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The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature edited by William H. Wilde, Joy Hooton, and Barry Andrews
Images In Opposition: Australian landscape painting 1801–1890 by Tim Bonyhady
Rupert Murdoch: A paper prince by George Munster
Aboriginal Writing Today edited by Jack Davis and Bob Hodge
The Whitlam Government 1972–1975 by E.G. Whitlam
Chris Wallace-Crabbe reviews 'Poems for an Exhibition' by R.H. Morrison, 'Outer Charting' by Hal Colebatch, and 'The Flower Industry' by Andrew Sant
The three books under review here promote no generalisation about the condition of poetry, the health of the beast, unless they call to mind the difference between poems which are interesting from line to line and those which somehow resonate as wholes. R.H. Morrison, the eldest of the three poets, is the one who most often produces whole poems, at least to my ear.
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