April 2021, no. 430

Welcome to the April issue! In our cover story, ABR theatre critic Tim Byrne examines the ways in which Australian theatre companies are coping after lockdown and the strategies they are implementing to welcome back audiences. Senior journalist (and new ABR Board member) Johanna Leggatt reviews Alan Rusbridger’s new book in which the former editor-in-chief of the Guardian offers an uneven attempt to demythologise journalism. Shannon Burns examines Steven Carroll’s fictionalised look at the life of the woman behind the notorious French novel Story of O. Claudio Bozzi, a legal academic, looks at whether the election of Joe Biden has given cause to hope that the position of Science Advisor to the President of the United States might be returned to a position of influence after years of neglect under Donald Trump. Other reviewers include Robert Dessaix, Andrea Goldsmith, Barry Hill, Kim Mahood, and Zora Simic.