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Beams of light

June-July 2006, no. 282

Vital Signs, Vibrant Society by Craig Emerson

UNSW Press, $29.95 pb, 233 pp

Beams of light

June-July 2006, no. 282

Craig Emerson is a good man to have around in federal politics. He has ideas, which is what politics should be largely about. And ideas, in the barnyard of Canberra politics, are almost as scarce as hen’s teeth. Emerson has a PhD in Economics from ANU. In earlier times, as an adviser to Prime Minister Bob Hawke, he had a reputation for being a bit of an environmentalist. Traditionally, the two disciplines don’t sit happily together. He managed to embrace them both.

John Button reviews ‘Vital Signs, Vibrant Society’ by Craig Emerson

Vital Signs, Vibrant Society

by Craig Emerson

UNSW Press, $29.95 pb, 233 pp

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