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Dry Norms

October 2003, no. 255

The Default Country: A lexical cartography of twentieth-century Australia by J.M. Arthur

UNSW Press, $39.95 pb, 216 pp

Dry Norms

October 2003, no. 255

Political correctness in the 1980s and 1990s exposed many of the inbuilt biases of the English language. In the tricky matter of ensuring a fair go for all, we have been made aware of the hidden warps and imbalances that exist in our everyday expressions – now dubbed sexist, racist, ageist and so on. J.M. Arthur’s book exposes a different kind of ‘ist’ language. It is about English in Australia and the tensions and maladjustments that arise when this migrant language is used in this non-European place. So many ordinary expressions used to describe Australia today are in fact the linguistic enactments of a colonial construction of the country – and the words just don’t fit.

The Default Country: A lexical cartography of twentieth-century Australia

The Default Country: A lexical cartography of twentieth-century Australia

by J.M. Arthur

UNSW Press, $39.95 pb, 216 pp

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