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A Rock and a Hard Place

November 2003, no. 256

Lessons from the Heart by John Clanchy

UQP, $22 pb, 331 pp

A Rock and a Hard Place

November 2003, no. 256

John Clancy does a number of curious things in his new novel. One of them is to put Patrick White’s Voss into the hands of his heroine. Laura is in Year 12. Her teacher, Miss Temple, happens to find a copy of Voss when they are together on a school excursion to Alice Springs. Laura immediately warms to the book. She is a remarkable young woman, sensitive and resourceful. Destined to study medicine, she has literary gifts as well. People offer her jobs at places where others her age are queuing for work. One of her reasons for going on the school excursion, where she helps supervise a group of Year 7 and 8 children, is that she is recovering from the termination of her relationship with Patrick, her slightly older beau.

Lessons from the Heart

Lessons from the Heart

by John Clanchy

UQP, $22 pb, 331 pp

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