Essay collections
Speaking Out of Turn: Lectures and speeches, 1940–1991 by Manning Clark
by Michael Cathcart •
Intellectuals and Publics: Essays on Cultural Theory and Practice edited by Paolo Bartolini, Karen Lynch, and Shane Kendal
by Michael McGirr •
Confessions of an S&M Virgin by Linda Jaivin
by John Birmingham •
Secrets by Drusilla Modjeska, Amanda Lohrey and Robert Dessaix
by Morag Fraser •
Whose Place?: A study of Sally Morgan’s My Place edited by Delys Bird and Dennis Haskell
by Bill Perrett •
Terri-Ann White reviews 'Trouble in Lotus Land' by Charmian Clift, 'The Devious Being' by Betty Roland, and 'Eat My Words' by Marion Halligan
by Terri-ann White •
The task of reading these three books together provided more than I was anticipating. Their perspectives of decades of Australian society and writing practices cover the past, the personal and the politics. The writers come from three different generations (born 1903, 1923, 1940), and represent particular writing intentions or schools, certainly different genres. The connecting thread, probably the only one, is that each of the books is written form such a particularised stance. Each is written in the first person, and flirts to varying degrees with the confessional mode. The tensions between restraint and letting it all hang out, what gets said and what comes out in the not-saying, interested me.
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