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Servants’ smut

The obsolescence of British censorship
December 2021, no. 438

A Matter of Obscenity: The politics of censorship in modern England by Christopher Hilliard

Princeton University Press, $62.99 hb, 336 pp

Servants’ smut

The obsolescence of British censorship
December 2021, no. 438

Censorship is to culture what war is to demography: it creates absence where presence should be. Christopher Hilliard’s fascinating and deeply informed monograph on the politics of censorship in Britain (and by extension its colonies) from the 1850s to the 1980s is concerned with the many books, magazines, and films that fell afoul of the authorities, from translations of Zola in the wake of the Obscene Publications Act 1857 to the skin mags of the 1970s.

From the New Issue

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