September 2012, no. 344

Full Contents
The Battle for the Arab Spring: Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the Making of a New Era by Lin Noueihed and Alex Warren & Libya: The Rise and Fall of Qaddafi by Alison Pargeter
Australian Symbolism by Denise Mimmocchi & Van Gogh to Kandinsky by Richard Thomson, Frances Fowle, and Rodolphe Rapetti
by Jane Clark
ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
Jolley Prize 2012 (Winner): 'Patterns in Nature' by Sue Hurley
by Sue Hurley
ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
Jolley Prize 2012 (Shortlist): 'Tended by Foxes' by Ngiare Elliot
ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize
Jolley Prize 2012 (Shortlist): 'Gorgeous Perambulator' by Jack Cox
by Jack Cox
The Walls of Delhi by Uday Prakash, translated by Jason Grunebaum
Australian History
A Wild History: Life and death on the Victoria River frontier by Darrell Lewis
by John Rickard
All Our Relations: 18th Biennale of Sydney 2012 by Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster
Left Turn: Political Essays for the New Left edited by Antony Lowenstein and Jeff Sparrow
by Ben Eltham
Whackademia: An Insider’s Account of the Troubled University by Richard Hil
by Suzie Gibson
Military History
Fighting to the Finish: The Australian Army and the Vietnam War 1968–1975 by Ashley Ekins, with Ian McNeill
Hide Your Fires: 2012 UTS Writers’ Anthology edited by Lauren Anderson et al.
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