Non Fiction
Syria’s Secret Library: Reading and redemption in a town under siege by Mike Thomson
by Beejay Silcox •
The Enchantment of the Long-haired Rat: A rodent history of Australia by Tim Bonyhady
by Libby Robin •
Wind Turbine Syndrome: A communicated disease by Simon Chapman and Fiona Crichton
by James Dunk •
Project RAINFALL: The Secret History of Pine Gap by Tom Gilling
by Alison Broinowski •
A Future History of Water by Andrea Ballestero & Anthropogenic Rivers by Jerome Whitington
by Timothy Neale •
Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future by Kate Brown
by Sheila Fitzpatrick •
British Music Criticism and Intellectual Thought 1850–1950 edited by Jeremy Dibble and Julian Horton
by Peter Tregear •