Melbourne University Press
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Recent reviews
China’s Grand Strategy and Australia’s Future in the New Global Order by Geoff Raby
Meanjin Quarterly: Volume 79, Issue 2 edited by Jonathan Green
Becoming John Curtin and James Scullin: The making of the modern Labor Party by Liam Byrne
This Is the ABC: The Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1932–1983 by Ken S. Inglis
Secret: The making of Australia’s security state by Brian Toohey
The Hilton Bombing: Evan Pederick and the Ananda Marga by Imre Salusinszky
Changing Fortunes: A history of the Australian treasury by Paul Tilley
Bank bashing is an old sport in Australia, older than Federation. In 1910, when Labor became the first party to form a majority government in the new Commonwealth Parliament, they took the Money Power – banks, insurers, financiers – as their arch nemesis. With memories of the 1890s crisis of banking collapses, great strikes, and class conflict still raw, the following year the Fisher government established the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ‘The People’s Bank’, as a state-owned trading bank offering cheap loans and government-guaranteed deposits to provide stiff competition to the greedy commercial banks gouging its customers.
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