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The pilgrimage market

June-July 2006, no. 282

Return to Gallipoli: Walking the battlefields of the great war by Bruce Scates

CUP, $39.95 pb, 297 pp

The pilgrimage market

June-July 2006, no. 282

Why does ANZAC day seem more popular now than forty years ago? Despite the thinning ranks of veterans, attendances at dawn services in most capital cities are up, crowds at the marches are large and enthusiastic, numerous historians and former members of the armed services seem to be running profitable battle-field tour businesses, and the desire of young Australian backpackers to include Gallipoli (particularly on Anzac Day) in their itineraries increases every year. This popularity is even more remarkable given that in the 1970s and early 1980s Anzac Day was a source of controversy and dissent: anti-war protestors, Vietnam veterans who felt excluded from the national ethos, indigenous Australians who felt their wars were overlooked and feminists determined to highlight the problem of women raped in war, all saw this national day of commemoration as an occasion to press their cause. The RSL did not respond well to these attempts to undermine the sanctity of the day. The re-emergence of Anzac Day as a site for unity and cohesion, particularly amongst younger Australians, is intriguing.

Return to Gallipoli: Walking the battlefields of the great war

Return to Gallipoli: Walking the battlefields of the great war

by Bruce Scates

CUP, $39.95 pb, 297 pp

From the New Issue

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