she
who is afraid of the mobile
under clock water when the print reverses, St Pancras, the Hardy
Tree necked in hours, of roots, of entry, oublié, headstones
clicking crabclaw
telegraphy, un
addition, s'il vous plait ...