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Lattice of leadership

August 2005, no. 273

Terms of Trust: Arguments over ethics in Australian government by John Uhr

UNSW Press, $39.95 pb, 237 pp

Lattice of leadership

August 2005, no. 273

There are two approaches to public affairs. The first assumes that élites ‘have and have always had the same passions’ (Machiavelli): leaders will do whatever it takes to retain power and to attain their objectives, tempered only by knowing that the popular verdict will depend on success. Success is judged by results: resort to devious or ruthless means will be excused if the people see beneficial outcomes. You can expect leaders to be driven by ambition and self-interest, but trust them to do enough to forestall a popular uprising that might bring them down. Machiavelli was not writing about democracy.

Terms of Trust: Arguments over ethics in Australian government

Terms of Trust: Arguments over ethics in Australian government

by John Uhr

UNSW Press, $39.95 pb, 237 pp

From the New Issue

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