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The man in the mirror

Texture and nuance in the new biography of Bob Hawke
April 2022, no. 441

Bob Hawke: Demons and destiny by Troy Bramston

Viking, $49.99 hb, 704 pp

The man in the mirror

Texture and nuance in the new biography of Bob Hawke
April 2022, no. 441
Bob Hawke on his campaign plane, 1983 (Ray Strange/News Corp Australia, from the book under review)

Curators at old Parliament House – now known as the Museum for Australian Democracy – have for many years maintained the prime minister’s suite much as it was when Bob Hawke vacated it in 1988. Visitors can gaze at a reproduction of the Arthur Boyd painting that hung opposite Hawke’s desk, gawk at the enormous, faux-timber panelled telephone Hawke used, and cast a wry eye over the prime ministerial bathroom, where curators have laid on the vanity toiletries and accoutrements belonging to the office’s last occupant: a box of contact lenses, a pair of black shoelaces, and a tube of hair dye.

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Comment (1)

  • At least Bob Hawke did not wear his school uniform in the holidays, like that political pygmy, John Howard.
    Posted by Robert Campbell
    01 April 2022

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