Indexes (35)
Index for 1990: Nos 118-127
1990 Australian Book Review Index
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Index for 1991: Nos 129-137
1991 Australian Book Review Index
PDF: Page 1 of Index for 1991 Nos 129-137
PDF: Page 2 of Index for 1991 Nos 129-137
Index for 1992: Nos 137-146
1992 Australian Book Review Index
PDF: Page 1 of Index for 1992: Nos 137-146
PDF: Page 2 of Index for 1992 Nos 137-146
Index for 1993: Nos 148-157
1993 Australian Book Review Index
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Index for 1994: Nos 158-167
1994 Australian Book Review Index
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PDF: Page 4 of Index for 1994: Nos 158-167
Index for 1995: Nos 168-177
1995 Australian Book Review Index
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Index for 1996: Nos 178-187
1996 Australian Book Review Index
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PDF: Page 4 of Index for 1996: Nos 178-187
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PDF: Page 6 of Index for 1996: Nos 178-187
Index for 1999: Nos 208-217
1999 Australian Book Review Index
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PDF: Page 2 of Index for 1999: Nos 208-217
PDF: Page 3 of Index for 1999: Nos 208-217
PDF: Page 4 of Index for 1999: Nos 208-217
Index for 2023: Nos 450–460 & online features
ABR Index 2023
NB: this index includes material published in the print magazine and online in 2023
2023 Australian Book Review Index
Subscribers can read these reviews online here.
ADAM, Pip, Audition, Giramondo, 456/29, Jennifer Mills
AKBAR, Kaveh, The Penguin Book of Spiritual Verse: 110 poets on the divine, Penguin, 453/47, Felicity Plunkett
AKRAM, Wasim with Gideon Haigh, Sultan: A memoir, Hardie Grant Books, 453/43, Jonathan Green
ALBISTON, Jordie, Frank, National Library of Australia Publishing, 453/50, Anthony Lynch
ALEXANDER, Rustam, Red Closet: The hidden history of gay oppression in the USSR, Manchester University Press, 454/43, Iva Glisic
ANDERSON, Kim E. The Prize, Pantera Press, 454/38, A. Frances Johnson
ANDERSON, Susie, The Body Country, Hachette, 458/40, Bebe Backhouse-Oliver
ANGEL, Libby, Where I Slept, Text Publishing, 455/41, Jay Daniel Thompson
ARMSTRONG, Kate J., Nightbirds, Allen & Unwin, 459/32, Ben Chandler
ARROW, Michelle (ed.), Women and Whitlam: Revisiting the revolution, NewSouth, 453/14, Marilyn Lake
ASHLEY, Melissa, The Naturalist of Amsterdam, Affirm Press, 460/41, Danielle Clode
ATHERTON, Cassandra and Paul Hetherington (eds.), Alcatraz, Gazebo Books, 457/51, Judith Bishop
ATTWOOD, Bain, ‘A Bloody Difficult Subject’: Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the making of history, Auckland University Press, 459/12, Jim McAloon
ATWOOD, Margaret, Old Babes in the Wood: Stories, Chatto & Windus, 453/30, Sascha Morrell
AUTY, Kate, O’Leary of the Underworld: The untold story of the Forrest River Massacre, La Trove University Press, 453/11, Ann Curthoys
BACKHOUSE, Bebe, More Than These Bones, Magabala Books, 458/42, Julie Janson
BALINT, Ruth, Destination Elsewhere: Displaced persons and their quest to leave postwar Europe, Cornell University Press, 450/53, Ebony Nilsson
BANCROFT, Jack Manning, Hoodie Economics: Changing our systems to value what matters, Hardie Grant Books, 458/38, Declan Fry
BARANAY, Inez, Drink Against Drunkenness: The life and times of Sasha Soldatow, Local Times Publishing, 452/34, Susan Varga
BARNES, Stuart, Like to the Lark, Upswell Publishing, 459/41, Michael Farrell
BASHFORD, Alison, An Intimate History of Evolution: The story of the Huxley family, Allen Lane, 457/42, Gary Werskey
BEESLEY, Luke, In the Photograph, Giramondo, 456/58, Paul Hetherington
BELLAMY, Alex J., Syria Betrayed: Atrocities, war, and the failure of international diplomacy, Columbia University Press, 451/52, Tom Bamforth
BENJAMIN, Roger, Growing up Modern: Canberra’s Round House and Alex Jelinek, Halstead Press, 454/46, Sheridan Palmer
BENNETT, Tamryn, Icaros, Vagabond Press, 459/43, Sam Ryan
BERMAN, Greg and Aubrey Fox, Gradual: The case for incremental change in a radical age, Oxford University Press, 457/19, Glyn Davis
BIRCH, Tony, Women and Children, UQP, 460/42, Naama Grey-Smith
BISHOP, Stephanie, The Anniversary, Hachette, 452/36, Astrid Edwards
BOOCHANI, Behrouz, (translated and edited by Omid Tofighian and Moones Mansoubi), Freedom, Only Freedom: The prison writings of Behrouz Boochani, Bloomsbury Academic, 450/12, Hessom Razavi
BOSTOCK, Shauna, Reaching Through Time: Finding my family’s stories, Allen & Unwin, 458/34, Jacinta Walsh
BOYD, William, The Romantic: The real life of Cashel Greville Ross – a novel, Viking, 450/37, Gabriella Edelstein
BRAGG, Melvyn, Back in the Day: A memoir, Sceptre, 453/23, Michael Shmith
BROOKS, Peter, Seduced by Story: The use and abuse of narrative, New York Review Books, 451/26, Killian Quigley
BROWN, Claire, The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages, OUP, 458/32, Thomas Poulton
BROWNING, Daniel, Close to the Subject: Selected works, Magabala Books, 458/22, Philip Morrissey
BUORO, Stephen, The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa, Bloomsbury, 455/38, Andrew van der Vlies
BURGMANN, J.R., Children of Tomorrow, Upswell, 453/32, Naama Grey-Smith
CADWALLADER, Robyn, The Fire and the Rose, Fourth Estate, 455/39, Naama Grey-Smith
CALABY, Tara, House of Longing, Text Publishing, 454/33, Rose Lucas
CAMPBELL, Genevieve with Tiwi Elders and knowledge holders, The Old Songs Are Always New: Singing traditions of the Tiwi Islands, Sydney University Press, 458/35, John J. Bradley
CANNON, Michael, Cannon Fire: A life in print, Miegunyah Press, 450/48, Johanna Leggatt
CARBIS, Gaylene, I Have Decided to Remain Vertical, Puncher & Wattmann, 455/50, Chris Arnold
CAREY, Jane, Taking to the Field: A history of Australian women in science, Monash University Publishing, 452/47, Jessica Urwin
CARLSON, Bronwyn and Terri Farrelly, Monumental Disruptions: Aboriginal people and colonial commemorations in so-called Australia, Aboriginal Studies Press, Cole Baxter, online only
CATTON, Eleanor, Birnam Wood, Granta, 452/44, Michael Winkler
CHANDLER, Daniel, Free and Equal: What would a fair society look like?, Allen Lane, 459/15, Glyn Davis
CHARLTON, Andrew, Australia’s Pivot to India, Black Inc., 460/54, John Zubrycki
CIURARU, Carmela, Lives of the Wives: literary marriages, HarperCollins, 453/42, Jacqueline Kent
CLANCY, Kate, Period: The real story of menstruation, Princeton University Press, 459/58, Caroline de Costa
CLARK, Christopher, Revolutionary Spring: Fighting for a new world, 1848–1849, Allen Lane, 460/22, Peter McPhee
CLARKE, Patricia, Bold Types: How Australia’s first women journalists blazed a trail, National Library of Australia, 450/54, Bridget Griffen-Foley
CLEMENS, Justin, A Foul Wind, Hunter Publishers, 452/50 and 454/47, Judith Bishop
COAD, Rachel, New York City Glow, Upwell, 460/44, Bernard Caleo
COETZEE, J.M., The Pole and Other Stories, Text Publishing, 455/36, Geordie Williamson
COHEN, David, The Terrible Event, Transit Lounge, 454/32, Alex Cothren
COLLINS, Rijn, Fed to Red Birds, Simon & Schuster, 453/36, Lisa Bennett
COOPER, Anthony with Thorsten Perl, Dispatch from Berlin, 1943: The story of five journalists who risked everything, NewSouth, 454/17, Joan Beaumont
COOPER, Melinda J., Middlebrow Modernism: Eleanor Dark’s interwar fiction, Sydney University Press, 451/24, Susan Sheridan
CORNWELL, Tim, A Private Spy: The letters of John le Carré, Viking, 450/50, Michael Shmith
CRAIG, Jen, Wall, Puncher & Wattmann, 457/29, Naama Grey-Smith
CROPP, Ryan, Donald Horne: A life in the lucky country, La Trobe University Press, 458/58, Tom Wright
CURTHOYS, Ann, Shino Konishi and Alexandra Ludewig, The Lives and Legacies of a Carceral Island: A biographical history of Wadjemup/Rottnest Island, Routledge, 455/33, Georgina Arnott
DAISLEY, Stephen, A Better Place, Text Publishing, 457/35, Patrick Allington
DALGARNO, Paul, A Country of Eternal Light, Fourth Estate, 451/33, Jennifer Mills
DALGARNO, Paul, Prudish Nation: Life, love and libido, Upwell, 460/51, Frank Bongiorno
DAMOUSI, Joy, The Humanitarians: Child war refugees and Australian humanitarianism in a transnational world, 1919-1975, Cambridge University Press, 451/58, Andrew Markus
DAO, André, Anam, Hamish Hamilton, 455/42, Scott McCulloch
DAVIDSON, Robyn, Unfinished Woman, Bloomsbury, 458/50, Jacqueline Kent
DAVIS, Megan and George Williams, Everything You Need to Know about the Voice, NewSouth, 458/17, Bronwyn Fredericks
DAVISON, Graeme, My Grandfather’s Clock: Four centuries of a British-Australian family, Miegunyah Press, 459/11, Marilyn Lake
DAY, Gregory, The Bell of the World, Transit Lounge, 451/34, Michael Winkler
DAY, Sarah, Slack Tide, Pitt Street Poetry, 451/43, Jennifer Harrison
DE GRAZIA, Margreta, Shakespeare Without a Life, Oxford University Press, 457/48, David McInnis
DEANE, Joel, Judas Boys, Hunter, 459/30, Anders Villani
DEBENEDETTI, Gabriel, The Long Alliance: The imperfect union of Joe Biden and Barack Obama, Scribe, 450/26, Varun Ghosh
DOBBIN, Cindy and Freda Marnie Nicholls, My Mother the Spy, Allen & Unwin, 458/61, Michael Sexton
DOWDING, Peter and Ken Spillman, Secret Agent, Unsung Hero: The valour of Bruce Dowding, Pen and Sword, 459/53, Peter McPhee
DOWLING, Gregory, The Colosseum Introduction, Franciscan University Press, 453/53, Geoff Page
DOYLE, Briohny, Why We Are Here, Vintage, 457/36, Alex Cothren
DRUMMOND, Willo, Moon Wrasses, Puncher & Wattmann, 459/43, Sam Ryan
DUNBAR, Jennifer Mackenzie, Missing Pieces, MidnightSun, 456/34, Diane Stubbings
DUNLOP, Tim, Voices of Us: The independents’ movement transforming Australian democracy, NewSouth, 450/20, Dennis Altman
DYLAN, Bob, The Philosophy of Modern Song, Simon & Schuster, 451/47, Andrew Ford
EAGLETON, Terry, Critical Revolutionaries: Five critics who changed the way we read, Yale University Press, 451/36, Benjamin Madden
ECKERMANN, Ali Cobby, She is the Earth, Magabala Books, 458/42, Julie Janson
EDELE, Mark, Russia’s War Against Ukraine: The whole story, Melbourne University Press, 457/20, Nick Hordern
EDEN HOROWITZ, Mark (ed.), The Letters of Oscar Hammerstein II, Oxford University Press, 453/40, Ian Dickson
EICH, Stefan, The Currency of Politics, Princeton University Press, 451/50, John Tang
ELLIOTT, Anthony, Algorithmic Intimacy: The digital revolution in personal relationships, Polity Press, 460/52, Judith Bishop
ELLIOTT, Helen, Eleven Letters to You: A memoir, Text Publishing, 455/22, Brenda Walker
ENRIGHT, Anne, The Wren, The Wren, Jonathen Cape, 459/31, Diane Stubbings
FINK, Jesse, The Eagle in the Mirror, Viking, 458/61, Michael Sexton
FINKEL, Alan, Powering Up: Unleashing the clean energy supply chain, Black Inc., 457/37, Julian V. McCarthy
FINKEMEYER, Pip, Sad Girl Novel, Ultimo Press, 454/36, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
FITZGERALD, Deborah, Her Sunburnt Country: The extraordinary literary life of Dorothea Mackellar, Simon & Schuster, 459/17, Susan Sheridan
FITZGERALD, Michael, Late: A novel, Transit Lounge, 460/40, Tim Byrne
FLANAGAN, Richard, Question 7, Knopf, 459/9, Catriona Menzies-Pike
FLANNERY, Tim and Emma Flannery, Big Meg: The story of the largest and most mysterious predator that ever lived, Text, 459/56, Danielle Clode
FORD, Richard, Be Mine, Bloomsbury, 456/32, Geordie Williamson
FORD, Thomas H., and Justin Clemens, Barron Field in New South Wales: The poetics of Terra Nullius, Melbourne University Press, 455/44, Philip Mead
FOSTER, Chrissie with Paul Kennedy, Still Standing, Viking, 453/17, Barney Zwartz
FOULCHER, John, Dancing with Stephen Hawking, Pitt Street Poety, 451/45, Prithvi Varatharajan
FROW, John (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory, 452/22, Paul Giles
FUNDER, Anna, Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s invisible life, Hamish Hamilton, 455/20, Michael Hofmann
GAMIELDIEN, Zeynab, The Scope of Permissibility, Ultimo Press, Rafqa Touma, online only
GARIBALDI, Korey, Impermanent Blackness: The making and unmaking of interracial literary culture in modern America, Princeton University Press, 457/45, Paul Giles
GAWENDA, Michael, My Life as a Jew, Scribe, 460/19, David Trigger
GIBSON, Andrew, J.M. Coetzee and Neoliberal Culture, Oxford University Press, 451/22, Sue Kossew
GIBSON, Prudence, The Plant Thieves: Secrets of the Herbarium, NewSouth, 454/53, Danielle Clode
GILLARD, Julia (ed.), Not Now, Not Ever: Ten years on from the misogyny speech, Vintage, 450/24, Kim Rubenstein
GLOVER, Dennis, Thaw, Black Inc., 456/33, Morgan Nunan
GORMAN, Zachary (ed.), The Young Menzies: Success, failure, resilience 1894-1942, Melbourne University Press, 451/16, David Horner
GOUGOULIS, Alaina and Ian See (eds.), Family: Stories of belonging, Text Publishing, 454/26, Michael Winkler
GRACE, Paul, Operation Hurricane: The story of Britain’s first atomic test in Australia and the legacy that remains, Hachette, 458/47, Elizabeth Tynan
GRAHAM, Jillian, Inner Song: A biography of Margaret Sutherland, Miegunyah Press, 453/38, Kay Dreyfus
GRANT, Stan, The Queen is Dead: The time has come for a reckoning, Fourth Estate, 455/26, Malcolm Allbrook
GRENVILLE, Kate, Restless Dolly Maunder, Text Publishing, 457/33, Penny Russell
GRIFFITHS, Madison, Tissue, Ultimo Press, 456/60, Caroline de Costa
GUIAO, Jordan, Disconnect: Why we get pushed to extremes online and how to stop it, Monash University Publishing, 453/54, Joshua Krook
GUILLORY, John, Professing Criticism, University of Chicago Press, 454/39, Paul Giles
HANKS, Tom, The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece, Hutchinson Heinemann, 454/34, Jordan Prosser
HANNAN, Victoria, Marshmallow, Hachette, 451/30, Debra Adelaide
HARFORD, Lesbia, Selected Poems, Text Publishing, 457/52, Rose Lucas
HASLUCK, Nicholas, Che’s Last Embrace, Arcadia, 454/38, A. Frances Johnson
HAUGEN, Frances, The Power of One: Blowing the whistle on Facebook, Hodder & Stoughton, 457/21, Kieran Pender
HEMMER, Nicole, Partisans: The conservative revolutionaries who remade American politics in the 1990s, Basic Books, 450/28, Dominic Kelly
HETHERINGTON, Paul, Ragged Disclosures, Recent Work Press, 451/45, Prithvi Varatharajan
HEUSER, Beatrice, War: A genealogy of Western ideas and practices, Oxford University Press, 451/53, Philip Dwyer
HIGGIE, Jennifer, The Mirror and the Pallette: Rebellion, revolution and resilience: 500 years of women’s self-portraits, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 450/52, Julie Ewington
HIGGS, Annette, On a Bright Hillside in Paradise, Vintage, 456/31, Kerryn Goldsworthy
HILL, Anthony, The Investigators, Michael Joseph, 452/38, Stephen Knight
HILL, Barry, Eggs for Keeps: Poetry reviews and other praise, Arcadia, 450/38, Geordie Williamson
HOBBS, Harry and George Williams, How to Rule Your Own Country: The weird and wonderful world of micronations, NewSouth, 450/23, Frank Bongiorno
HOBSON, Ben, The Death of John Lacey, Allen & Unwin, 452/38, Stephen Knight
HOGAN, Dan, Secret Third Thing, Cordite, 460/50, J. Taylor Bell
HOLMES À COURT, Simon, The Big Teal, Monash University Publishing, 450/20, Dennis Altman
HOPKIN, Michael (ed.), 2020: Reckoning with power and privilege, Thames & Hudson, 452/30, Joel Deane
HORNE, Craig, Line of Blood: The truth of Alfred Howitt, Melbourne Books, 458/36, Jason M. Gibson
HOULDEN, Jacquie and Seamus Spark (eds.), Shadowline: The Dunera diaries of Uwe Radok, Monash University Publishing, 451/55, Francesca Sasnaitis
HOYER, Katja, Beyond the Wall: East Germany 1949-1990, Allen Lane, 455/19, Sheila Fitzpatrick
HUGGINS, Rita and Jackie Huggins, Auntie Rita: The classic memoir of an Aboriginal woman’s love and determination, Aboriginal Studies Press, 458/31, Julie Andrews
INOON, Ayesha, Untethered, HQ Fiction, Rafqa Touma, online only
JACK, Richard Morton, Nick Drake: The life, Hachette, 459/55, Barnaby Smith
JACKSON, Davina, Australian Architecture: A history, Allen & Unwin, 451/37, Philip Goad
JAMES, Harold, Seven Crashes: The economic crises that shaped globalisation, Yale University Press, 459/23, Stuart Kells
JANSON, Julie, Madukka the River Serpent, UWA Publishing, 457/28, Debra Adelaide
JAY, Mike, Psychonauts: Drugs and the making of the modern mind, Yale University Press, 457/57, Ben Brooker
JOHNSON, Susan, Aphrodite’s Breath: A memoir, Allen & Unwin, 454/23, Jacqueline Kent
JOHNSTON, Michelle, Tiny Uncertain Miracles, Fourth Estate, 451/34, Naama Grey-Smith
JONES, Jill, Acrobat Music: New and selected poems, Puncher & Wattmann, 457/55, Cassandra Atherton
JORDAN, Toni, Prettier if She Smiled More, Hachette, 454/36, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
JOSE, Nicholas, The Idealist, Giramondo, 459/26, Paul Giles
KALAGIAN BLUNT, Ashley, Dark Mode, Ultimo Press, 451/28, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
KELLS, Stuart, MUP: A centenary history, Miegunyah Press, 452/20, Frank Bongiorno
KEMP, Peter, Retroland: A reader’s guide to the dazzling diversity of modern fiction, Yale, 460/47, Andrew van der Vlies
KENEALLY, Tom, Fanatic Heart, Vintage, 450/34, Ronan McDonald
KENNY, Paul D., Why Populism? Political strategy from Ancient Greece to the present, Cambridge University Press, 457/16, Ben Wellings
KERINAIUA, Mavis and Laura Rademaker, Tiwi Story: Turning history downside up, NewSouth, 458/35, John J. Bradley
KERTZER, David I., The Pope at War: The secret history of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler, Oxford University Press, 451/56, Miles Pattenden
KILLAR, Ashley, Cranko: The man and his choreography, Matador, 452/24, Lee Christofis
KING, Richard, Here Be Monsters: Is technology reducing our humanity?, Monash University Publishing, 456/61, Robyn Arianrhod
KINSELLA, John, Collected Poems: Volume One (1980-2005), The Ascension of Sheep, UWAP, 454/50, John Hawke
KINSELLA, John, Collected Poems: Volume Two (2005-2014), Harsh Hakea, UWAP, 454/50, John Hawke
KLEIN, Naomi, Doppelganger: A trip into the mirror world, Allen Lane, 459/20, Zora Simic
KNEEN, Kris, Fat Girl Dancing, Text Publishing, 454/22, Diane Stubbings
KRISHNAN, Nikhil, A Terribly Serious Adventure: Philosophy and war at Oxford 1900-1960, Random House, 457/59, Karen Green
KRUZE, Kevin M. and Julian E. Zelizer, Myth America: Historians take on the biggest legends and lies about our past, Basic Books, 452/12, Marilyn Lake
KWON, Silvia Vincent & Sien, Macmillan, 457/29, Naama Grey-Smith
LANGTON, Marcia, The Welcome to Country Handbook: A guide to Indigenous Australia, Hardie Grant Books, 458/19, Sandra R. Phillips
LEACH, Roland, Cuttlefish: Western Australian poets, Sunline Press, 459/42, Brenda Walker
LEGGE, Kate, Infidelity and Other Affairs, Thames & Hudson, 451/21, Johanna Leggatt
LOHREY, Amanda, The Conversation, Text, 459/27, Felicity Plunkett
LOWELL, Robert, Memoirs, Allen & Unwin, 456/26, David Mason
LUBIS, Todung Mulya, War on Corruption: An Indonesian experience, Melbourne University Press, 456/17, Howard Dick
LUCAS, Madelaine, Thirst for Salt, Allen & Unwin, 452/41, Maria Takolander
LUCAS, Rose, Increments of the Everyday, Puncher & Wattmann, 455/48, Felicity Plunkett
LUCASHENKO, Melissa, Edenglassie, UQP, 458/53, Jeanine Leane
LUI-CHIVIZHE, Leah, Masked Histories: Turtle shell masks and Torres Strait Islander people, Miegunyah Press, 451/42, Ben Silverstein
LUMBY, Catharine, Frank Moorhouse: A life, Allen & Unwin, 459/19, Kerryn Goldsworthy
MACDONALD, Helen, and Sin Blaché, Prophet, Jonathen Cape, 458/57, J. R. Burgmann
MACINTYRE, Raina, Dark Winter: An insider’s guide to pandemics and biosecurity, NewSouth, 454/45, Ben Brooker
MAGEE, Paul, Suddenness and the Composition of Poetic Thought, Rowman & Littlefield, 457/49, Patrick Flanery
MALCOLM, Janet, Still Pictures, Text Publishing, 452/14, Georgina Arnott
MALCOLM, Lynne, All in the Mind, ABC Books, 457/58, Nick Haslam
MALING, Caitlin, Spore or Seed, Fremantle Press, 455/48, Felicity Plunkett
MANDELBAUM, Michael, The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy: Weak, power, great power, superpower, hyperpower, Oxford University Press, 452/11, Emma Shortis
MARKS, Russell, Black Lives, White Law: Locked up and locked out in Australia, La Trobe University Press, 451/10, David Kearns
MARNEY, Ellie, Some Shall Break, Allen & Unwin, 459/32, Ben Chandler
MARR, David, Killing for Country: A family story, Black Inc., 458/14, Mark McKenna
MARSH, Walter, Young Rupert: The making of the Murdoch Empire, Scribe, 456/20, Jonathan Green
MASON, Brett, Saving Lieutenant Kennedy: The heroic story of the Australian who helped rescue JFK, NewSouth, Nick Hordern, online only
MASON, Brett, Wizards of Oz: How Oliphant and Florey helped win the war and shape the modern world, NewSouth, 450/29, Julia Horne
MASON, David, Incarnation and Metamorphosis: Can literature change us?, Paul Dry Books, 453/53, Geoff Page
McCAFFRIE, Brendan, Michelle Grattan and Chris Wallace (eds.), The Morrison Government: Governing through crisis, 2019-2022, UNSW Press, 454/14, Patrick Mullins
McCARTHY, Cormac, Stella Maris, Picador, 450/33, Shannon Burns
McCARTHY, Cormac, The Passenger, Picador, 450/33, Shannon Burns
McCLELLAND, Roanna, The Comforting Weight of Water, Wakefield Press, 457/30, J.R. Burgmann
McCOOEY, David, The Book of Falling, Upswell, 452/50 and 454/47, Judith Bishop
McGRATH, Ann, Laura Rademaker, and Jakelin Troy, Everywhere: Australia and the language of deep history, UNSW Press, 458/20, Leonie Stevens
McKAY, Laura Jean, Gunflower, Scribe, 460/43, Susan Midalia
McKENZIE, Nick, Crossing the Line, Hachette, 456/11, Kevin Foster
McMULLIN, Ross, Life So Full of Promise: Further biographies of Australia’s lost generation, Scribe, 454/15, Raelene Francis
McPHEE-BROWN, Laura, Little Plum, Text Publishing, 451/31, Debra Adelaide
McPHERSON, Kira, Higher Education, Ultimo Press, 451/30, Debra Adelaide
MEAD, Rachel, The Art of Breaking Ice, Affirm Press, 456/34, Diane Stubbings
MEEHAN, Michael, An Ungrateful Instrument, Transit Lounge, 453/33, Graham Strahle
MILDENHALL, Kate, The Hummingbird Effect, Scribner, 456/28, Cassandra Atherton
MILLER, Alex, A Brief Affair, Allen & Unwin, 450/32, Penny Russell
MILLER, Alex, A Kind of Confession: The writer’s private world, Allen & Unwin, 460/18, Brenda Walker
MILLER, Suzie, Prima Facie, Picador, 460/38, Diane Stubbings
MITCHELL, Heather, Everything and Nothing: A memoir, 456/24, Tim Byrne
MITCHELL, James, Men at War: Australia, Syria, Java 1940–1942, Hardie Grant, 460/53, Michael McKernan
MOLLOY, Shannon, You Made Me This Way, Fourth Estate, 452/19, Anders Villani
MOORE, Lorrie, I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home, Faber, 457/34, Kirsten Tranter
MORRISSEY, John, Firelight, Text, 458/52, Claire G. Coleman
MOULLAKIS, Joyce and Chris Wright, The Millionaires’ Factory: The inside story of how Macquarie became a global giant, Allen & Unwin, 453/18, Michael Easson
NEEDHAM, Kylie, Girl in a Pink Dress, Penguin, 454/38, A. Frances Johnson
NEILL, Sam, Did I Ever Tell You This? A memoir, Text Publishing, 456/24, Tim Byrne
NISBET, Gemma, The Things We Live With: Essays on uncertainty, Upswell, 460/56, Francesca Sasnaitis
NIX, Garth, The Sinister Booksellers of Bath, Allen & Unwin, 459/32, Ben Chandler
NOVAK, Genevieve, Crushing, HarperCollins, 454/36, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
NOWRA, Louis, Sydney: A biography, NewSouth, 450/57, Gay Bilson
O’FAIRCHEALLAIGH, Ciaran, Indigenous Peoples and Mining: A global perspective, OUP, 459/33, Deanna Kemp
O’GRADY, Emily, Feast, Allen & Unwin, 456/34, Diane Stubbings
O’KEEFE, Angela, The Sitter, University of Queensland Press, 457/29, Naama Grey-Smith
ODELL, Jenny, Saving Time: Discovering a life beyond the clock, Bodley Head, 453/46, Tim McMinn
OGILVIE, Sarah, The Dictionary People: The unsung heroes who created the Oxford English Dictionary, Chatto & Windus, 459/46, Ian Britain
OLUBAS, Brigitta, Shirley Hazzard: A writing Life, Virago, 451/18, Frances Wilson
ORD, Mandy, Bulk Nuts, Gazebo Books, 460/44, Bernard Caleo
PAGE, Geoff, 101 Poems: 2011-2021, Pitt Street Poetry, Paul Hetherington, online only
PALMER, Shannyn, Unmaking Angas Downs: History and myth on a Central Australian pastoral station, Melbourne University Press, 451/13, Eleanor Hogan
PAMUK, Orhan (translated by Ekin Oklap), Nights of Plague, Hamish Hamilton, 451/32, Mehrdad Rahimi-Moghaddam
PATEL, Zoya, Once A Stranger, Hachette, Rafqa Touma, online only
PATERSON, Susan, Where Light Meets Water, Simon & Schuster, 453/34, Susan Midalia
PETERS-LITTLE, Frances, Jimmy Little: A Yorta Yorta man, Hardie Grant Publishing, 454/30, Philip Morrissey
PHILLIPS, Carl, My Trade Is Mystery: Seven meditations from a life in writing, Yale University Press, 453/47, Felicity Plunkett
PHILPS, Alan, The Red Hotel: The untold story of Stalin’s disinformation war, Headline, 458/45, Sheila Fitzpatrick
PICK-GOSLAR, Hannah, with Dina Kraft, My Friend Anne Frank, Ebury Publishing, 457/46, Tali Lavi
PIM, Keiron, Endless Flight: The life of Joseph Roth, Granta, 451/48, Joachim Redner
PINCKNEY, Darryl, Come Back in September: A literary education on West Sixty-Seventh Street, Manhattan, riverrun, 452/16, Peter Rose
PITTOCK, Murray, Scotland: The global history – 1603 to the present, Yale University Press, 450/56, Gordon Pentland
PORTER, Max, Shy, Faber, 453/35, Diane Stubbings
PRETTY, Ron, 101 Poems, Pitt Street Poetry, 453/51, Sam Ryan
PRIOR, Robin, Conquer We Must: A military history of Britain 1914-1945, Yale University Press, 456/16, Joan Beaumont
RADFORD, Ron, John Glover: Patterdale farm and the revelation of the Australian landscape, Ovata Press, 457/62, Anne Gray
REES, Peter, I am Tim: Life, politics, and beyond, MUP, 459/44, Joshua Black
REGIS, Ed, Science, Secrecy and the Smithsonian: The strange history of the Pacific Ocean biological survey, Oxford University Press, 453/12, Billy Griffiths
RICHARDS, Michael, A Maker of Books: Alec Bolton and his Brindabella Press, National Library of Australia, 451/25, Brenda Niall
RILEY, Charlotte Lydia, Imperial Island: A history of empire in modern Britain, Bodley Head, 460/23, Jon Piccini
RILEY, Erin, A Real Piece of Work: A memoir in essays, Viking, 458/49, Yves Rees
RISEMAN, Noah, Transgender Australia: A history since 1910, Melbourne University Press, Jack Nicholls, online only
RITCHIE, Brendan, Eta Draconis, UWA Publishing, 457/30, J.R. Burgmann
ROBIN, Libby, What Birdo Is That? A field guide to bird people, Melbourne University Publishing, 454/53, Peter Monkhurst
ROBINSON, Jennifer and Keina Yoshida, How Many More Women? Exposing how to the law silences women, Allen & Unwin, 450/24, Kim Rubenstein
ROYAL, Autumn, The Drama Student, Giramondo, 455/50, Chris Arnold
RUDENKO, Serhii, Zelensky: A biography, Polity Press, 451/14, Nick Hordern
RUSHDIE, Salman, Victory City, Jonathan Cape, 451/29, Geordie Williamson
RUSSELL, Catherine, The Cinema of Barbara Stanwyck, University of Illinois Press, 457/61, Felicity Chaplin
RUSSELL, Meg and Lisa James, The Parliamentary Battle Over Brexit, Oxford University Press, 454/18, Ben Wellings
SALES, Leigh, Storytellers: Questions, answers and the craft of journalism, Scribner, 458/44, Patrick Mullins
SARTRE, Jean-Paul (translated by Carol Cosman, edited by Joseph S. Catalano), The Family Idiot: Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1857, an abridged edition, University of Chicago Press, 453/43, Brian Nelson
SAVILLE, Margot, The Teal Revolution: Inside the movement changing Australian politics, Hardie Grant Books, 450/20, Dennis Altman
SAVVA, Niki, Bulldozed: Scott Morrison’s fall and Anthony Albanese’s rise, Scribe, 450/14, Mark Kenny
SAYER, Mandy, Those Dashing McDonagh Sisters: Australia’s first female filmmaking team, NewSouth, 450/60, Desley Deacon
SCOTT, Kate, Compulsion, Hamish Hamilton, 453/36, Lisa Bennett
SCOTT, Ronnie, Shirley, Hamish Hamilton, 452/40, Morgan Nunan
SCRIMSHAW, Danielle, She and Her Pretty Friend, Ultimo Press, 455/55, Susan Sheridan
SILVERSTEIN, Jordana, Cruel Care: A history of children at our borders, Monash University Publishing, 456/23, Amy Nethery
SIMONS, John, Goldfish in the Parlour: The Victorian craze for marine life, Sydney University Press, 455/51, Danielle Clode
SIMONS, Margaret, Tanya Plibersek: On her own terms, Black Inc., 452/29, Patrick Mullins
SINGER, Hayley, Abandon Every Hope, Upswell, 451/59, Ben Brooker
SMITH, Aisling, After the Rain, Hachette, 455/40, Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
SMITH, Dominic, Return to Valetto, Allen & Unwin, 454/35, Kerryn Goldsworthy
SMITH, Fred, The Sparrows of Kabul, Puncher & Wattmann, 460/20, Kevin Foster
SMITH, Simon, A Man of Honour, Echo Publishing, 452/38, Stephen Knight
SODEN, Oliver, Masquerade: The lives Of Noël Coward, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 456/52, Paul Kildea
SONENSCHER, Michael, Capitalism: The story behind the word, Princeton University Press, 455/32, Knox Peden
SPICER, Tracey, Mand-Made: How the bias of the past is being built into the future, Simon & Schuster, 459/50, Ruby O’Connor
STAVANGER, David, Radhiah Chowdhury, and Mohammad Awad (eds), Admissions: Voices within mental health, Upswell, James Dunk, online only
STELL, Marion, The Bodyline Fix: How women saved cricket, University of Queensland Press, 451/61, Diane Stubbings
STERN, Philip J., Empire, Incorporated: The corporations that built British colonialism, Harvard, 458/46, Clinton Fernandes
STINSON, Emmett, Murnane, Miegunyah Press, 456/53, Shannon Burns
STONE, Alison, Women Philosophers in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Oxford University Press, 454/42, Karen Green
SZE, Gillian, quite night think, ECW Press, 453/47, Felicity Plunkett
TAYLOR, Andrew, Shore Lines, Pitt Street Poetry, 456/57, Geoff Page
THOMPSON, Michael, How to be Remembered, Allen & Unwin, 453/36, Lisa Bennett
TILLERS, Imants, Credo, Giramondo, 451/39, Sophie Knezic
TOYNBEE, Polly, An Uneasy Inheritance: My family and other radicals, Atlantic, 459/34, James Antoniou
TREDINNICK, Mark, Walking Underwater, Pitt Street Poetry, 450/46, Tony Hughes-d’Aeth
TRUMBLE, Angus, Helena Rubinstein: The Australian Years, La Trobe University Press, 457/44, Ian Britain
TSIOLKAS, Christos, The In-Between, Allen & Unwin, 459/28, Shannon Burns
TURNER, Graeme, The Shrinking Nation: How we got here and what can be done about it, UQP, 458/60, Zora Simic
TURNER, Marion, The Wife of Bath, Princeton University Press, 456/56, Morag Fraser
TWYFORD-MOORE, Sam, Cast Mates: Australian actors in Hollywood and at home, NewSouth, 456/64, Jordan Prosser
VAROUFAKIS, Yanis, Technofeudalism: What killed capitalism, Bodley Head, 459/22, Nathan Holler
VILLANI, Anders, Totality, Recent Works Press, 450/39, Maria Takolander
VINCENT, Eve, Who Cares? Life on welfare in Australia, Melbourne University Press, 452/45, Shannon Burns
WALLACE, Chris, Political Lives: Australian prime ministers and their biographers, UNSW Press, 452/27, James Walter
WALSH, Toby, Machines Behaving Badly: The morality of AI, La Trobe University Press, 451/60, Dante Aloni
WARD, Stuart, Untied Kingdom: A global history of the end of Britain, Cambridge University Press, 456/13, Gordon Pentland
WATSON, Don, The Passion of Private White, Scribner, 450/11, Tom Griffiths
WESLEY, Michael, Helpem Fren: Australia and the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands, Melbourne University Press, 455/46, Ceridwen Spark
WESLEY, Michael, Mind of the Nation: Universities in Australian life, La Trobe University Press, 456/21, John Byron
WILLIAMS, Pip, The Bookbinder of Jericho, Affirm Press, 453/31, Jane Sullivan
WILSON, Sean, Gemini Falls, Affirm Press, Samuel Bernard, online only
WINDSOR, Gerard, On Every Tide: The making and remaking of the Irish world, Little, Brown, 453/52, Gerard Windsor
WINTER, Tim, The Silk Road: Connecting histories and futures, Oxford University Press, 452/49, Robert Wellington
WOHLLEBEN, Peter (translated by Jane Billinghurst), The Power of Trees: How ancient forests can save us if we let them, Black Inc., 455/54, Ruby Ekkel
WOLF, Misbah, Carapace, Vagabond Press, 451/45, Prithvi Varatharajan
WOLFF, Michael, The Fall: The end of the Murdoch Empire, The Bridge Street Press, 460/24, Walter Marsh
WOLPE, Bruce, Trump’s Australia: How Trumpism changed Australia and the shocking consequences for us of a second term, Allen & Unwin, 457/14, Emma Shortis
WOMERSLEY, Chris, Ordinary Gods and Monsters, Picador, 457/32, Jennifer Mills
WOOD, Charlotte, Stone Yard Devotional, Allen & Unwin, 460/39, Jennifer Mills
WOOD, Michael, Marcel Proust, OUP, 459/54, Andrea Goldsmith
WOOLLETT, Laura Elizabeth, West Girls, Scribe, 458/54, Mindy Gill
WRIGHT, Alexis, Praiseworthy, Giramondo, 452/37, Tony Hughes-d’Aeth
WYNN SCHWARTZ, Selby, After Sappho, Text Publishing, 45/42, Ruth McHugh-Dillon
YATES, Dean, Line in the Sand, Macmillan, 455/45, Kevin Foster
YOUNG, Sally, Media Monsters: The transformation of Australia’s newspaper empires, UNSW Press, 455/15, Patrick Mullins
YU, Jessica Zhan Mei Yu, But the Girl, Hamish Hamilton, 458/56, Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyan
ZELENSKY, Volodymyr, A Message From Ukraine, Hutchinson Heinemann, 451/14, Nick Hordern
ZYGAR, Mikhail, War and Punishment: The story of Russian oppression and Ukrainian resistance, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 457/20, Nick Hordern
Π.O., The Tour, Giramondo, 459/36, Francesca Sasnaitis
2023 Features Index
ABR Arts
ABR Arts reviews can be read here.
GARDINER, Thea, ‘Women philanthropists in our galleries’, online only
LOGAN, Cameron, ‘Architecture and the new national cultural policy’, online only
Maria Callas, Ian Dickson, online only
2023 Sydney International Piano Competition Opening Gala, Malcolm Gillies, online only
Melbourne International Jazz Festival, Des Cowley, online only
A Haunting in Venice (Twentieth Century), Philippa Hawker, online only
Aftersun (Kismet), Jo Stubbings, online only
Alcarràs (Palace Films), Stefan Solomon, online only
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Madman Entertainment), Anne Rutherford, online only
Asteroid City (Universal Pictures), Felicity Chaplin, online only
Beau is Afraid (Roadshow), Jordan Prosser, online only
Broker (Madman Entertainment), Michael Sun, online only
Caravaggio Shadow (Italian Film Festival), Angela Viora, online only
Corsage (Vendetta Films), James Cleverley, online only
Dalíland (Kismet), 456/66, Philippa Hawker
EO (Hi Gloss Entertainment), Anthony Frajman, online only
Godland (Palace Films), Stefan Solomon, online only
John Farnham (Beyond Oz), Joshua Black, online only
Killers of the Flower Moon (Paramount), 459/63, Philippa Hawker
La Chimera (Italian Film Festival), Felicity Chaplin, online only
Limbo (Bunya Productions), Anne Rutherford, online only
Maestro (Netflix Original), Jordan Prosser, online only
Napoleon (Sony), Philippa Hawker, online only
November (Palace Films), 454/58, Felicity Chaplin
One Fine Morning (Palace Films), Philippa Hawker, online only
Oppenheimer (Universal Pictures Australia), Jordan Prosser, online only
Past Lives (StudioCanal), 458/64, Michael Sun
Reality (Kismet), Stefan Solomon, online only
Run Rabbit Run (Netflix Original), Anthony Frajman, online only
Saint Omer (Palace Films), 455/60, Anwen Crawford
Shayda (Madman Entertainment), Anne Rutherford, online only
Sick of Myself (Static Vision), Stefan Solomon, online only
TÁR (Universal Pictures Australia), 451/64. Jordan Prosser
The Banshees of Inisherin (Searchlight Pictures), 450/67, Jordan Prosser
The Old Oak (Palace), Stefan Solomon, online only
The Son (Transmission Films), Tim Byrne, online only
The Teachers’ Lounge (German Film Festival), James Cleverley, online only
The Whale (Madman Entertainment), Jo Stubbings, online only
The Zone of Interest (A24), 460/59, Diane Stubbings
Un Couple (MIFF), Anthony Frajman, online only
All Rise (Lincoln Center Orchestra and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), Des Cowley, online only
An Australian Songbook (Adelaide Cabaret Festival), Chris Reid, online only
Australian Chamber Orchestra (Ukaria Festival), Graham Strahle, online only
Juan Diego Flórez in Recital (Arts Centre Melbourne), 460/58, Peter Rose
Mahler’s Ninth Symphony (Australian World Orchestra), Malcolm Gillies, online only
Mahler’s Seventh (London Symphony Orchestra), 454/59, Michael Shmith
Melbourne Jazz Co-Operative (Melbourne Recital Centre), Des Cowley, online only
Midsummer Dreams(The Australian Romantic & Classical Orchestra), Malcolm Gillies, online only
Mozart and Beethoven Concertos (Melbourne Chamber Orchestra), Peter Tregear, online only
Ngapa William Cooper (Adelaide Festival), 452/59, Graham Strahle
Sibyl (Sydney Opera House), Michael Halliwell, online only
Steven Osborne (Ukaria Cultural Centre), Graham Strahle, online only
A Deep Black Sleep (IHOS Amsterdam), Sarah Day, online only
Adriana Lecouvreur (Opera Australia), Michael Halliwell, online only
Antarctica (Sydney Chamber Opera), Michael Halliwell, online only
Biographica (Theatre Works), Peter Tregear, online only
Das Rheingold (Royal Opera House), 459/61, John Allison
Das Rheingold Die Walküre (Opera Australia), Michael Halliwell, online only
Das Rheingold Die Walküre (Melbourne Opera), Peter Rose, online only
Das Rheingold (Royal Opera House), John Allison, online only
Der Ring des Nibelungen (Melbourne Opera), 453/58, Peter Rose
Die Frau ohne Schatten and Tosca (Wiener Staatsoper), Peter Rose, online only
Earth. Voice. Body (Sydney Chamber Opera), Michael Halliwell, online only
Idomeneo (Victorian Opera and Opera Australia), Peter Rose, online only
Juan Diego Flórez in Recital (Castiglione Arts & Culture), Peter Rose, online only
La Gioconda (Opera Australia), 457/64, Peter Rose
Maria Stuarda (Melbourne Opera), Peter Rose, online only
Michael Fabiano in Concert (Opera Australia), Peter Rose, online only
Otello, Hamlet, War and Peace (Bayerische Staatsoper), Michael Halliwell, online only
Siegfried and Götterdämmerung (Melbourne Opera), Peter Rose, online only
Siegfried Götterdämmerung ½ (Opera Australia), Michael Halliwell, online only
Tannhäuser (Opera Australia), Michael Shmith, online only
The Makropulos Case (Opéra National de Paris), Peter Rose, online only
The Tales of Hoffmann (Opera Australia), Michael Halliwell, online only
A Streetcar Named Desire (Red Line Productions), 455/59, Kirk Dodd
Bernhardt/Hamlet (Melbourne Theatre Company), Diane Stubbings, online only
Death of a Salesman (Her Majesty’s Theatre), 458/65, Diane Stubbings
Do Not Go Gentle (Sydney Theatre Company), 455/62, Clare Monagle
Escaped Alone (Melbourne Theatre Company), 457/65, Diane Stubbings
Exiles (Bloomsday in Melbourne), Ronan McDonald, online only
Far Away (Patalog Theatre Company), Ben Brooker, online only
Flake (Red Stitch Actors’ Theatre), Ben Brooker, online only
Happy Days (Melbourne Theatre Company), 454/63, Ronan McDonald
Into the Woods (Belvoir St Theatre), Ian Dickson, online only
Julia (Sydney Theatre Company), 453/58, Clare Monagle
Julius Caesar (Melbourne Shakespeare Company), Tim Byrne, online only
Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill (Melbourne Theatre Company), 459/60, Ian Dickson
Loaded (Malthouse Theatre), Ben Brooker, online only
Macbeth (Bell Shakespeare), 452/56, Kirk Dodd
My Sister Jill (Melbourne Theatre Company), Diane Stubbings, online only
Nosferatu (Malthouse Theatre), Guy Webster, online only
Oil (Sydney Theatre Company), Patrick Lau, , online only
Orlando (Antipodes Theatre Company), Guy Webster, online only
Prima Facie (Melbourne Theatre Company), 451/65, Diane Stubbings
Romeo and Juliet (Bell Shakespeare), Kirk Dodd, online only
The Chairs (Redline Productions), 458/67, Ian Dickson
The Goat, Or Who Is Sylvia? (Sydney Theatre Company), Ian Dickson, online only
The Master & Margarita (Belvoir St Theatre), Ian Dickson, online only
The Poison of Polygamy (La Boite and Sydney Theatre Company), 455/58, Josh Stenberg
The Seagull (Sydney Theatre Company), Clare Monagle, online only
The Tempest (Sydney Theatre Company), 450/61, Kirk Dodd
What If If Only (Melbourne Theatre Company), 457/65, Diane Stubbings
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Red Stitch Actors’ Theatre), 460/60, Ben Brooker
Wittenoom (Red Stitch), Tim Byrne, online only
Worstward Ho (Victorian Theatre Company), Ben Brooker, online only
Visual Arts
Andy Warhol and Photography: A Social Media (The Art Gallery of South Australia), 452/54, Patrick Flanery
Barbara Hepworth: In Equilibrium (Heide Museum of Modern Art), 450/62, Sophie Knezic
Catherine Opie: Binding Ties (Heide), Kelly Gellatly, online only
Imagine … the Wonder of Picture Books (State Library of New South Wales), Margaret Robson Kett, online only
Kandinsky (Art Gallery of New South Wales), 460/62, Roger Benjamin
Melbourne Now 2023 (National Gallery of Victoria), 453/63, Sophie Knezic
Peter Tyndall (Buxton Contemporary), 451/66, Jarrod Zlatic
Photography Real and Imagined (National Gallery of Victoria), Alison Stieven-Taylor, online only
Pre-Raphaelites Drawings & Watercolours (Art Gallery of Ballarat), Christopher Menz, online only
Radical Utopia An archeology of a creative city (RMIT Gallery), Jarrod Zlatic, online only
Rembrandt – True to Life (National Gallery of Victoria), 456/67, Roger Benjamin
Sydney Modern (Art Gallery of New South Wales), Julie Ewington, online only
SYNERGY (Drill Hall Gallery), 454/56, Saskia Beudel
The Ballad of Sexual Dependency (National Gallery of Australia), Saskia Beudel, online only
Thin Skin (Monash University Museum of Art), Jarrod Zlatic, online only
Essays and Commentary
ALTMAN, Dennis, ‘Frozen between despair and denial: The role of Australian Jews in an intractable conflict’, 456/8
ATTWOOD, Bain, ‘A referendum in trouble: Race, rights and history talk in 1967 and 2023’, 455/10
ATTWOOD, Bain, ‘Turning a blind eye: The referendum and the burden of history’, 460/11
BOYCE, James, ‘Soul shifts: Reflections on Richard Flanagan’s Question 7’, 460/27
CASTAN, Melissa and Lynette Russell, ‘Ancient sovereignty shining through: A Voice to parliament, not a Voice in parliament’, 458/9
CORBETT, Jack, ‘Statehood á la carte: Sovereignty games in the Pacific Islands’, 455/23
CURRAN, James, ‘Exorcising the ghosts: Australia’s new, old foreign policy’, 452/8
CURRAN, James, ‘Stanner in reverse: A response to Clare Wright’, 457/13
DEANE, Joel, ‘A maddening country: The long political shadow of John Howard’, 460/15
DEANE, Joel, ‘The Great Australian Intemperance: Thoughts on a time of unbottled rage’, 457/9
DICKSON, Ian, ‘Letter from London’, 450/47
DINIĆ, Jelena, ‘‘Come closer and listen’: A tribute to Charles Simic (1938 – 2023)’, 459/47
EWINGTON, Julie, ‘Lyrical Layers at AGNSW: A new landmark building in Sydney’, 452/32
HAMILTON, Debi, ‘The tyranny of sound: The world’s addiction to background noise’, 452/25
HODA, Rashina, ‘A tale of two species: Balancing new technology and ethical considerations’, 459/51
HOLMAN, Zoe, ‘“Call it a revolution”: From falling veils to a failing regime’, 450/8
KAVANAGH, Siobhan, ‘The Morning Belongs to Us’, 459/38
KENNY, Mark, ‘Labor’s year in clover: The challenges facing Peter Dutton’, 454/9
KONISHI, Shino, Julie Andrews, Odette Best, Brenda L. Croft, Steve Kinnane, Greg Lehman, and Uncle John Whop, ‘Who’s your mob?: An Indigenous Australian Dictionary of Biography’, 458/24
LAIDLAW, Zoë, ‘‘You take um up my land for me’: An Indigenous history of the University of Melbourne’, 458/28
LEY, James, ‘‘Not like an arrow, but a boomerang’: Ralph Ellison and literary humanism’, 460/45
LEY, James, ‘An obscure prodigy: J.M. Coeztee’s Life and Time of Michael K at forty’, 456/50
LILLEY, Kate, ‘Intricacies of aliveness: A personal tribute to John Tranter (1943-2023)’, 454/24
LOGAN, Cameron, ‘Beyond real estate: The role of architecture in cultural policy’, 452/57
LYNCH, Timothy J., ‘Enough already!: Post-Trump America returns to the centre’, 450/17
MANDERSON, Desmond, ‘Yunupingu’s song: Constitution as acts of vision, not of division’, 457/24
MILLS, Jennifer, ‘A revival meeting at the Espy: Labor’s new National Cultural Policy’, 451/8
MYERS, David N., ‘Dem-o-krat-yah now!: The egregious erosion of democracy in Israel’, 453/8
NILSSON, Ebony, ‘“A happy white men’s club”: The Australian Labor Party’s uneasy history with immigration’, 455/29
OGILVIE, Sarah, ‘The Melbourne Dictionary People: Active service to the mother tongue’, 457/40
PENTLAND, Gordon, ‘Parlour games: Britain and the anaesthesia of nostalgia’, 453/21
ROLPH, David, ‘Self-inflicted wounds: A vindication of investigative journalism’, 455/17
ROLPH, David, ‘Who blinks first: Lachlan Murdoch v Crikey’, 454/11
TWOMEY, Anne, ‘Voiceless in Australia: Will we ever have another referendum?’, 460/9
WRIGHT, Alexis, ‘The sovereign time of Country: Living in the pulse and heartbeat of an infinite clock’, 458/12
ZUBRZYCKI, John, ‘Politics by other means: India addresses centuries of humiliation’, 454/20
Calibre Essay Prize
ELLIS, Tracy, ‘Flow States’, 453/24
VINCENT, Bridget, ‘Child Adjacent’, 454/27
Peter Porter Poetry Prize
ANDREWS, Chris, ‘Loss-invaded Catalogue’, 450/41
ARNOLD, Chris, ‘Running Up That Bill’, 450/41
CAHILL, Michelle, ‘Field Notes for an Albatross Palimpsest’, 450/44
DISNEY, Dan, ‘periferal, fantasmal’, 450/43
TOLCHINSKY, Raisa, ‘Abiquiu, New Mexico’ , 450/40
ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
BEL, Winter, ‘Black Wax’, 456/36
HEATH, Rowan, ‘The Mannequin’, 456/41
KHAN, Uzma Aslam, ‘Our Own Fantastic’, 456/46
Open Page
ALEXANDRA, Belinda, 456/62
DALGARNO, Paul, 450/51
HEISS, Anita, 458/30
JOSE, Nicholas, 459/57
McKENZIE, Nick, 455/56
McMULLIN, Ross, 454/49
WILLIAMS, Pip, 452/52
Poet of the Month
DISNEY, Dan, 453/49
JACKSON, Andy, 457/56
PLUNKETT, Felicity, 456/59
Publisher of the Month
HUGHES, Martin, 453/56
SCOTT, Barry, 451/62
SMITH, Yasmin, 458/41
Critic of the Month
STUBBINGS, Diane, 459/37
ARCHER, Robyn, 454/61
EVANS, Peter, 457/67
MACKENZIE, Ruth, 460/61
MORSE, Helen, 455/63
BEVERIDGE, Judith, ‘Hawkesbury’, 451/49
BRADY, Andrea, ‘Canterbury Bell’, 457/53
COLEMAN, Aidan, ‘Metric’, 459/35
EDGAR, Stephen, ‘If Looks Could Kill’, 460/14
EDGAR, Stephen, ‘Lapis Lazuli’, 451/49
FARELL, Michael, ‘Christmas In Brogo’, 453/39
FLEMING, Joan, ‘Coins, Glass, Nails, Pottery, Cinders’, 453/45
HOLT, L.K., ‘Nina in the Hag Mask’, 456/55
JANSON, Julie, ‘Kurraarr Far Country’, 451/41
JANSON, Julie, ‘Minyerri (now marked for fracking)’, 458/33
JOHNSON, Frances A., ‘Painted Weather’, 454/51
KINSELLA, John, ‘Apotheoses and the Hölderlin Monument, Old Botanical Gardens, Tübingen’, 460/28
LAWRENCE, Anthony, ‘Reading the Conditions’, 455/27
MEAD, Philip, ‘Déjà Rêvé’, 452/21
O’BRIEN, Damen, ‘The Pelican Feeder’, 451/57
PAGE, Geoff, ‘Endings’, 459/21
SALOM, Philip, ‘A Vladimir Taxonomy’, 456/25
SAMUELS, Lisa, ‘Dise’, 455/43
SAUNDERS, Kirli, ‘Go Rogue’, 458/23
VILLANI, Anders, ‘Wallpaper’, 457/47
WEBSTER, H.R., ‘Death by Drowning’, 459/45
Books of the Year
ATTWOOD, Bain, 460/31
BIRCH, Tony, 460/33
BONGIORNO, Frank, 460/33
BRADLEY, James, 460/36
COWLEY, Des, 460/36
DAVIS, Glyn, 460/34
DEANE, Joel, 460/31
GILES, Paul, 460/29
GOLDSWORTHY, Kerryn, 460/29
HAIGH, Gideon, 460/34
HAWKE, John, 460/35
HOFMANN, Michael, 460/35
HUGHES-D’AETH, Tony, 460/32
KELLS, Stuart, 460/31
LAKE, Marilyn, 460/36
LEY, James, 460/34
McKENNA, Mark, 460/36
MEAD, Philip, 460/31
MILLS, Jennifer, 460/32
MULLINS, Patrick, 460/32
PENDER, Kieren, 460/35
PLUNKETT, Felicity, 460/32
REES, Yves, 460/33
ROSE, Peter, 460/33
RUSSELL, Lynette, 460/36
RUSSELL, Penny, 460/32
SHORTIS, Emma, 460/32
SILCOX, Beejay, 460/35
SIMIC, Zora, 460/29
STUBBINGS, Diane, 460/33
WALKER, Brenda, 460/36
WILLIAMSON, Geordie, 460/33
WILSON, Frances, 460/29
Arts Highlights
ARCHER, Robyn, 450/64
BOWER, Humphrey, 450/66
BROOKER, Ben, 450/65
BYRNE, Tim, 450/64
CHAPLIN, Felicity, 450/65
COWLEY, Des, 450/65
DICKSON, Ian, 450/65
EWINGTON, Julie, 450/64
FORD, Andrew, 450/64
HALLIWELL, Michael, 450/66
KNEZIC, Sophie, 450/66
PROSSER, Jordan, 450/65
ROSE, Peter, 450/66
RUTHERFORD, Anne, 450/65
SHMITH, Michael, 450/64
STUBBINGS, Diane, 450/64
TREGEAR, Peter, 450/66
TREGEAR, Peter, ‘Vale Barry Humphries: The great comedian’s love affair with Weimar Germany’, 454/60
Index for 2022: Nos 439–449 & online features
ABR Index 2022
NB: this index includes material published in the print magazine and online in 2022.
2022 Australian Book Review Index
Subscribers can read these reviews online here.
AITKEN, Adam, Revenants, Giramondo, 443/50, Toby Davidson
ALBISTON, Jordie, Fifteeners, Puncher & Wattmann, 440/44, Joan Fleming
ALIGHIERI, Dante (translated by D.M. Black), Purgatorio, NYRB Classics, 441/45, Theodore Ell
ALLSOPP, Kimberley, Love and Other Puzzles, HarperCollins, 442/40, Debra Adelaide
ALSOP, Maureen, Pyre, What Books Press, 445/50, Anders Villani
ANDERSON, Clare, Convicts: A global history, Cambridge University Press, 443/55, Briony Neilson
ANDREWS, Rosie, The Leviathan, Raven Books, 443/25, Diane Stubbings
ANDRIESSE, Alex (ed.), The Uncollected Essays of Elizabeth Hardwick, New York Review Books, 446/20, Michael Hofmann
ANYIETH, Akuch Kuol, Unknown: A refugee’s story, Text Publishing, online only, Nicholas Bugeja
ARNOTT, Georgina (ed.), Judith Wright: Selected writings, La Trobe University Press, 442/23, Philip Mead
ARNOTT, Robbie, Limberlost, Text Publishing, 447/38, Jennifer Mills
ASHENDEN, Dean, Telling Tennant’s Story: The strange career of the great Australian silence, Black Inc., 443/16, Kim Mahood
ATHERTON, Cassandra and Paul Hetherington (eds.), The Language in My Tongue: An anthology of Australian and New Zealand poetry, FarFlung Editions, 445/51, David Mason
ATKINS, Brendan, The Naturalist: The remarkable life of Allan Riverstone McCulloch, NewSouth, 449/23, Danielle Clode
ATKINSON, Alan, Elizabeth and John: The Macarthurs of Elizabeth Farm, NewSouth, 448/8, Penny Russell
ATWOOD, Margaret, Burning Questions: Essays and occasional pieces, 2004–2021, Chatto & Windus, 442/24, Andrea Goldsmith
BACKDERF, Derf, Kent State, Abrams ComicArts, 439/24, Bernard Caleo
BACON, Eugen, Danged Black Thing, Transit Lounge, 443/31, Cassandra Atherton
BAMSTON, Troy, Bob Hawke: Demons and destiny, Viking, 441/12, Patrick Mullins
BARNETT, Katy and Jeremy Gans, Guilty Pigs: The weird and wonderful history of animal law, La Trobe University Press, 442/12, Sophie Riley
BEARD, Mary, Twelve Caesars: Images of power from the ancient world to the modern, Princeton University Press, 439/19, Alastair J.L. Blanshard
BEAUMAN, Ned, Venomous Lumpsucker, Hodder & Stoughton, 449/51, J.R Burgmann
BEAUMONT, Joan, Australia’s Great Depression: How a nation shattered by the Great War survived the worst economic crisis it has ever faced, Allen & Unwin, 442/17, Benjamin Huf
BEECH, Isobel, Sunbathing, Allen & Unwin, 445/27, Georgia White
BEEVOR, Anthony, Russia: Revolution and civil war 1917–1921, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 448/12, Tim McMinn
BEILHARZ, Peter and Sian Supski (eds.), The Work of History: Writing for Stuart Macintyre, Melbourne University Press, 447/22, Christina Twomey
BENSON, Simon and Geoff Chambers, Plagued: Australia’s two years of hell – the inside story, Pantera Press, 448/19, Joshua Black
BERNSTEIN, Charles, Topsy-Turvy, Chicago University Press, 440/45, Gig Ryan
BIRD, Carmel, Telltale: Reading writing remembering, Transit Lounge, 446/41, Gregory Day
BIRMINGHAM, Kevin, The Sinner and the Saint: Dostoevsky, a crime and its punishment, Allen Lane, 440/22, Geordie Williamson
BONGIORNO, Frank, Dreamers and Schemers: A political history of Australia, La Trobe University Press, 448/16, James Walter
BOSCO, David, The Poseidon Project: The struggle to govern the world’s oceans, Oxford University Press, 446/51, Killian Quigley
BRADY, Andrea, Poetry and Bondage: A history and theory of lyric constraint, Cambridge University Press, 441/46, John Hawke
BROINOWSKI, Richard, Fact or Fission: The truth about Australia’s nuclear ambitions, Scribe, 447/54, Jessica Urwin
BROOKS, Geraldine, Horse, Hachette, 444/40, Peter Craven
BROPHY, David, China Panic: Australia’s alternative to paranoia and pandering, La Trobe University Press, 442/54, Tim Robertson
BROWN, Pam, Endings & Spacings, Never Never Books, 439/44, Abigail Fisher
BROWN, Pam, Stasis Shuffle, Hunter Publications, 442/48, Chris Arnold
BULLOUGH, Oliver, Butler to the World: How Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals, Profile Books, 445/55, Kieran Pender
BURNS, Shannon, Childhood, Text Publishing, 447/31, Peter Rose
BURTON, Mirranda, Underground, Allen & Unwin, 439/24, Bernard Caleo
BURTON, Pamela and Meredith Edwards, Persons of Interest: An intimate account of Cecily and John Burton, ANU Press, 446/42, Peter Edwards
CAHILL, James, Tiepolo Blue, Hodder & Stoughton, 446/26, Theodore Ell
CAHILL, Michelle, Daisy & Woolf, Hachette, 444/38, Diane Stubbings
CAMPBELL, Marion May, languish, Upswell Publishing, 445/52, Jennifer Harrison
CARMAN, Luke, An Ordinary Ecstasy, Giramondo, 448/38, Sascha Morrell
CARMICHAEL, Jay, Marlo, Scribe, 445/30, Jay Daniel Thompson
CARR, Helen and Suzannah Lipscomb (eds.), What is History, Now? How the past and present speak to each other, Weidenfield & Nicolson, 439/16, Billy Griffiths
CARROLL, Steven, Goodnight, Vivienne, Goodnight, Fourth Estate, 441/29, Patrick Allington
CARTER. Nanette and Robyn Oswald-Jacobs, Frances Burke: Designer of modern textiles, Miegunyah, 439/49, Christopher Menz
CASEY-HARDY, Anne, Cautionary Tales for Excitable Girls, Scribner, 447/50, Alex Cothren
CATALANO, Gary, Collected Prose Poems, Life Before Man, 440/47, Paul Hetherington
CAUSER, Tim and Phillip Schofield (eds.), Panopticon versus New South Wales and Other Writings on Australia, UCL Press, 449/26, Gordon Pentland
CAUSER, Tim, Margot Finn, and Philip Schofield (eds.), Jeremy Bentham and Australia, UCL Press, 449/26, Gordon Pentland
ĆEHIĆ, Ennis, Sadvertising, Vintage, 443/31, Cassandra Atherton
CHAMBERLAIN, Lesley, Rilke: The last inward man, Pushkin Press, 449/24, Alison Croggon
CHARLES, Stephen and Catherine Williams, Keeping Them Honest: The case for a genuine national integrity commission and other vital democratic reforms, Scribe, 442/11, Chris Wallace
CHRISTIN, Pierre and Sébastian Verdier (translated by Edward Gauvin), Orwell, Self Made Hero, 443/57, Bernard Caleo
CHRULEW, Matthew and Thom Van Dooren (eds.), Kin: Thinking with Deborah Bird Rose, Duke University Press, 449/58, Prithvi Varatharajan
CLARK, Anna, Making Australian History, Vintage, 440/13, Penny Russell
CLARK, John, An Eye for Talent: A life at NIDA, Coach House Books, 449/60, Ben Brooker
CLARK, Katerina, Eurasia without Borders: The dream of a leftist literary commons 1919–1943, Harvard University Press, 441/36, Nicholas Jose
CLODE, Danielle, Koala: A life in trees, Black Inc., 445/59, Peter Menkhorst
COLLETTE, Katherine, The Competition, Text Publishing, 442/40, Debra Adelaide
COLLEY, Brendan, The Signal Line, Transit Lounge, 443/29, Naama Grey-Smith
COPER, Ed, Facts and Other Lies: Welcome to the disinformation age, Allen & Unwin, 442/58, David Ferrell
COTTON, James, The Australians at Geneva: Internationalist diplomacy in the interwar years, Melbourne University Press, 449/16, Michelle Staff
COURTENAY, Christine, Bryce Courtenay: Storyteller, Viking, 449/25, Jacqueline Kent
CUNNINGHAM, Sophie, This Devastating Fever, Ultimo Press, 446/27, Ann-Marie Priest
CURRAN, James, Australia’s China Odyssey: From euphoria to fear, NewSouth, 445/11, Hugh White
CURRAN, James, Campese: The last of the dream sellers, Scribe, 439/59, Barnaby Smith
DALEY, Paul, Jesustown: A Novel, Allen & Unwin, 446/29, Susan Midalia
DAMASIO, Antonio, Feeling and Knowing: Making minds conscious, Hachette, 440/55, Diane Stubbings
DAVIDSON, Jim, Emperors in Lilliput: Clem Christesen of Meanjin and Stephen Murray-Smith of Overland, The Miegunyah Press, 447/30, Graeme Davison
DAVIES, Paul, What’s Eating the Universe? And other cosmic questions, Allen Lane, 440/60, Robyn Arianrhod
DAVIS, Lydia, Essays Two: On Proust, translation, foreign languages, and the City of Arles, Hamish Hamilton, 444/15, Frances Wilson
DAVIS, Rhett, Hovering, Hachette, 440/29, Debra Adelaide
DAY, Gregory, Words Are Eagles: Selected writings on the nature and language of place, Upswell, 444/49, Tom Griffiths
DE MESQUITA, Bruce Bueno, The Invention of Power: Popes, kings, and the birth of the West, Public Affairs, 449/57, Miles Pattenden
DEWEY MORGAN, Lia, Bath Songs, no more poetry, 447/56, Ender Başkan
DINIĆ, Jelena, In the Room with the She Wolf, Wakefield Press, 441/43, Jennifer Harrison
DISNEY, Dan, >>>&||(accelerations and inertias), Vagabond, 439/44, Abigail Fisher
DOOLEY, Gillian, Matthew Flinders: The man behind the map, Wakefield Press, 449/56, Matthew Cunneen
DOVEY, Ceridwen and Eliza Bell, Mothertongues, Hamish Hamilton, Sarah Gory
DREWE, Robert, Nimblefoot, Hamish Hamilton, 445/25, Michael Winkler
DUNN, Daisy, Not Far from Brideshead: Oxford between the Wars, Hachette, 448/31, Miles Pattenden
DYER, Geoff, The Last Days of Roger Federer: And other endings, Canongate, 448/28, Geordie Williamson
EGAN, Jennifer, The Candy House, Corsair, 442/36, James Bradley
ELL, Theodore, Beginning in Sight, Recent Work Press, 446/47, Rose Lucas
ELLIS, Jack, Home and Other Hiding Places, Ultimo Press, 440/29, Debra Adelaide
ERDRICH, Louise, The Sentence, Hachette, 439/40, Alice Nelson
EVANS, Gareth, Good International Citizenship: The case for decency, Monash University Publishing, 446/19, Alison Broinowski
FAHEY, Diane, Glass Flowers, Puncher & Wattmann, 443/48, Sarah Day
FAINE, Jon, Apollo and Thelma: A true tall tale, Hardie Grant, 445/44, Michael McGirr
FALKINER, Suzanne, Rose: The extraordinary voyage of Rose de Freycinet, the stowaway who sailed around the world for love, ABC Books, 445/22, Danielle Clode
FAYE, Shon, The Transgender Issue: An argument for justice, Allen Lane, online only, Elizabeth Duck-Chong
FEATHERSTONE, Nigel, My Heart is a Little Wild Thing, Ultimo Press, 445/30, Jay Daniel Thompson
FELSCH, Philipp (translated by Tony Crawford), The Summer of Theory: History of a rebellion, Polity, 440/12, Sheila Fitzpatrick
FELSEN, Yuri (translated by Bryan Karetnyk), Deceit, Prototype, 444/44, Kate Crowcroft
FERNANDES, Clinton, Subimperial Power: Australia in the international arena, Melbourne University Press, 449/11, Kevin Foster
FITZGERALD, Else, Everything Feels Like the End of the World, Allen & Unwin, 447/49, Alex Cothren
FITZHARRIS, Lindsey, The Facemaker: One surgeon’s battle to mend the disfigured soldiers of World War I, Allen Lane, 448/14, Michael Winkler
FITZPATRICK, Sheila, The Shortest History of the Soviet Union, Black Inc., 446/12, Luke Stegemann
FLEMING, Joan, Song of Less, Cordite Books, 442/43, Geoff Page
FLETCHER, Ned, The English Text of the Treaty of Waitangi, Bridget Williams Books, 449/41, Bain Attwood
FLETT, Alison, Where We Are, Cordite Books, 445/54, Chris Arnold
FLYNN, Chris, Here be Leviathans, University of Queensland Press, 447/49, Alex Cothren
FOGARTY, Lionel, Harvest Lingo: New poems, Giramondo, 446/48, Philip Morrissey
FORD, Thomas H., How to Read a Poem: Seven steps, Routledge, 439/43, David Mason
FRAME, Tom, Veiled Valour: Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan and war crimes allegations, UNSW Press, 446/17, Kevin Foster
FRANKS, Rachel, An Uncommon Hangman: The life and deaths of Robert ‘Nosey Bob’ Howard, NewSouth, 442/20, Penny Russell
FREVERT, Ute, The Politics of Humiliation: A modern history, Oxford University Press, 443/54, Philip Dwyer
GADSBY, Hannah, Ten Steps to Nanette, Allen & Unwin, 443/10, Sarah Balkin
GARNER, Helen, How to End a Story: Diaries 1995 –1998, Text, 439/8, Lisa Gorton
GERSTLE, Gary, The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order: America and the world in the free market era, Oxford University Press, 448/23, Ian Tyrell
GHOSH, Amitav, The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a planet in crisis, John Murray, 442/51, Killian Quigley
GIBIAN, Jane, Beneath the Tree Line, Giramondo, 441/43, Jennifer Harrison
GIBSON, Katerina, Women I Know, Scribner, 449/48, Debra Adelaide
GILLIGAN, James and David A.J. Richards, Holding a Mirror up to Nature: Shame, guilt and violence in Shakespeare, Cambridge University Press, 441/50, P. Kishore Saval
GILMARTIN, Bridget, Strange Animals, no more poetry, 447/56, Ender Başkan
GÍSLASON, Kári, The Sorrow Stone, University of Queensland Press, 440/33, Dilan Gunawardana
GOLDHILL, Simon, The Christian Invention of Time: Temporality and the literature of late antiquity, Cambridge University Press, 446/56, David T. Runia
GOODFELLOW, Geoff, Blight Street, Walleah Press, 442/43, Geoff Page
GORTON, Lisa, Mirabilia: New poems, Giramondo, 447/54, Anders Villani
GRAY, Robert, Rain Towards Morning: Selected poems and drawings, Puncher & Wattmann, 446/46, Judith Beveridge
GREENWELL, Tom and Chris Bonnor, Waiting for Gonski: How Australia failed its schools, UNSW Press, 443/51, Ilana Snyder
GUNAYDIN, Eda, Root & Branch: Essays on inheritance, NewSouth, 444/33, Mindy Gill
GWYNNE, Phillip, The Break, Penguin Books, 441/31, Ben Chandler
HACKETT, Elizabeth, The Elizabethan Mind: Searching for the self in an age of uncertainty, Yale University Press, 446/42, P. Kishore Saval
HARRY, J.S., New and Selected Poems, Giramondo, 442/42, Judith Bishop
HASLUCK, Nicholas, Bench and Book, Arcadia, 446/54, Michael Sexton
HENDRICK, Kate, Fish Out of Water, Text Publishing, 441/31, Ben Chandler
HENDY, David, The BBC: A people’s history, Profile Books, 449/37, Paul Long
HENRY-JONES, Eliza, Salt and Skin, Ultimo Press, 447/44, Katherine Brabon
HETI, Sheila, Pure Colour, Harvill Secker, online only, Georgie Harriss
HILL, David, Reckoning: The forgotten children and their quest for justice, William Heinemann, 442/57, Jacqueline Kent
HOBBS, Mia Martin, Return to Vietnam: An oral history of American and Australian veterans’ journeys, Cambridge University Press, 441/18, Peter Edwards
HOBBY, Nathan, The Red Witch: A biography of Katharine Susannah Prichard, Miegunyah Press, 444/13, Sheila Fitzpatrick
HOCKEY, Joe with Leo Shanahan, Diplomatic: A Washington memoir, HarperCollins, 443/11, Timothy J. Lynch
HOLBROOK, Carolyn, Lyndon Megarrity and David Lowe (eds.), Lessons from History: Leading historians tackle Australia’s greatest challenges, NewSouth, 444/18, Penny Russell
HOLLAND-BATT, Sarah, The Jaguar, UQP, 443/46, David Mason
HOOPER, Chloe, Bedtime Story, Simon & Schuster, 442/49, Brenda Walker
HORE, Jarrod, Visions of Nature: How landscape photography shaped settler colonialism, University of California Press, 444/32, Gary Werskey
HORNER, David, The War Game: Australian war leadership from Gallipoli to Iraq, Allen & Unwin, 447/19, Peter Edwards
HOUELLEBECQ, Michel (translated by Andrew Brown), Interventions 2020, Polity, 444/36, David Jack
HOWARD, John, A Sense of Balance, HarperCollins, 447/21, Patrick Mullins
ILANBEY, Sumeyya, Daniel Andrews: The revealing biography of Australia’s most powerful premier, Allen & Unwin, 447/12, Gideon Haigh
IVORY, James, Solid Ivory, Corsair, 441/57, Ian Britain
JABLONKA, Ivan (translated by Nathan Bracher), A History of Masculinity: From patriarchy to gender justice, Allen Lane, 444/17, Shannon Burns
JACOBSON, Howard, Mother’s Boy: A writer’s beginning, Jonathan Cape, 444/47, Don Anderson
JAIRETH, Subhash, Aflame, Life Before Man, 441/42, Luke Beesley
JAKOBSEN, Mette, The Wingmaker, Text, 439/37, Polly Simons
JANAKIRAMANAN, Neela, The Registrar, Allen & Unwin, 446/30, Debra Adelaide
JEFFREYS-JONES, Rhodri, A Question of Standing: The history of the CIA, Oxford University Press, 446/33, Timothy J. Lynch
JEFFRIES, Stuart, Everything, All the Time, Everywhere: How we became postmodern, Verso Books, online only, Heather Blakey
JENKINS, David, Young Soeharto: The making of a soldier, 1921–1945, Melbourne University Press, 441/19, David Reeve
JOHNSON, A. Frances, Save As, Puncher & Wattmann, 439/48, Gregory Day
JONES, Barry (ed.), The Penalty Is Death: State power, law, and justice, Scribe, 447/23, Christopher Ward
JONES, Darryl, Curlews on Vulture Street: Cities, birds, people and me, NewSouth, 448/50, Peter Menkhorst
JONES, Gail, Salonika Burning, Text Publishing, 448/37, Diane Stubbings
JONES, Zach, Growing Up in Flames, Text Publishing, 444/42, Ben Chandler
JORDAN, Toni, Dinner with the Schnabels, Hachette, 442/40, Debra Adelaide
JOYCE, James and Catherine Flynn (ed.), The Cambridge Centenary Ulysses: The 1922 text with essays and notes, Cambridge University Press, 448/30, Ronan McDonald
KASSAB, Yumna, Australiana, Ultimo Press, 440/32, Jennifer Mills
KEATS CITRON, Danielle, The Fight for Privacy: Protecting dignity, identity and love in the digital age, Chatto & Windus, 448/25, Jessica Lake
KEEN, Steve, The New Economics: A manifesto, Polity, 446/54, Benjamin Huf
KEMISH, Ian, The Consul, University of Queensland Press, 448/52, Alison Broinowski
KEMP, Josh, Banjawarn, UWA Publishing, 441/33, Jennifer Mills
KENNEDY, Paul, Funkytown, Affirm Press, online only, Nicholas Bugeja
KENT, Hannah, Devotion, Picador, 439/41, Rose Lucas
KERBAJ, Richard, Five Eyes: The untold story of the international spy network, Blink, 449/40, Peter Edwards
KIM, Annabel L., Cacaphonies: The excremental canon of French literature, University of Minnesota Press, 334/39, David Jack
KINGSOLVER, Barbara, Demon Copperhead, Allen & Unwin, 449/50, Paul Giles
KOFMAN, Lee, The Writer Laid Bare: Mastering emotional honest in a writer’s art, craft and life, Ventura Press, 443/33, Merav Fima
KOVNER, Sarah, Prisoners of the Empire: Inside Japanese POW camps, Harvard University Press, 440/51, Joan Beaumont
LAI, Lee, Stone Fruit, Fantagraphics Books, 449/48, Bernard Caleo
LAMOND, Julieanne, Lohrey, The Miegunyah Press, 446/31, Brenda Walker
LAWRENCE, Anthony and Audrey Molloy, Ordinary Time, Pitt Street Poetry, 449/53, Rose Lucas
LAWRENCE, Anthony, Ken, Life Before Man, 441/42, Luke Beesley
LE BEAU, Nellie, Inheritance, Puncher & Wattmann, 443/44, Anders Villani
LE CARRÉ, John, Silverview, Viking, 439/39, Morag Fraser
LE GRAND, Chip, Lockdown, Monash University Publishing, 447/14, David Jack
LEFEVRE, Carol, The Tower, Spinifex Press, 448/40, Charle Malycon
LEIGH, Andrew, What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Existential risk and extreme politics, MIT Press, 440/16, Gareth Evans
LIMPRECHT, Eleanor, The Coast, Allen & Unwin, 445/39, Penny Russell
LOXLEY, Will, Writing in the Dark: Bloomsbury, the Blitz and Horizon Magazine, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 440/20, Paul Kildea
LU, Siang, The Whitewash, University of Queensland Press, 446/28, Dilan Gunawardana
LUI-CHIVIZHE, Leah, Masked Histories: Turtle Shell Masks and Torres Strait Islander People, The Miegunyah Press, online only, Ben Silverstein
LUKINS, Robert, Loveland, Allen & Unwin, 440/29, Debra Adelaide
LYONS, Martyn, Dear Prime Minister: Letters to Robert Menzies 1949–1966, UNSW Press, 439/12, Brenda Niall
MACGILLIS, Alec, Fulfillment: Winning and losing in one-click America, Scribe, 439/55, Jack Callil
MACINTYRE, Stuart, The Party: The Communist Party of Australia from heyday to reckoning, Allen & Unwin, 441/14, Sheila Fitzpatrick
MAGEE, Audrey, The Colony, Faber, 443/25, Diane Stubbings
MAHOOD, Kim, Wandering with Intent: Essays, Scribe, 449/54, Shannyn Palmer
MANJAPRA, Kris, Black Ghost of Empire: The long death of slavery and the failure of emancipation, Allen Lane, 447/27, Georgina Arnott
MANNING, Paddy, The Successor: The high-stakes life of Lachlan Murdoch, Black Inc., 449/21, Patrick Mullins
MARGOYLES, Miriam, This Much is True, John Murray Press, 439/58, Carol Middleton
MASON, David, Pacific Light, Red Hen Press, 448/44, Geoff Page
MAY POWELL, Shannon, Can we rest tonight in the amnesia of pleasure, no more poetry, 447/57, Ender Başkan
McCALMAN, Iain, Delia Akeley and the Monkey: A human-animal story of captivity, patriarchy and nature, Upswell, 440/49, Libby Robin
McCAUSLAND, Vanessa, The Beautiful Words, HarperCollins, 439/37, Polly Simons
McCOURT, John, Consuming Joyce: 100 years of Ulysses in Ireland, Bloomsbury Academic, 445/40, Gary Pearce
McCULLOCH, Scott, Basin: A novel, Black Inc., 445/34, Morgan Nunan
McEWAN, Ian, Lessons, Jonathan Cape, 447/39, Geordie Williamson
McFARLANE, Fiona, The Sun Walks Down, Allen & Unwin, 449/46, Patrick Allington
McGREGOR, Fiona Kelly, Iris, Picador, 449/45, Felicity Plunkett
McGREGOR, Fiona, Buried Not Dead, Giramondo, 439/51, Sophie Knezic
McGUINNESS, Phillipa, Skin Deep: The inside story of our outer selves, Vintage Books, 441/38, Diane Stubbings
McGURL, Mark, Everything and Less: The novel in the age of Amazon, Verso, 441/21, James Ley
McHUGH, Siobhán, The Power of Podcasting, Telling stories through sound, UNSW Press, 441/51, Astrid Edwards
McLACHLAN, Mat, The Cowra Breakout, Hachette, 446/53, Seumas Spark
McLEAN, Felicity, Red, Fourth Estate, 443/28, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
MENZIES-PIKE, Catriona (ed.), Open Secrets: Essays on the writing life, Sydney Review of Books, 444/48, Alex Cothren
MEYER, Angela, Moon Sugar, Transit Lounge, 448/42, Jennifer Mills
MEYRICK, Julian, Australia in 50 Plays, Currency Press, 443/58, Andrew Fuhrmann
MIDALIA, Susan, Miniatures: A collection of short stories, Night Parrot Press, 449/47, Debra Adelaide
MILLER, Steven, The Exhibitionists: A history of Sydney’s Art Gallery of New South Wales, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 440/65, David Hansen
MILLETT, Patsy, Inseparable Elements: Dame Mary Durack, a daughter’s perspective, Fremantle Press, 440/52, Susan Sheridan
MONBIOT, George, Regenesis, Allen Lane, 448/47, Ben Brooker
MOORE, Bob, Prisoners of War: Europe: 1939–1956, Oxford University Press, 448/11, Joan Beaumont
MOORE-GILBERT, Kylie, The Uncaged Sky: My 804 days in an Iranian prison, Ultimo Press, 443/60, Hessom Razavi
MORTON, Steve, Australian Desserts: Ecology and landscapes, CSIRO Publishing, 442/50, Saskia Beudel
MOSHFEGH, Ottessa, Lapvona, Jonathan Cape, 447/43, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
MOSSAMMAPARAST, Marjon, And to Ecstasy, Upswell Publishing, 445/52, Jennifer Harrison
MOUNK, Yascha, The Great Experiment: How to make diverse democracies work, Bloomsbury, 449/12, Ben Wellings
MÜLLER, Jan-Werner, Democracy Rules, Allen Lane, 439/52, Ben Wellings
MUNRO, Doug, History Wars: The Peter Ryan–Manning Clark controversy, ANU Press, 439/13, Mark McKenna
MURAKAMI, Haruki (translated by Philip Gabriel and Ted Goossen), Novelist as a Vocation, Harvill Secker, 449/52, Cassandra Atherton
MUSGRAVE, David, Selected Poems, Eyewear Publishing, 439/47, Geoff Page
NELSON, Alice, Faithless, Vintage, 445/35, Nicole Abadee
NIALL, Brenda, My Accidental Career, Text Publishing, 441/52, Jacqueline Kent
NICHOLS, Tom, Our Own Worst Enemy: The assault from within on modern democracy, Oxford University Press, 441/23, Glyn Davis
NOTT, Michael, August Kleinzahler, and Clive Wilmer (eds.), The Letters of Thom Gunn, Faber, 445/48, Ian Dickson
NUGENT, Carly, Sugar, Text Publishing, 444/42, Ben Chandler
O’BEIRNE, Sean, Helen Garner, Black Inc., 442/26, Beejay Silcox
O’BRIEN, Damen, Animals with Human Voices, Recent Works Press, 440/43, Sarah Day
O’FARRELL, Maggie, The Marriage Portrait, Hachette, 448/43, Amy Walters
O’REILLY, Paddy, Other Houses, Affirm Press, online only, Sonia Nair
ORLIN, Lena Cowen, The Private Life of William Shakespeare, Oxford University Press, 441/48, David McInnis
ORR, Sue, Loop Tracks, Upswell Publishing, 440/29, Brigid Magner
OUSTON, Adam, Waypoints, Splice, online only, J.J. Errington
PAGDEN, Anthony, The Pursuit of Europe: A history, Oxford University Press, 442/56, Peter McPhee
PARRISH, Tommi, Men I Trust, Scribe, 449/48, Bernard Caleo
PATCHETT Ann, These Precious Days, Bloomsbury, 439/60, Nicole Abadee
PATRICK, Aaron, Ego: Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal Party’s civil war, HarperCollins, 445/13, Patrick Mullins
PEARSON, Roger, The Beauty of Baudelaire: The poet as alternative lawgiver, Oxford University Press, 444/52, John Hawke
PIKETTY, Thomas (translated by Steven Rendall), A Brief History of Equality, Harvard University Press, 444/19, Yassmin Abdel-Magied
PIPER, Sally, Bone Memories, UQP, 445/27, Georgia White
POTTER, Claire, Acanthus, Giramondo, 443/48, Sarah Day
POTTER, Simon, This Is The BBC: Entertaining the nation, speaking for Britain, 1922–2022, Oxford University Press, 449/37, Paul Long
POWELL, Nicholas, Trap Landscape, Hunter Publishers, 446/.47, Rose Lucas
PRENDERGAST, Julia, Bloodrust, Spineless Wonders, 449/47, Debra Adelaide
PRESCOTT, Shaun, Bon and Lesley, Giramondo, 448/36, Morgan Nunan
PRESTON, Edwina, Bad Art Mother, Wakefield, 445/24, Jane Sullivan
PRIEST, Ann-Marie, My Tongue Is My Own: A life of Gwen Harwood, La Trobe University Press, 443/8, Stephanie Trigg
QUILTY, Andrew, August in Kabul: America’s last days in Afghanistan, Melbourne University Press, 446/15, Kieran Pender
RABIN, Sean, The Good Captain, Transit Lounge, 442/37, Alex Cothren
RAWSON, Jane, A History of Dreams, Brio Books, 441/27, Lisa Bennett
RENNEX, Bronwyn, Life with Birds: A suburban lyric, Upswell, 446/50, Sarah Gory
RICHARDSON, John, A Life of Picasso: The minotaur years, 1933-1943, Jonathan Cape, 444/60, Patrick McCaughey
RILKE, Rainer Maria (translated by Alison Croggon), Duino Elegies, Newport Street Books, 444/55, Humphrey Bower
RIWOE, Mirandi, The Burnished Sun, UQP, 443/31, Cassandra Atherton
ROBERTS, Geoffrey, Stalin’s Library: A dictator and his books, Yale University Press, 441/16, Iva Glisic
ROFF, Andrew, The Teeth of a Slow Machine, Wakefield Press, 444/41, Anthony Lynch
ROOKE, Drew, A Witness of Fact: The peculiar case of chief forensic pathologist Colin Manock, Scribe, 440/54, Alecia Simmonds
ROSA, Paul Dalla, An Exciting and Vivid Inner Life, Allen & Unwin, 444/41, Anthony Lynch
ROSE, Heather, Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here, Allen & Unwin, 448/27, Kirsten Tranter
RUNCIMAN, David, Confronting Leviathan: A history of ideas, Profile Books, 439/17, David Kearns
RYAN, Kate, The Golden Book, Scribe, 439/37, Polly Simons
RYAN, Tracy, Rose Interior, Giramondo, 444/53, Maria Takolander
SAKR, Omar, Son of Sin, Affirm Press, 442/39, Jay Daniel Thompson
SALOM, Phillip, Sweeney and the Bicycles, Transit Lounge, 448/41, Kerryn Goldsworthy
SAMUELS, Robert and Toluse Olorunnipa, His Name Is George Floyd, Bantam Press, 447/50, Declan Fry
SCHMID, Konrad and Jens Schröter (translated by Peter Lewis), The Making of the Bible: From the first fragments to sacred scripture, Harvard University Press, 440/56, Constant J. Mews
SCHMIDT, Sarah, Blue Hour, Hachette, 445/26, Georgia White
SCHULTZ, Julianne, The Idea of Australia: A search for the soul of the nation, Allen & Unwin, 447/34, Robert Phiddian
SERONG, Jock, The Settlement, Text Publishing, 447/42, Brenda Walker
SHAMSIE, Kamila, Best of Friends, Bloomsbury Circus, 447/41, Andrea Goldsmith
SHERBORNE, Craig, The Grass Hotel, Text Publishing, 441/32, Gay Bilson
SHOBBROOK, John, Operation Jungle, UQP, 443/61, Lyndon Megarrity
SHOLL, Natasha, Found, Wanting: A memoir, Ultimo Press, 441/53, Andrew Broertjes
SHORT, Philip, Putin: His life and times, The Bodley Head, 446/11, Sheila Fitzpatrick
SIMPSON, Inga, Willowman, Hachette, 449/44, Diane Stubbings
SMITH, Bernard, European Vision and the South Pacific, Third Edition, The Miegunyah Press, 449/14, Lynette Russell
SMITH, Hazel, ecliptical, Spineless Wonders, 445/54, Chris Arnold
SMITH, Justin E.H., The Internet Is Not What You Think It Is: A history, a philosophy, a warning, Princeton University Press, 444/28, Geordie Williamson
SMITH, Mark, If Not Us, Text Publishing, 441/31, Ben Chandler
SMITH, Tracy K., Such Color: New and selected poems, Graywolf Press, 439/46, Felicity Plunkett
SOYINKA, Wole, Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth, Bloomsbury, 439/36, Marc Mierowsky
SPARROW, Jeff, Crimes against Nature: Capitalism and global heating, Scribe, 442/61, Kurt Johnson
SPARROW, Jeff, Provocations: New and selected writings, NewSouth, 447/15, Anwen Crawford
STANLEY, Jessica, A Great Hope, Picador, 440/28, Laura Elizabeth Woollett
STASI, Paul (ed), Raymond Williams at 100, Rowman & Littlefield, 440/58, Gary Pearce
STAVANS, Ilan, What is American Literature?, Oxford University Press, 442/27, Paul Giles
STEVENSON, Benjamin, Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone, Michael Joseph, 442/38, Francesca Sasnaitis
STEWART, Emily, Running time, Vagabond, 443/44, Anders Villani
STOLLBERG-RILINGER, Barbara (translated by Robert Savage), Maria Theresa: The Habsburg empress in her time, Princeton University Press, 443/53, Miles Pattenden
STUART, Douglas, Young Mungo, Picador, 443/24, Shannon Burns
SUMPTION, Jonathan, Law in a Time of Crisis, Profile Books, 439/54, Kieran Pender
TÁÍWÒ, Olúféṃi O., Elite Capture: How the powerful took over identity politics (and everything else), Pluto Press, 448/22, Yassmin Abdel-Magied
TAME, Grace, The Ninth Life of a Diamond Miner: A memoir, Macmillan, 449/18, Zora Simic
TA-WEI, Chi, The Membranes: A novel, Columbia University Press, online only, Josh Stenberg
TEN-DOESSCUATE CHU, Petra, Max Donnelly, Andrew Montana, Suzan Veldink, Daniel Cottier: Designer, decorator, dealer, Yale University Press, 440/62, Matthew Martin
THOMPSON, Helen, Disorder: Hard times in the 21st century, Oxford University Press, 444/11, Tim McMinn
THREADGOLD, Steven and Jessica Gerrard, Class in Australia, Monash University Publishing, 442/59, Sean Scalmer
TÓIBÍN, Colm (ed.), One Hundred Years of James Joyce’s Ulysses, Pennsylvania State University, 445/40, Gary Pearce
TOLTZ, Steve, Here Goes Nothing, Hamish Hamilton, 443/37, Amy Baillieu
TRIBE, Keith, Constructing Economic Science: The invention of a discipline 1850–1950, 449/61, Ryan Walter
TSU, Jing, Kingdom of Characters: A tale of language, obsession, and genius in modern China, Allen Lane, 443/13, James Jiang
TYERMAN, Edward, Internationalist Aesthetics: China and early Soviet culture, Columbia University Press, 443/38, Iva Glisic
TYNAN, Elizabeth, The Secret of Emu Field: Britain’s forgotten atomic tests in Australia, NewSouth, 442/21, Michael Winkler
TYRRELL, Ian, American Exceptionalism: A new history of an old idea, University of Chicago Press, 447/26, Emma Shortis
UHLMANN, Anthony, Inner and Outer Worlds: Gail Jones’ fiction, Sydney University Press, 445/19, Julieanne Lamond
VAN ONSELEN, Peter and Wayne Errington, Victory: The inside story of Labor's return to power, HarperCollins, 448/20, Martin McKenzie-Murray
VARGA, Susan, Hard Joy: Life and writing, Upswell Publishing, 444/35, Susan Sheridan
VARNEY, Denise, Patrick White’s Theatre: Australian modernism on stage, 1960—2018, Sydney University Press, Jonathan Dunk
VASEFI, Saba, Melinda Smith, and Yvette Holt (eds.), Borderless: A transnational anthology of feminist poetry, Recent Work Press, 442/45, Nadia Rhook
VILLORO, Juan (translated by Alfred MacAdam), Horizontal Vertigo: A city called Mexico, Pantheon Books, 439/57, Gabriel García Ochoa
VUONG, Ocean, Time Is a Mother, Jonathan Cape, 444/51, Lucy Van
WALKER, Ross, Harold Holt: Always one step further, La Trobe University Press, 447/10, James Walker
WALLMAN, Sam, Our Members Be Unlimited, Scribe, 443/57, Bernard Caleo
WALTER, Ben, What Fear Was, Puncher & Wattmann, 444/41, Anthony Lynch
WARD, Daniel, eternal delight paralysis, no more poetry, 447/57, Ender Başkan
WASSEF, Nadia, Chronicles of a Cairo Bookseller, Corsair, 439/22, Beejay Silcox
WEARNE, Alan, Near Believing: Selected monologues and narratives 1967–2021 Puncher & Wattmann, 448/45, Michael Farrell
WEBSTER, Allayne, That Thing I did, Wakefield Press, 444/42, Ben Chandler
WHISH-WILSON, David, The Sawdust House, Fremantle Press, 441/34, Alex Cothren
WHITE, Edmund, A Previous Life, Bloomsbury, 441/28, Robert Dessaix
WHITE, Susan, Cut, Affirm Press, 446/30, Debra Adelaide
WILLIAMS, Raymond, Culture and Politics: Class, writing, socialism, Verso, 440/58, Gary Pearce
WILSON, Dominique, Orphan Rock, Transit Lounge, 441/26, Susan Sheridan
WILSON, Eric G., Dream-Child: A life of Charles Lamb, Yale University Press, 440/17, Frances Wilson
WILSON, Sandra and Rebecca Jennings (ed.), Between Me and Myself: A memoir of murder, desire and the struggle to be free, Text Publishing, 447/33, Sam Elkin
WOLFF, Michael, Landslide: The final days of the Trump presidency, The Bridge Street Press, 439/20, Timothy J. Lynch
WOMERSLEY, Chris, The Diplomat, Picador, 444/39, Jennifer Mills
WOODWARD, Bob, Peril, Simon & Schuster, 439/20, Timothy J. Lynch
YANAGIHARA, Hanya, To Paradise, Picador, 440/34, Georgia White
YPI, Lea, Free: Coming of age at the end of history, Allen Lane, online only, Michael Lazarus
ZUBOK, Vladislav M., Collapse, Yale University Press, 446/12, Luke Stegemann
ZUBRZYCKI, John, The Shortest History of India, La Trobe University Press, 444/46, Ian Hall
ZUNZ, Olivier, The Man Who Understood Democracy: The life of Alexis de Tocqueville, Princeton University Press, 446/43, Peter McPhee
2022 Features Index
ABR Arts
ABR Arts reviews can be read here.
2022 Venice Biennale, Iva Glisic, online only
A Hero (Hi Gloss Entertainment), Jordan Prosser, online only
A Stasi Comedy (Palace Films), James Cleverley, online only
Armageddon Time (Universal), Jordan Prosser, online only
Belfast (Universal Pictures), 440/63, Jordan Prosser
Benedetta (Hi Gloss Entertainment), 440/64, Miles Pattenden
Benediction (Palace Films), 439/62, Ian Britain
Bones and All (Universal Pictures), Anwen Crawford, online only
Dear Thomas (Palace Films), Ben Gook, online only
Drive My Car (Potential Films), 441/56, Dilan Gunawardana
Elvis (Warner Bros), 444/63, Jordan Prosser
Everything Went Fine (Palace Nova), Felicity Chaplin, online only
Father Stu (Sony Pictures), Miles Pattenden, online only
Flee (Madman Films), Richard Leathem, online only
Joyce Carol Oates: A Body in the Service of Mind (Jewish International Film Festival), 449/66, Sascha Morrell
Lost Illusions (Palace Films), 444/62, Felicity Chaplin
Loveland (Dark Matter Distribution), 442/64, Jordan Prosser
Maixabel (Palace/Spanish Film Festival), 443/64, Ruth McHugh-Dillon
Memoria (Madman Films), Anwen Crawford, online only
Men (Roadshow Films), Jordan Prosser, online only
Navalny (Melbourne International Film Festival), Anne Rutherford, online only
Nope (Universal Pictures), 446/60, Troy Harwood
She Said (Universal Pictures), Alecia Simmonds, online only
Sundown (Kismet Movies), 445/63, Felicity Chaplin
The Australian Wars (SBS), 448/56, Anne Rutherford
The Banshees of Inisherin (Searchlight Pictures), Jordan Prosser, online only
The Dropout (Hulu), Jordan Prosser, online only
The Godfather, Florence Honybun, online only
The Northman (Universal Pictures), Troy Harwood, online only
Three Thousand Years of Longing (Roadshow Entertainment), 447/62, Jordan Prosser
Triangle of Sadness (Sharmill Films), Jordan Prosser, online only
An American in Paris (The Australian Ballet and GWB Entertainment), Tim Byrne, online only
Australian World Orchestra (Australian World Orchestra), 447/63, Michael Shmith
Australian Youth Orchestra (Melbourne Town Hall), Peter Tregear, online only
Bo Skovus with Andrea Lam, and Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem (Sydney Symphony Orchestra), Michael Halliwell, online only
Melbourne International Jazz Festival (Melbourne International Jazz Festival), Des Cowley, online only
Messa da Requiem (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), Peter Rose, online only
Of the Earth and Symphony No.2, Resurrection (Sydney Symphony Orchestra), Paul Kildea, online only
St Matthew Passion (Melbourne Bach Choir), Morag Fraser, online only
War Requiem (WASO), Humphrey Bower, online only
Winterreise (Musica Viva), 445/67, Michael Shmith
A Christmas Carol (Victorian Opera), Peter Tregear, online only
Awakening Shadow (Sydney Chamber Opera), Michael Halliwell, online only
Die Walküre (Melbourne Opera), 440/66, Michael Shmith
Elektra (Victorian Opera), 447/60, Michael Shmith
Fidelio (Sydney Symphony Orchestra), Michael Halliwell
Il Trovatore (Opera Australia) 445/65, Peter Rose
Jonny spielt auf (Gärtnerplatztheater), Peter Tregear, online only
La Juive (Opera Australia), Michael Halliwell, online only
La Traviata (Opera Australia), Peter Rose, online only
Lohengrin (Opera Australia), 443/66, Peter Rose
Lucrezia Borgia (Melbourne Opera), Peter Rose, online only
Orontea (Pinchgut Opera), 444/58, Ian Dickson
Otello (Opera Australia), 441/60, Michael Halliwell
Peter Grimes (Royal Opera House), Peter Tregear, online only
Siegfried (Melbourne Opera), 448/58, Michael Shmith
The Call (Opera Queensland), 448/55, Jenna Robertson
The Human Voice (Opera Queensland), 448/55, Jenna Robertson
The Phantom of the Opera (Opera Australia), Jason Whittaker, online only
The Turn of the Screw (State Opera of South Australia), Michael Halliwell, online only
Voss (State Opera of South Australia and Victorian Opera), Michael Halliwell, online only
Watershed: The Death of Dr Duncan (Adelaide Festival), Humphrey Bower, online only
A Raisin in the Sun (Sydney Theatre Company), 447/61, Ian Dickson
Amadeus (Red Line Productions), Ian Dickson, online only
Anna K (Malthouse Theatre), 445/61, Diana Stubbings
As You Like It (Melbourne Theatre Company), 439/66, Tim Byrne
Chalkface (State Theatre Company South Australia and Sydney Theatre Company), Ben Brooker, online only
Come Rain or Come Shine (Melbourne Theatre Company), Tim Byrne, online only
Cyrano (Melbourne Theatre Company) 448/54, Tim Byrne
Death of a Salesman (Hearth Theatre), Guy Webster, online only
Death of a Salesman (Sydney Theatre Company), 439/65, Ian Dickson
Emilia (Essential Theatre), Diane Stubbings, online only
Fun Home (Playhouse), Tim Byrne, online only
Girls & Boys (State Theatre Company of South Australia), Ben Brooker, online only
Hamlet (Bell Shakespeare), 443/65, Tim Byrne
Heroes of the Fourth Turning (Red Stitch Theatre), Guy Webster, online only
Into the Woods (Watch This Theatre Company), Tim Byrne, online only
Julius Caesar (Sydney Theatre Company), 439/67, Gabriella Edelstein
Light Shining in Buckinghamshire (Belvoir Street Theatre), Anwen Crawford, online only
Maureen: Harbinger of Death (Malthouse Theatre), Guy Webster, online only
Monsters (Malthouse Theatre), Guy Webster, online only
Opening Night (Belvoir), 441/59, Humphrey Bower
RBG: Of Many, One (Sydney Theatre Company) 449/64, Gabriella Edelstein
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Sydney Theatre Company), Guy Webster, online only
The Amateurs (Red Stitch Theatre), Tim Byrne, online only
The Comedy of Errors (Bell Shakespeare), 445/64, Tim Byrne
The Sound Inside (Melbourne Theatre Company), Diane Stubbings, online only
The Tempest (Sydney Theatre Company), Kirk Dodd, online only
Visual Arts
#brownmaninawhitemuseum (Grainger Museum), 441/62, Peter Tregear
Barbara Hepworth: In Equilibrium (Heide Museum of Modern Art), Sophie Knezic, online only
Data Relations (Australian Centre for Contemporary Art), Jarrod Zlatic, online only
Fred Williams: The London Drawings (Ian Potter Gallery: NGV Australia), Irena Zdanowicz
HG60, Hamilton Gallery 60th Anniversary (Hamilton Gallery), 441/63, Christopher Menz
Light: Works from Tate’s Collection (ACMI). 445/62, Sophie Knezic
Mandy Martin – A Persistent Vision (Geelong Gallery), Libby Robin, online only
Matisse: Life and spirit (The Art Gallery of New South Wales), 439/63, Julie Ewington
Queer: Stories from the NGV Collection (NGV International), 442/65, Sophie Knezic
Retainers of Anarchy (Sydney Modern), Anne Rutherford, online only
Rīvus (Museum of Contemporary Art Australia), 442/66, Julie Ewington
Venice Art Biennale (Venice Biennale), 444/59, Iva Glisic
Book Talk
COWLEY, Des, ‘A New Poetry Imprint’, online only
GRENVILLE, Kate, ‘Writers for Climate Action: Walking the walk for the climate crisis’, online only
MILSOM, Rosemarie, ‘Newcastle Writers Festival: A welcome return’, online only
SCHMID, Jaimi, ‘ANU Press’s thousandth title’, online only
Essays and Commentary
BALKIN, Sarah, ‘Stone face: The history and prehistory of deadpan’, 442/53
BEAUMONT, Joan, ‘Too busy to have time for us: Reflections on Australian studies at Harvard’, 441/39
BESSANT, Judith, Faith Gordon and Rob Watts, ‘The education minister’s jackboots’, 440/21
BONGIORNO, Frank, ‘Politics by other means: Enlarging our diminished sense of political leadership’, 442/8
BOZZI, Claudio, ‘“Under the beach umbrellas”: Italy’s fragile political system’s new test’, 447/17
CHARLES, Stephen, ‘Restoring Australia’s reputation for integrity: Labor’s new anti-corruption bill’, 449/9
CRAWFORD, Anwen, ‘A rubber cudgel of a word: the speciousness of resilience’, 445/57
CURRAN, James, ‘A long way to go: Australia’s fraught relations with China’, 446/9
DAMOUSI Joy, Stephen Charles, Catherine Williams, Frank Bongiorno, Dennis Altman, and David Latham, ‘Quo vadis, Australia?: Reorienting the nation following the election’, 444/21
DUNK, James, ‘Covid travellers: The struggle between historians and microbes’, 448/48
FORD, Thomas H., ‘Covid on the brain’, 440/35
GARBUTT, Michael, ‘The Museum of Mankind’, 446/35
GILL, Mindy, ‘’Till “real voices” wake us, and we drown’, 440/8
GOLDSWORTHY, Peter, ‘Salman’s throat: living with cancer and a fatwa’, 447/36
GORDON, Faith, ‘The case for lowering the voting age’, 442/15
HARWOOD, John, ‘Gwen Harwood and the perils of reticence: Notes of a son and literary executor’, 443/16
HORNE, Julia, ‘A new accord: Restoring good relations between government and universities’, 444/27
KENNY, Mark, ‘The power of office’, 445/8
LATHAM, David, ‘“Not being talked about”: Putting the arts back on the political stage’, 440/25
LAUGESEN, Amanda, ‘A hot novax summer: The influence of sport and Covid on Australian language’, 441/35
LAUGESEN, Amanda, ‘On boganism: Reflections on class and Australian English’, 448/33
LAUGESEN, Amanda, ‘Strong curry: On the trail of election language’, 444/45
MCEVOY, Tara, ‘The verity of his company’, 446/22
MONAGLE, Clare, ‘To wear the crown too easily: A bizarre new reign begins’, 447/9
OGILVIE, Sarah, ‘Crunk, wig, and slaps: How our language dates us in the digital world’, 443/21
PENDER, Kieran, ‘Shooting the messengers: How the Collaery case stains our democracy’, 441/8
RICHARDS, Michael, ‘Too many slips showing: Alec Bolton and Australian Book Review’, 449/36
ROSE, Peter, ‘Editor’s Diary’, 440/37
RUSSELL, Gillian, ‘Raking the past: Northern Irish fiction in the age of social media’, 447/45
SAUL, Ben, ‘The law of the jungle: Western hypocrisy over the Russian invasion of Ukraine’, 444/9
TYNAN, Elizabeth, ‘Britain’s atomic oval: The vassalage of Australian governments in the 1950s and 1960s’, 443/42
WATTS, Samuel, ‘More History, Not Less: The unnaming of Moreland City Council’, 439/33
ZUBRZYCKI, John, ‘The power paradox: Illiberalism and Hindu majoritarianism in Modi’s India’, 444/30
Calibre Essay Prize
ATKINS, Linda, ‘Shouting Abortion: A doctor reflects on the politics and economics of terminations’, 443/34
GORY, Sarah, ‘Ghosts, Ghosts Everywhere’, 445/45
TEDESCHI, Simon, ‘This woman my grandmother’, 442/29
Peter Porter Poetry Prize
ARNOLD, Chris, ‘Sixes and Sparrows’, 439/30
DISNEY, Dan, ‘Gippslanding (triptych)’, 439/29
FARRELL, Michael, ‘“Australianesque”’, 439/27
LAWRENCE, Anthony, ‘In the Shadows of Our Heads’, 439/28
LIM, Debbie, ‘Hummingbird Country’, 439/26
ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
CULLEN, Nina, ‘Dog park’, 445/28
ELLIS, Tracy, ‘Natural Wonder’, 445/32
GARROW, C.J. ‘Whale Fall’, 445/36
Open Page
ARNOTT, Robbie, 446/58
BEARD, Mary, 440/26
BRAMSTON, Troy, 441/54
BURNS, Shannon, 447/58
CLARK, Anna, 439/34
HOOPER, Chloe, 442/62
MCGREGOR, Fiona, 449/62
VARGA, Susan, 444/56
WINKLER, Michael, 445/60
Poet of the Month
FITCH, Toby, online only
LAWRENCE, Anthony, 442/47
Publisher of the Month
WHITE, Terri-ann, 448/51
Critic of the Month
ANDERSON, Don, 439/50
WILSON, Frances, 443/62
BERNSTEIN, Charles, ‘Poem Beginning, Almost, with a Line by Duncan’, 444/34
BEVERIDGE, Judith, ‘Old Jetty’, 443/32
BISHOP, Judith, ‘Harbour’, 446/34
BISHOP, Judith, ‘The Forest’, 441/41
BRABON, Katherine, ‘Autoimmune’, 442/46
BRADY, Andrea, ‘The Rest’, 443/42
CATALANO, Gary, ‘The Building’, 440/48
CHONG, Eileen, ‘Curlew’, 440/59
DINIĆ, Jelena, ‘Close Contacts’, 440/36
ELL, Theodore, ‘Tenebrae’, 442/41
HARRISON, Jennifer, ‘Mandelbrot Set’, 445/14
HARWOOD, Gwen, ‘Suburban Sonnet’, 443/9
HAWKE, John, ‘Circle of Fifths’, 448/39
HOFMANN, Michael, ‘Paradise’, 442/15
KINSELLA, John, ‘Imitating Rural Imitation: After Robert Browning’s ‘Two in the Campagna’, 447/53
LILLEY, Kate, ‘Planisphere’, 449/20
MEAD, Philip, ‘Torrents of Spring’, 444/50
NGUYEN, Hoa, ‘Fortune Cookie No Fortune’, 447/35
PLUNKETT, Felicity, ‘On Dover Street’, 448/34
RAVINTHIRAN, Vidyan, ‘Pillaiyar’, 445/58
RAZAVI, Hessom, ‘Freya’, 446/32
ROSE, Peter, ‘Coronation Chicken’, 449/35
ROSE, Peter, ‘Styptic’, 443/14
TAYLOR, Andrew, ‘Visiting Peter’, 449/55
VILLANI, Anders, ‘Deer Knife’, 441/49
Books of the Year
ABDEL-MAGIED, Yassmin, 449/29
BEVERIDGE, Judith, 449/31
BIRCH, Tony, 449/28
BONGIORNO, Frank, 449/32
BRADLEY, James, 449/34
BRETT, Judith, 449/30
DAVIS, Glyn, 449/29
DAY, Gregory, 449/34
DEANE, Joel, 449/33
FITZPATRICK, Sheila, 449/31
FRASER, Morag, 449/34
GILES, Paul, 449/32
GILL, Mindy, 449/33
GRIFFITHS, Tom, 449/29
HAIGH, Gideon, 449/30
HOFMANN, Michael, 449/31
HOLLAND-BATT, Sarah, 449/28
HUGHES-d’AETH, 449/33
KELLY, Sean, 449/32
KENNY, Mark, 449/31
KINSELLA, John, 449/32
LEY, James, 449/34
McKENNA, Mark, 449/33
MILLS, Jennifer, 449/31
NIALL, Brenda, 449/31
PENDER, Kieran, 449/28
PLUNKETT, Felicity, 449/33
REES, Yves, 449/29
ROSE, Peter, 449/29
SILCOX, Beejay, 449/29
STUBBINGS, Diane, 449/30
WALKER, Brenda, 449/32
WILLIAMSON, Geordie, 449/33
WILSON, Frances, 449/28
WINKLER, Michael, 449/32
WRIGHT, Clare, 449/29
LUMBY, Catharine, ‘A tribute to Frank Moorhouse’, 445/42
MATTHEWS, David, ‘A tribute to Brian Matthews’, 444/25