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The norm entrepreneur

March 2009, no. 309

The Responsibility to Protect: End mass atrocity crimes once and for all by Gareth Evans

Brookings Institution Press (UniReps), $39.95 hb, 348 pp

The norm entrepreneur

March 2009, no. 309

Gareth Evans has strong claims to being the most influential Australian political figure of the past half century on the international stage. As foreign minister, he helped bring about the Cambodia peace settlement and negotiate the Chemical Weapons Convention. His energetic post-political life has encompassed the leadership of an outstanding non-government organisation, the International Crisis Group, and participation in the work of several important international commissions. His book is an account of the emergence of a new international norm – the responsibility to protect – by the person who has done more to develop it than any other: the ‘norm entrepreneur’ himself, in the language of some international relations theorists.

The Responsibility to Protect: End mass atrocity crimes once and for all

The Responsibility to Protect: End mass atrocity crimes once and for all

by Gareth Evans

Brookings Institution Press (UniReps), $39.95 hb, 348 pp

From the New Issue

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