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Miss Belinda Blurb

June-July 2006, no. 282

Words, Words, Words by David Crystal

OUP, $32.95 hb, 216 pp

Miss Belinda Blurb

June-July 2006, no. 282

David Crystal has written numerous books on language – ‘over 100’ proclaims the cover blurb. In the chapter titled ‘Wordbirths’, Crystal muses on how rare it is to know who created a new word. In this regard, at the Australian National Dictionary Centre we have been tracing the term barbecue stopper, which is first recorded in the Sydney Morning Herald, 27 October 2001: ‘That’s one reason he [John Howard] will talk about improving the balance between work and family, a topic he describes as a “barbecue stopper” because it engenders so much conversation whenever people get together.’ Did the prime minister invent the term, or was it the creation of his speechwriter?

Words, Words, Words

Words, Words, Words

by David Crystal

OUP, $32.95 hb, 216 pp

From the New Issue

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