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The bohemian way

March 2008, no. 299

Perils of the Studio: Inside the artistic affairs of Bohemian Melbourne by Alex Taylor

ASP, $59.95 hb, 215 pp

The bohemian way

March 2008, no. 299

Like the theatre backstage, the artist’s studio has the look, sound and smell of the creative moment. For romantics, this is the place where genius ignites invention, where the down-to-earth mess of paints, brushes and canvas is transformed by an inspiring atmosphere. For historians such as Alex Taylor, however, the myth masks a different kind of reality: the social manoeuvring, economic strategies and self-conscious publicity of artists in search of a living. His scholarly book is a welcome alternative to recent photographic publications that attest to the continuing glamour of artists in their studios.

Perils of the Studio: Inside the artistic affairs of Bohemian Melbourne

Perils of the Studio: Inside the artistic affairs of Bohemian Melbourne

by Alex Taylor

ASP, $59.95 hb, 215 pp

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