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Judith Beveridge

Judith Beveridge

Judith Beveridge won the 2015 Peter Porter Poetry Prize. Her latest poetry publications are Devadatta’s Poems and Hook and Eye, which was published by George Braziller for the US market. She currently teaches creative writing at the University of Sydney.

Judith Beveridge reviews 'Rain Towards Morning: Selected poems and drawings' by Robert Gray

September 2022, no. 446 27 August 2022
According to his author’s note, Rain Towards Morning is ‘a definitive book’ of the poems Robert Gray wishes to preserve. Nameless Earth (Carcanet, 2006) is the most generously represented of Gray’s previous eight books. This is followed by his mid-career volume Piano (1988) in which he first began to publish a range of poetry with tight rhyme schemes and controlled rhythms. More than a thi ... (read more)

'Rain', a poem by Judith Beveridge

March 2004, no. 259 01 March 2004
Grennan sucks in air along his gums and yellsagain to Davey who is filling the troughof the gunwhale with scrabbling crabs. Far offlightning slips down the sky like a forkfulof buttered sea-worms. The rain works fastcutting with decisive precision acrossthe sea. Grennan pulls in squid, then seversthe slimy cordage of the tentacles, throwsone at Davey who laughs; his voice hard, sharpas a scuttling ... (read more)

Judith Beveridge reviews 'Lost in the Foreground' by Stephen Edgar

May 2003, no. 251 01 May 2003
Stephen Edgar’s fifth volume, Lost in the Foreground, is a book of marvels, both technically and in the elegant, magisterial reach of its content. He is wonderfully inventive, and his complex rhyme schemes and forms are achieved with such precision and finesse that one can only conjecture as to how long each piece must have taken to become so lovingly and artfully realised. ... (read more)

'River', a poem by Judith Beveridge

November 2007, no. 296 01 November 2007
The mouth of a little fish had just sipped away a starfrom the river, and a lyrebird was opening the day,volunteering to be a bell. We were watching an egret prod at the nutrient dark, its beak one tine of a forkcatching what floats, just as the sun began crackingthe trees awake. The bird’s song reached us, then it sharded into the river’s cold glass. You thought youheard it again in the edd ... (read more)

'The Slaughter', a new poem by Judith Beveridge

December 2020, no. 427 25 November 2020
from Suddhodana’s Poems We bent the camels’ legs back at the kneesand bound them with rope, then we tethered themto a tree and left them in the scorching heat.The whole camp aromatic with onion, cardamom,tamarind, cumin – even the dusk seemed spreadwith the crimson marinade we’d mixed for the basting.We could almost taste the slender straps we’d soonlift from the bones, camel meat sweet ... (read more)
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