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'Damn the White Queen'

Stan Grant’s passionate new book
July 2023, no. 455

The Queen is Dead: The time has come for a reckoning by Stan Grant

Fourth Estate, $34.99 pb, 288 pp

'Damn the White Queen'

Stan Grant’s passionate new book
July 2023, no. 455

As I write this review, Stan Grant’s name is everywhere as the media and the public absorb his decision to step aside from compèring ABC Television’s Q&A after citing the cumulative wear and tear on him and his family of weeks of online racist abuse. Yet such is the pace of the twenty-four-hour news cycle that by the time this review appears, another episode in the seemingly never-ending racist diatribe against Australian First Nations peoples will have moved Grant off the front pages. The ‘trolls of the Twitter sewer’, as Grant calls them, will have found another target for their hatred and aggression.

Most First Nations people have long experience of the kind of cheap and nasty racism they espouse: muttered insults in the street; insults hurled from passing cars. The common or garden racists are part of the scenery of modern Australia and generally attract disdain rather than fear. Yet the possibility that empty threats might lead to deadly violence – witness the brutal and callous murders of Warren Braedon/Louis Johnson in 1992, and of Cassius Turvey in 2022, both teenagers from Perth – is a reminder that the streets of our cities and country towns are not safe places if you are young and black. Too many First Nations people have experienced overt racist violence to ignore its presence in White Australia.

The Queen is Dead: The time has come for a reckoning

The Queen is Dead: The time has come for a reckoning

by Stan Grant

Fourth Estate, $34.99 pb, 288 pp

Comment (1)

  • Grant's journey as an intellectual is a very public one. He seems to be at that point now at which the individual is frustrated by the gap between their expectations for humanity and the lived experience of how people perform. (For my part I find myself exploring and pondering why I grew up with such high expectations.) It's not that folk are inherently wicked, but that in the absence of any imperative (such as religious doctrine) to try harder they will inevitably be mediocre.
    Posted by Patrick Hockey
    29 June 2023

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