December 1992, no. 147

Full Contents
From Another Place: Migration and the politics of culture by Gillian Bottomley
by David Walker
Literary Studies
Foucault and Literature: Towards a genealogy of writing by Simon During
Literary Studies
Engendered Fictions: Analysing gender in the production and reception of texts by Anne Cranny-Francis
by K.K. Ruthven
Australian History
Sojourners: The epic story of China’s centuries-old relationship with Australia by Eric Rolls
by Daniel Kane
Essay Collection
Whose Place?: A study of Sally Morgan’s My Place edited by Delys Bird and Dennis Haskell
by Bill Perrett
Indigenous Studies
Textual Spaces: Aboriginality and cultural studies by Stephen Muecke
Australian History
Prime Ministers’ Wives by Diane Langmore & Suffrage to Sufferance by Janine Haines
Australian History
Living in a New Country: History, travelling and language by Paul Carter
second degree tampering: Writing by women edited by Sybylla Feminist Press
Indigenous Studies
Ancestral Connections: Art and an Aboriginal system of knowledge by Howard Morphy
by Tim Rowse
Literary Studies
Boundary Conditions: The poetry of Gwen Harwood by Jennifer Strauss
Australian History