At dawn, we scraped the ice from the windscreen and fled Quorn: a name redolent of the shires, as was the congealed gravy on the overcooked lamb the previous night, but inadequate for the immensities of the Willochra Plain, magnified by the winter light and punctuated by the stumpy teeth of the Flinders Range – ‘zu Raum wird hier die Zeit’. Melrose was prettily sleepy and closely shuttered: ... (read more)
Jeffrey Tate

Jeffrey Tate has conducted in most of the world's great opera houses since the 1970s. He is a former principal conductor of the Royal Opera House, the English Chamber Orchestra, and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. His Australian performances have included Wagner’s Ring (1998) and Parsifal (2001) in Adelaide. Before turning to opera, Jeffrey Tate studied medicine at Cambridge University.
It would be a pity if this well-researched and nuanced biography of the greatest English composer of the second half of the twentieth century became known for the rather sensational medical revelations contained in the last chapter. Certainly, they gave me pause before I began reading the book.
Benjamin Britten (1913–76) was the towering musical figure of my childhood. One of my most treasured ... (read more)