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This Is the ABC: The Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1932–1983 by Ken S. Inglis

November 1983, no. 56

This Is the ABC: The Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1932–1983 by Ken S. Inglis

Melbourne University Press, 121 pp

This Is the ABC: The Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1932–1983 by Ken S. Inglis

November 1983, no. 56

The title of Ken Inglis’s book is a poignant irony, reflecting the transience of history itself. For its publication coincided exactly with the death of the Commission, and the birth of the Corporation, and with hindsight one can say that it should have been called That was the ABC, thus creating a pleasant symmetry with That Was the Week That Was. But Inglis did his best to defeat time by bringing the history up to the federal election of 5 March 1983, edging his way as near as possible to the date he would like to have reached.

From the New Issue

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