Escape from Sarajevo
Puffin Books, $11.95 pb, 266 pp
Dedicated to Peace
In an interview in December 1995, author Christobel Mattingley said that ‘from the beginning’ she felt ‘that writing was my way of giving something back, helping other people to grow and expand and make the world a better place’. Her first book, No Gun for Asmir, about Bosnian refugee child Asmir and his family, had a remarkable effect worldwide, both emotionally and practically. The book was used by many people to exert pressure on various bureaucracies to allow Muris, Asmir’s father, to leave Bosnia. Now we have the story of Muris himself, in Escape from Sarajevo – a book Christobel Mattingley has dedicated in part ‘to all who teach children to make peace’.
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