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Revolution by Russell Brand

March 2015, no. 369

Revolution by Russell Brand

Century, $35 pb, 384 pp

Revolution by Russell Brand

March 2015, no. 369

Russell Brand made headlines when he revealed in an animated interview with Jeremy Paxman that he had never voted. Fresh from guest-editing an issue of New Statesman, Brand had issued a call to overthrow the system responsible for the income disparities and environmental degradation in the world today – but refused, or was unable, to explain how this would happen.

Revolution is Brand’s attempt to flesh out what this uprising would look like. Unfortunately, though not unexpectedly, the 100,000-word tome doesn’t outline why we need a revolution in any greater detail than the ten-minute interview. In fact, he never really argues anything in the generally accepted sense of the term – it is all so damned obvious he doesn’t need to.

From the New Issue

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